Degenerative disc problems any advice? — Scope | Disability forum
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Degenerative disc problems any advice?

Nostariel Community member Posts: 4 Listener
I have just been diagnosed with degenerative disc problems in my lower back.   I tried searching on the website but found there are 80,000 sites far too many to read.   I wondered where I could find some basic advice or people who have tried and tested pain regimes and who would recommend vitamins/minerals that help and any definite foods to avoid.   Thanking you for any advice you can give.


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,125 Disability Gamechanger
    edited September 2021
    Hello @Nostariel - Welcome to the community & thank you for joining. As a former physio I would recommend trying the exercises in the following video. Please see:
    As with any exercise, if this increases your pain, stop. Start off doing a few exercises, doing them a few times a day.
    As far as I'm aware, there would be no foods to avoid, rather eat a sensible diet (avoiding processed foods, which aren't good for you anyway), & try not to gain any excess weight, which wouldn't be beneficial. There's some guidance here:
    Your GP should be able to advise about any vitamins, etc., but these should be found in a normal healthy diet.
  • Nostariel
    Nostariel Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thank you so much for the exercise video.

    Has anyone tried any of the following successfully?

    Myofascial Release
    Kynetic Chain Release.
  • Nostariel
    Nostariel Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    --Thanks Mike do you have a pain regime that you follow and do you use any vitamin/supplements?

    This is a new one on me - a float tank - anyone tried this and benefitted.   Also a hyperbaric chamber?   I am not clutching at straws but very interested in opinions of anyone who has tried these options.
  • Nostariel
    Nostariel Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thats extremely helpful thanks.

    I was extremely interested in an article I read on hyperbaric oxygen treatments and have a hyperbaric centre close to where I live - any comments from anyone?
    Degenerative Disc Disease is marked by chronic inflammation and constant oxidative stress. Hyperbaric oxygen dramatically lowers inflammation and decreases oxidative stress as it grows new blood vessels throughout the body, providing a new infrastructure of oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to reach inflamed tissue.
