My Covid vaccine — Scope | Disability forum
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My Covid vaccine

Seanchai Community member Posts: 411 Pioneering
edited February 2021 in Coffee lounge
I have a few friends who have had the vaccine , one person felt sick , one person had a sore head for a day .....I had my vaccine yesterday , it was a bit of a nightmare ...not the  vaccine itself  , that went fine . I am very deaf and have no hearing in my right ear ( all I hear in that ear is a jet engine just before take off ) but walking into a place where everyone is wearing masks ( I never realised just how much I relied on my lip reading skills ) ...I did not hear a word anyone was saying , thank God my wife was with me . From the person on the door to the sign in desk to the person sending us along to the correct cubicle for the injection,  to the person who gave me the injection .....I feel I must say at this point that everyone was so nice and understanding ....but it was a nightmare scenario for me I,m afraid . I never awoke this morning with a headache, no feeling sick either....but my tinnitus in my left ear is raging ( I seldom get tinnitus in my left ear but from the moment I awakened I knew my hearing had gone completely ) I,m not saying the vaccine caused it but maybe it was the stress and anxiety from yesterday that brought it on . I just pray that it will settle down and I get back a wee bit hearing in my left ear ( I hear nothing in my right ear bar tinnitus and very much rely on my left ear to hear anything ( at the best of times I only have 20% hearing in my left ear ?. 
Please do not let my story put you off getting the vaccine ...It was a bit of a nightmare for me ....although I would do it all again just to get the vaccine. ??


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,065 Scope online community team
    Thanks for sharing your experience @Seanchai. I've read a lot of similar stories where accessing the vaccine and the way the sites are being handled have caused a lot of stress.

    How are you feeling today? Is your tinnitus any better? 
    Community Manager
