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While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

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Won Pip Tribunal

shichon Community member Posts: 22 Connected
Hi guys I applied for pip because I have mobility and mental health problems. Pip did my assessment and offered standard mobility. As I went through the scoring I noted down what I felt my scores should have been and why to each one. I then contacted a charity on my descision form who helped me lodge an appeal first was the mandatory reconsideration but he advised to expect to go to tribunal. I originally applied 11 months ago. 1 aspect they originally declined me on was the fact I work. I explained to the tribunal yes I do work but my work places have made adaptations for me. I was on the call for about 1 hour at the end the judge asked if I wanted a call back with the outcome or if I was happy with it coming in the post. I requested a call back and about 20 minutes later they came back saying enhanced on both mobility and living I could have cried but was in shock. The tribunal was lovely and unlike the assessor for PIP I felt they actually listened to my answers and only asked questions to fully understand my illness. She did however say DWP can appeal the outcome. That has now made me panic although I did speak back with the charity today and theg said this would be extreamly unlikely as to do that they need to say the judge did not understand the law behind PIP. Now its a waiting game to get the back money. I'll update when it comes or any changes just so others can refer to this for timescales. I also wanted to give my opinion on the tribunal I was petrified but so glad I did it and the tribunal panel were 100% impartial 


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @shichon

    I'm so happy to hear that. After all that time, to be heard and to then get some good news! 

    Thank you for sharing it with us :) 
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • Ollyoyster
    Ollyoyster Community member Posts: 348 Pioneering
    Well done 😁😁😁😉 gives others hope thank you!  X
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,983 Disability Gamechanger
    edited November 2022
    Glad to hear @shichon was able to give others hope @Ollyoyster. How are you finding things at the moment? 

    Please note, I am really happy for you @shichon. Thanks for sharing your experiences with others.

    As @Ollyoyster has already shared, it really supports anyone who might be experiencing similar things  :)
    Community Volunteer Adviser with professional knowledge of education, special educational needs and disabilities and EHCP's. Pronouns: She/her. 

    Please note: if I use the online community outside of its hours of administration, I am doing so in a personal capacity only.
  • shichon
    shichon Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    shichon said:
    Hi guys I applied for pip because I have mobility and mental health problems. Pip did my assessment and offered standard mobility. As I went through the scoring I noted down what I felt my scores should have been and why to each one. I then contacted a charity on my descision form who helped me lodge an appeal first was the mandatory reconsideration but he advised to expect to go to tribunal. I originally applied 11 months ago. 1 aspect they originally declined me on was the fact I work. I explained to the tribunal yes I do work but my work places have made adaptations for me. I was on the call for about 1 hour at the end the judge asked if I wanted a call back with the outcome or if I was happy with it coming in the post. I requested a call back and about 20 minutes later they came back saying enhanced on both mobility and living I could have cried but was in shock. The tribunal was lovely and unlike the assessor for PIP I felt they actually listened to my answers and only asked questions to fully understand my illness. She did however say DWP can appeal the outcome. That has now made me panic although I did speak back with the charity today and theg said this would be extreamly unlikely as to do that they need to say the judge did not understand the law behind PIP. Now its a waiting game to get the back money. I'll update when it comes or any changes just so others can refer to this for timescales. I also wanted to give my opinion on the tribunal I was petrified but so glad I did it and the tribunal panel were 100% impartial 
    3 Days after tribunal I got a telephone calls, sounds like standard practice. They wanted to know if I had been in hospital, prison or carehome etc. Said no. Payment will come over next week and my new rates will come in to effect from my next standard PIP payment date. Absolutely over the moon. For years I've thought I would qualify but never applied because I thought the process was against us and I wasn't mentally well enough for a fight. Then after covid I was talking to someone from medical team who said I need to apply so I did and now this. It will help me so much because now I can pay for extra things to help me including a carer to take some pressure off my daughter whos taken on the role of carer since my mum passed away. All I can say is if you apply be prepared to go to tribunal from the start that way you will not be disappointed and at tribunal they really do want to hear you out. Its not trick questions they just want to make sure they know everything that effects you so you receive the right support. 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    This is wonderful news @shichon I'm so pleased for you :) thanks for sharing your update! 

    Well done for getting through this, I hope you can rest and relax now it's all sorted.
    Online Community Coordinator

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