Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

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The World Cup 2022

woodbine Community member Posts: 11,853 Disability Gamechanger
Whilst I enjoy watching my national team (England) play and do well in international competitions e.g the Euros or World Cup, I will refuse to watch them play in the coming World Cup being staged in Qatar. This is a country with an appalling human rights record ,where same sex relationships are banned by law. 

If I'm honest I am appalled that we even considered entering this farce, and even if we should reach the finals I shall not watch it.

From what I am reading I won't be the only football fan with this attitude, and I do hope that scope doesn't even consider running some sort of competition to do with this competition, where not all men are treated as equals.(or women).

rant over  >:)
2024 The year of the general election...the time for change is coming 💡


  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 11,853 Disability Gamechanger
    I'd be interested to know what other members think about this. ?
    2024 The year of the general election...the time for change is coming 💡

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    edited November 2022
    Everything is always about money. I'm just disappointed at the whole world lately :D everything is pretty bleak everywhere and them having the world cup is seems like more evidence of the corrupt careless world.

    I will probably still watch England matches as it's not the athletes' fault but I suppose at the same time they could all have refused to go.

    Is there some sort of penalty that Fifa would impose if a country or team of players refused to take part?
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,696 Disability Gamechanger
    I'm torn with this, it's something I've thought about a lot lately as I got back into football during the Euro's and the World Cup should be a good event.

    I'm really not a fan of Qatar's laws...but when that's driven by a religion they truly believe in, how can we tell them that's 'wrong'?  The Christian religion in this country was driving similar laws just a few years ago...and it's legacy is still doing the same in other countries.

    I don't believe the World Cup should have been hosted in Qatar, but now that it is, I probably will still watch.  The footballers didn't choose the location after all.  
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,387 Disability Gamechanger

    I think we are in agreement...

    I don't agree with the laws of Qatar but I don't think it's for one country to tell another country how it should run itself.

    As long as the population choose to live there and is free to leave the country if they wish (e.g. unlike North Korea) then it's up to people to "vote with their feet" e.g. if the country was truly horrible everyone would leave.

    Maybe the people of Qatar think it's disgusting that over here in the West, people can commit crimes and get away with just a slap on the wrist.
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    66Mustang said:
    As long as the population choose to live there and is free to leave the country if they wish (e.g. unlike North Korea) then it's up to people to "vote with their feet" e.g. if the country was truly horrible everyone would leave.

    Maybe the people of Qatar think it's disgusting that over here in the West, people can commit crimes and get away with just a slap on the wrist.
    Unless they are women, in which case they need permission from their "male guardian" to leave, even just for travel :( 

    I do see what you and @OverlyAnxious are saying though and through the lens of another country or religion or belief, every country could be found to be disgusting. 

  • life
    life Community member Posts: 527 Pioneering
    I try not to mix politics and sports not a good combination. So many countries over the years have been awarded euros, world cups, Olympics etc. With horrendous human rights violations.

     Money plays a big part in who gets what. Qatar WC 22 proves this. Such a small country getting to host.

    They had to change the world cup from  June/July ( which it always has been ) to November/ December. Who would allow this unless filling their pockets in the process. Should have nipped this in the bud. 

    I'll be watching the world cup as I always have. 

    I liked this though
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