Access to attractions- what’s the law ? — Scope | Disability forum
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Access to attractions- what’s the law ?

gladys Community member, Scope Member Posts: 53 Courageous
Dear All . I have a 6 year old with CP in a wheelchair and a 3 year old . On Sunday we always take a trip out of London . Yesterday we went to Stonor House and Park,  Bucks . However we couldn’t go into the house because it was completely inaccessible. 

Can anyone tell me where the law stands on this ? 

Ive written to complain . But often get the same old chestnut about not being able to destroy the fabric of an old building to make a building accessible. 

I’m tempted to start a SHAME LIST of visitor attractions in the UK that are completely inaccessible. ! Tower of London being the next one ! 

Any legal specialists out there ? 
Thanks, Emma 


  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,882 Disability Gamechanger
    edited July 2019
    Always do research. All UK towns have at least one lawyer firm. My local town has a law firm that specialises in law all aspects. Use Google to look up your nearest ones then call them tomorrow to ask. 
  • gladys
    gladys Community member, Scope Member Posts: 53 Courageous
    Thanks yes. That’s why I’m asking on scope . I’ve instructed enough solicitors already ! :-) 
  • atlas46
    atlas46 Community member Posts: 826 Pioneering
    Hi @gladys

    I had a look on Stonor House web page, it clearly states there is no wheel chair access to the house.

    You might struggle with any legal action, would image they would also claim some kind of dispensation, because of it’s Listed building status.

    There are a number of charities, that members of the disabled community, provide feedback on accessibility to venues.

    I am tagging @poppy123456 as she might be able to provide some links for you.

    Thanks in anticipation @poppy123456.

    Keep us informed.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,656 Disability Gamechanger
    What would you expect them to do to make it accessible out of interest?  I also like visiting historical buildings but often miss half the attraction due to poor accessibility.  I wouldn't expect them to alter hundreds of years old buildings to compensate for a small minority of it's visitors though.  If it's just the main front steps that are stopping you at this particular house then a removable ramp might be a solution, but once inside you might find the doorways are thinner than a modern wheel chair, and of course won't be able to view the upstairs section if that's open.  I don't see what could realistically be done for either of those.

    However I believe it should be clearly written on the website whether these things are fully accessible or partially accessible and stating what the restrictions may be, which currently they often aren't.
  • gladys
    gladys Community member, Scope Member Posts: 53 Courageous
    Atlas 46 that would be great . Thanks so much ! However I have no intention of bringing a legal action . I was just wondering what the law was ! Think a misunderstanding following April2018 ‘s post 
  • gladys
    gladys Community member, Scope Member Posts: 53 Courageous
    Overly Anxious - ‘where there’s a will there’s a way ‘ ! And where there’s a legal requirement there’s even more of a way ! 
    My child is 6 , so we’d definitely fit through the doorways !. 
    Ive been to enough old buildings that are fully accessible. Where proprietors have thought their way round the issue . It’s just a matter of the will to do it , and the will is always helped by both ‘carrot and stick ‘ of government legislation. Happy visiting ! ?
  • atlas46
    atlas46 Community member Posts: 826 Pioneering
    Hi @gladys

    I am not a lawyer.

    But a friend of mine, use to have a 17th century pub, by law he should have had disabled toilets and wheelchair access.

    But there is an exemption if the costs are prohibitive and the brewery would not contribute.

    I should add that Stonor House, have no such financial excuse, for not creating wheelchair access.

    Each council does have some funding to create public access for the disabled.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @gladys, I'm really sorry to hear this! I imagine this was really frustrating! Using websites like Euan's Guide or AccessAble will allow you to see what the accessibility is like :)
