Poem called Rise — Scope | Disability forum
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Poem called Rise

Globster Community member, Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,385 Disability Gamechanger
edited August 2022 in Coffee lounge

Poem called Rise

Our unconscious minds awaken 

A desire to never let the flame go out inside our hearts

 We face tests each day.

We don’t let our disabilities get in the way of chasing our dreams.

We are roar with so much strength to go to any length to achieve our dreams.

With the screams of approval for ourselves, we finally achieve that ambition with had on our lists of things we have wanted to succeed at.

The might days when brought to our knees.

But we don't need people feeling sorry us.

We develop our chosen creative each day

As lay them fears to rest that had been holding back for so long.

We have found new inner confidence to believe no goal is too small for us to believe we can achieve wonderful things in our lives.

Each day we strive to bring a positive change for all those people with disabilities.

No way said easy but it is important we all come together as one to get our voices heard by the politicians who sit in the chambers of the houses of parliament.

We are like beautiful beauty butterflies who let our true personalities come to the front. 

The time is over when standing in others' shadows

It we made our way in life through the use of our talents to shine through like the sunshine which defines what glorious people we are.

We are sparkle stars that never let the sparkle go out of us.

We big push and hard work greatness can be ours.

I am a Community Volunteer Host. Please note: if I use the online community outside of its hours of administration, I am doing so in a personal capacity only.

