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Does anyone have any experience of long term sick meeting (from employer)?

ooo1 Scope Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited April 2022 in Work and employment
hi, has anyone have any experience of long term sick meeting (from employer pls), thank you very much please, 


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    I have had lots 9f experience of conducting these meetings as a hr manager for 30 plus years 

    Is there anything specific you want to ask 
  • Pennsville63
    Pennsville63 Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    Hi There, 
    A few weeks ago I posted re my situation, medical retirement, medical dismissal etc and benefits.
     Well, today I had a 'formal' welfare meeting with my boss who gave me 2 options, either return to work or my contract will be terminated.
       I emailed him last week to ask if he could look into those very subjects.
    As I've said before, the work environment is toxic, argumentative and poor, needless to say, I don't really want to return to the stress as I suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, anger issues etc.
    Although my medication means I'm now stable, I will struggle at work. I also have arthritis and early fibromyalga.
    There are no reasonable adjustments that can be done as its a security role which needs continuity and involves 12 hour shifts and a huge amount of standing.
    So, my question is, if they dismiss me due to long term sickness, what would the severance pay be?
    As in, would I get a notice period, outstanding holiday etc.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi there 

    You will be entitled to any accrued holiday pay and statutory notice or your contractual notice whichever is greater 

    Some companies pay severance compensation payment for medical dismissal but this isn't a statutory requirement so depends on your company policy 
  • Pennsville63
    Pennsville63 Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    Thank you, that's good to know.
    I really don't know what to do, I said I'd email the boss when I'd thought about the options.
    I have an assessment call tomorrow for mental health talk therapy ( again) so my treatment is still ongoing.
    Will this make a difference to the dismissal outcome.
    I really do appreciate your advice.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    I doubt it will make a difference to the outcome all the employer will be looking for is definate date of return to work and if this isn't likely to be in the near future they will no doubt dismiss 

    Make sure the dismissal is on medical grounds or due to capability due to ill health as this could affect entitlement to future benefits 
  • Pennsville63
    Pennsville63 Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    Ok. Thank you so much for the brilliant advice, I'll post the outcome when it happens.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Your welcome 

    Yes do let me know what happens 
  • Pennsville63
    Pennsville63 Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    Hi there, I am so sorry, forgot about letting you know what happened with work.
    I can report that NOTHING has happened since I last posted.
    I will try to update you without droning on.
    Asked if I could be dismissed due to medical/ capability reasons and was told it would be looked into. 
    Not heard anything and the boss I was dealing with has now left.
    My SSP stopped without anyone advising me.
    I have not had a payslip since 17th March, which I think was when the SSP stopped and despite asking via email what is going on the  reply was ' I'll look into it'. Still waiting.
    I was also asked if I had been to my appointment at OH yet?
    'What appointment' I asked????????
    I asked if I had any holiday left just before the end of March which I thought was 4 days. Yes, it was 4 days, but because the holiday year has changed again ( was Jan to Dec, now April to March ) 5 days were added for the inconvenience caused by the change. I wasn't  told about that either.
    So, I have 9 days holiday.
    I have gone back into therapy, I have nightmares every night, I find life quite difficult and I shouldn't have to keep chasing work about every little thing.
    Anyway, this is making me angry so I have to stop writing.
    Any advice on what to do next would be brilliant.
    One last question, even though I'm not earning or getting any 'pay' from work, should I still get a wage slip????
    Thank you.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi there Sorry to hear you haven't really had any progress 

    When ssp ends you should be sent a ssp1 form from your employer you will need this if you apply for new style esa which you may be able to do now if you are eligible 

    Yes you should still get a 0ayspip 
  • Kennym2022
    Kennym2022 Community member Posts: 32 Listener
    I have been off work since December and have had several zoom meetings regarding my time off I have been there sixteen years and over last five years have missed about 15 months. My work is very understanding and occupational health are involved I tried resigning last week and they refused and are wanting my GP records and they said rather than resign they can terminate my Contract on I'll health grounds and I can then receive payment in lieu etc. Think the best way to go about it is by being amicable and work with them. Also your work has to be very careful as your illness can fall under the disibility act so sacking you has to be done as a last resort has your work tried to adapt to help you regarding your condition if not you could take them to court for unfair dismissal.  The other thing is I have been a family friend of the owner of my company for thirty years so I'm pretty sure I have been given a bit more leeway than some. 
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