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Just had my PIP stopped

spudgun Community member Posts: 25 Courageous
edited August 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Was on high rate care and std mobility after review I am on nothing.
I have multiple health issues
Diagnosis of Autism, PTSD, anxiety, dissociation, skeletal issues, arthritis, angina, hypertension, diabetes, some of the issues as a result of many years of serious documented abuse as a child. Previously I had a ASD support worker, but I have communication issues and can appear 'strange' to some people, this led to my being intimidated by neighbours to the point that I had to be rehoused a few years ago. I felt the ASD support worker was counter productive in this process and so I made a complaint to the service. After this they dropped me from their list. I also had support from a psychotherapist, psychologist and the adult mental health service psychiatrist and CPN's over the last 2 years all of these services have gone. My condition was recognised but due to the complex nature I was basically told there inputs had not achieved any results, so get in contact if you are in crisis. So I had a PIP review with no support and I know I did not do well. I also had no new medical evidence as I have been dropped by all the supports I once had. I was given a paper review with no need for a face to face or telephone interview due to my recognised inability to sustain verbal communication yet I get a total of 4 points for verbal communication and that is my total points for the whole thing. Last year I was in the CCU with heart condition, I trip and have falls usually without injury but in February I had a fall fracturing my wrist in 4 places. I find interacting with people terrible, I loose days all the time, regularly don't eat or care for myself, I am having a difficult time and loosing my PIP makes my life impossible. I live in a village here is a local shop but I do not use it. Shopping is a huge problem but I don't feel I can use the local shop as I would have a melt down or act in a way to draw more attention to me and after my previous experiences I do not want to risk something like that happening again. I am going to have to try and re-engage with services again, services I don't think actually do anything, I just want to  be left alone. It may seem odd, I don't have any social life or anything, I just want to live quietly. I don't have the energy for this and don't know how I can survive until this gets sorted. 


  • Cress
    Cress Community member Posts: 1,012 Pioneering
    You've dertainly got a lot to contend with.
    I think you're doing the right thing to engage with services again it can be frustrating but keep pushing through.

    Are you going to do an MR?
    I certainly would and get some help off welfare rights to get you through the MR and any possible appeals.
    And don't be put off if the MR doesn't achieve anything as there is a good success rate with appeals.
    Best wishes  :)
  • spudgun
    spudgun Community member Posts: 25 Courageous
    I have to do an MR, the decision is wrong, I just can't understand how they think lifelong conditions magically stop and I just don't know how long I can last with next to no money.
  • Anne_2021
    Anne_2021 Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    Hello @spudgun.
    I am very new with all this form filling and interviews, easements ect. When I filled in P I P forms and had my phone appointment. They totally ignored things I had said and was given 0 points for everything 
    I did a MR and was given points for not been able to deal with unknown surroundings. £23 a week. Never mind everything else 
    Dont give up. ?
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,740 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @spudgun How are you keeping today?

    I'm sorry to hear things have been difficult for you, to say the very least and I'd really encourage you to access the free welfare advice available via Advice Local to alleviate some of the worry you're feeling.

    I'm going to email you separately to just see if we at Scope can help with some of the other issues you describe so if you could keep an eye on your inbox and get back to me if/when you feel comfortable that would be appreciated.

    Take care and please ask away with any other questions you might have.
    Online Community Co-ordinator

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  • spudgun
    spudgun Community member Posts: 25 Courageous
    Just got word re the MR. From a total of 4 points and no award I have been given High rate care and std mobility. I am in tears with the relief, the last few months have been a nightmare, but it is over.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,507 Disability Gamechanger
    That's great news @spudgun :) Are you happy with the length of the award, too? 

    I hope you manage to take some time to relax tonight!
    National Campaigns Officer, she/her

    Sign our petition calling on politicians to stop demonising us
  • spudgun
    spudgun Community member Posts: 25 Courageous
    News came via community advice and I don't know  how long the award is for. At the moment I don't care, I have an overdraft, bills due and was in an awful state, they said the money will be in my account soon. From being unsure how I would get food next week I feel like I am saved.
  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 12,025 Disability Gamechanger
    Thats great news and proof that MR is worth doing well done.
    2024 The year of the general election...the time for change is coming 💡

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,144 Disability Gamechanger
    I'm very pleased for you @spudgun - thank you for letting us all know about your MR success. :)
  • effie678
    effie678 Community member Posts: 54 Courageous
    Oh well done, you sound so relieved. Enjoy your weekend ?
  • easy
    easy Scope Member Posts: 677 Pioneering
    Congratulations, well done you can start to relax now.
  • spudgun
    spudgun Community member Posts: 25 Courageous
    Thank you all.
  • spudgun
    spudgun Community member Posts: 25 Courageous
    Got the letter, the award is till May 2025.
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