ASD disability status — Scope | Disability forum
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ASD disability status

deanm1989 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi guys, I sent this to an MP yesterday to try and get change for ASD people to have their disability recognised.  It said:

Hi, you're not my local MP.  However, I'm contacting you as you are the chair of APPG on autism.  I would to suggest a change to equality act 2010 in terms of conditions that automatically qualify as a disability.  I believe ASD should be included in this list (where it has been diagnosed under DSM 5).

I'm currently in the process of ongoing employment tribunal proceedings against my previous employer.  They have not conceeded my disability.  They don't feel that I'm impacted significantly on daily activities to meet the threshold of the legal definition.  My argument is that I do by default.  Here's why.  

In my ASD diagnostic report, it says:

"The concerns identified show features consistent with an autism spectrum disorder and show evidence of significantly impacting Dean's everyday functioning. This is consistent with criterion D of DSM 5."

In order for a diagnosis to be made, it has to fit the diagnostic criteria.  It has done and as was said, it fits criterion D of DSM 5. Section D is particularly important as it says:

"Do the symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning?"   

The clinical psychologist ruled that it has significant impact, therefore it meets the substantial part of the legal definition of disability.  The other two elements are covered, it's a mental impairment and it is long term as ASD is life long.  In fact anyone with a diagnosis of ASD under DSM 5 automatically meets the legal definition of disability criteria.  Do you agree with this and if so, would you aid me in having it be considered in parliament as a change to equality act 2010 for ASD to be added to the list of conditions that are automatically given disability status.  Many thanks.  

What do you think on this matter?


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,652 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @deanm1989

    Wishing you a warm welcome to the community, it's lovely to see you join us and I appreciate you letting us know about what you're up to.

    I hope that your MP gets back to you soon and can support you with your request. Keep us updated about it!
    Online Community Coordinator

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