Son screaming....lots! — Scope | Disability forum
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Son screaming....lots!

EmJam12 Community member Posts: 5 Connected
So my son is 6years old and has severe learning difficulties and autism, he is mostly non verbal and  also makes noises his very vocal in general. But for the last few weeks he has been screaming over and over in short high pitched bursts whatever he is doing he screams, sometimes he follows this by hitting his head with his hand but mostly it is just the noise. I have tried to observe and see what might be triggering this (he often repeats noises his heard) but cannot find the source. We have tried to ignore but its very loud, we have tried comfort and encouragment for him to show if he needs us but he doesnt indicate anything. He only stops when asleep or eating. If he is hitting himself we gently hold his arms but he gets louder and louder screams as if he has to hit. I was just hoping for some tips or advice on what to do, we are still learning lots on our journey with our son but this has really stumped us he is normally a happy bouncy smiley boy. 
Thank you for reading xx


  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,882 Disability Gamechanger
    Why is he screaming? It is important to find out the reason why. 
    It might be that he is screaming because of tooth pain. Tooth pain in nonverbal kids is not always easy to discover. When was the last time you took him to the dentist? 
  • EmJam12
    EmJam12 Community member Posts: 5 Connected
    Ok so a bit of background on that he is currently under a specialist dentist as he has PICA and has chomped on something (a stone we believe as if he sees one and has the chance its straight in his mouth) which has cracked his tooth he is on pain relief for this until his operation to remove the tooth. He is able to access them in emergency and has an upcoming appointment also. This was one of our first thourghts but when his toothache flares up he cries and holds his tooth. Also with the screaming only he doesnt seem in distress he will continue playing and bouncing etc only when he hits himself we feel maybe he is frustrated but as i said he mostly is doing his usual routine but screaming while he does so x
  • beckie80
    beckie80 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi , my son is 5 and has autism & adhd , this sounds so very similar to our home life , he has been making alot of new noises,  i think from sounds outside to off the tv or from school , that he's mimicked or thinks they sound like , my son often hits his head when frustrated and makes very high pitched screams repetitively, still all new and learning each day myself,  not much help I know(sorry ) but wanted to let you know your not alone and to say hi .
  • EmJam12
    EmJam12 Community member Posts: 5 Connected
    Its nice to know we arent alone! Ive asked people before about noises as my sons have changed over the years and noone has said they experience the same!  He used to mimic spongebob a lot or a doorbell noise etc this latest noise is very different, he doesnt do it at school either! Only home! Im hoping we get to the bottom of it soon :) xx 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,065 Scope online community team
    edited May 2019
    Hello @EmJam12 and welcome to the community! :)

    I'm going to tag our autism advisors @SparkleSheffieldAutismAdvisors who may be able to offer you some advice. 
    Community Manager
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,065 Scope online community team
    Hello again @EmJam12, how are you doing today?

    I'm also going to tag our parenting advisor @KellyParentAdvisor who may have some suggestions for you. 
    Community Manager
  • Beverley_Scope
    Beverley_Scope Scope Posts: 84 Pioneering
    Hi @EmJam12

    It can truly be hard when your child is constantly screaming but even more so if he is hurting himself by hitting himself at the same time. This could be for a number of reasons.  Have you tried referring him to an Occupational Therapist?  If he is continuing to play as he is doing this it may be a sensory issue?  He could be self-stimulating and receiving feedback from not only the sounds but the hitting of his head.  This is something that an occupational therapist could look into.

    I hope you manage to resolve this soon.
    Take care,
    Beverley Davies
    Parent Advisor
