Hi, my name is Simon and I am after some advice around terminology

WheelyGoodGuy Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi All,

I am a full time wheelchair user due to a spinal cord injury (T9/10 incomplete) along with some issues including Heart Issues (Have had 1 heart attack and 6 cardiac arrests).

I became disabled almost 5 years ago and I work for a holiday resort in Wales and am in charge of analytics and data. We are in the process of a digital transformation process whereby we are changing our systems, and one of the systems we are changing is the booking system for activities (many different activities on site from Archery to Shows to Spa Treatments) on site. We are keen to know about any disabilities in advance of the activity taking place to ensure that the person with the disability can take part safely and that we can provide the appropriate reasonable adjustments.

As such we will have a section on the website that guests will complete when booking the activity that guests will be able to tick.

I have spoken to an advisor at scope as well as some others and we have come up with the proposed list below.

I am keen to see how everyone feels about the list. Are there any obvious omissions ? Is the terminology okay or is it offensive to anyone ? (and if so what alternative would you suggest) 
Is a list appropriate or would a free text box be better.  Should the list be "in your face" so that everyone sees it and has the change to choose (or not) or should it be a second page if guests choose a I have accessibility requirements box. 

Neuro Diverse
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Mental Impairment
Learning Disabilities
Wheelchair User
Other mobility issues
Neuological Impairment
Other disability (not specified above)

There would be / could be a sentence asking guests to choose and to say that if their disability is not  on the list then please contact X email address.

(There would also be list of dietary requirements and allergies that guests may also have to fill in depending on whether food is part of the activity)

Thoughts ?
