Hi, my name is charl202! Is there a way of getting someone with autism their own flat with 24/7 care — Scope | Disability forum
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Hi, my name is charl202! Is there a way of getting someone with autism their own flat with 24/7 care

charl202 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited January 2022 in Autism and neurodiversity
Hey everyone, I have a concern and also looking for some advice please. I used to suppport a lady with Autism and other needs in residential care and really enjoyed supporting her and giving her a better quality of life. I helped her with going to clubs that she requested to go to ie football she even won medals and awards , she never got chance to do this at her other place she gained so much confidence and appeared so much happier within herself,After a couple of years the management broke down and got rid of care staff left right and centre they kept bringing in new staff and new management obviously this wasn’t good for the residents living there because they need routine. I haven’t been there in 2 years but i’m in contact with her mum and her mum is worried about the welfare and safe guarding of her. I was thinking what to do to help the family and if its possible if there is a way of getting her own flat with 24/7 care. I feel like she would be able to thrive better with more independence as shes gone back to being isolated now and apparently hates living there and it breaks my heart. I feel if she had her own flat with the right care staff with her 24/7 that she trusts she’d be so much happier 


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,496 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @charl202 :) Sorry that we missed your post yesterday. Thank you for joining the community!

    I can imagine that both you and her mum would be worried about her welfare. Has the family spoken to her local council about other options in her area? You can read about different kinds of options on the gov.uk website.

    I'm also wondering whether anyone has tried speaking to the current residential home about the kind of support she might be missing out on, or made a complaint if necessary? This would be especially important if anyone has concerns about her welfare or safety.

    Do you know if she has a social worker? 
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