Moving from America to UK — Scope | Disability forum
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Moving from America to UK

ella1992 Community member Posts: 173 Courageous
Hi I'm looking for advice for my sister she traveled to America and had 2 children over there her and her partner aren't working I'm wondering any advice what my sister can do as she's worried she may have to leave her children there when she comes back to UK also she has no money at all so she's living off him he gets money for the children I believe she also only 23 I am worried for her as she has 5 years to renew her passport runs out Amy advice would be great full as she has no money to seek advice so am trying to help her as I think she wants come back with her children not without them but she had them in America 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @ella1992 and thanks for your post this morning :)

    Just so that I understand fully I'll need to ask a few questions:

    How are things between your sister and her partner? Is the relationship the reason she wants to come back to the UK with the children? 

    Do your sister or her children have any health conditions or disabilities which would need to be taken into account before they move?

    I wonder if you can contact Citizens Advice for help, your sister may need to check if the children have, or can apply for British Citizenship as well, Citizens Advice has guidance on what to do if that's helpful.

    In terms of financial help, I'm unsure about the process around moving from the US to the UK, but once in the UK, it would be worth staying in touch with Citizens Advice, or searching on AdviceLocal, as well as Turn2Us, which has a benefits calculator

    If we've missed anything, or you feel we can help further, please do let us know.

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  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    You need to get specialist immigration advise (which is regulated). It isn't appropriate to provide advice on such matters via a forum.

    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
