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Replacement Knee post op 11 weeks

Alimore63 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hello everyone, my first post. 
Could anyone advise how they were at 11 weeks post op. I know we are all different but I never know if I am doing too much or too little. 
I am walking about 7000 steps a day and doing about 15-20 minutes dance to exercise 5/6 times a week now. I do about 10 minutes on my exercise bike twice a day too. I’m having to push myself with the exercise because I don’t enjoy it. I’ve put on about 5lbs since my op and Christmas. 
My knee is still swollen and stiff in the mornings but there is no arthritis pain. 
I don’t need painkillers very much, just very occasionally. 
I’ve been signed off at physio and my consultant was pleased with me at 6 weeks and said op had gone well. 
I think I’m looking for some reassurance I’m doing ok and what I could do better at or stop doing. 
Thank you 😊 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    edited February 2023
    Hello there @Alimore63 and welcome to the community, thanks for your post. I'm glad to hear things have been progressing well since your knee operation. To help our members share their thoughts I'm moving your post over into our Physical impairments category, so it's easier for anyone with a similar experience to find it.

    I don't personally have experience of a knee operation/recovery myself, but I must say it sounds like you're doing a great job of staying active and sticking with the exercise too.

    If you're concerned about whether you're doing too much or too little, I'd say it's always advisable to check in with your consultant or GP, if you can't contact your physiotherapist. 

    One thing that might help is to reflect on how you are feeling in yourself, and what is comfortable for you. I know that doesn't exactly answer your question, but I hope it helps a little!

    Let us know if we've missed anything, or can help with anything else in the meantime :)
    Online Community Coordinator

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  • ShirleyW
    ShirleyW Community member Posts: 355 Pioneering
    edited February 2023
    Alimore63 said:
    Hello everyone, my first post. 
    Could anyone advise how they were at 11 weeks post op. I know we are all different but I never know if I am doing too much or too little. 
    I am walking about 7000 steps a day and doing about 15-20 minutes dance to exercise 5/6 times a week now. I do about 10 minutes on my exercise bike twice a day too. I’m having to push myself with the exercise because I don’t enjoy it. I’ve put on about 5lbs since my op and Christmas. 
    My knee is still swollen and stiff in the mornings but there is no arthritis pain. 
    I don’t need painkillers very much, just very occasionally. 
    I’ve been signed off at physio and my consultant was pleased with me at 6 weeks and said op had gone well. 
    I think I’m looking for some reassurance I’m doing ok and what I could do better at or stop doing. 
    Thank you 😊 
    I had a Total Knee Replacement but it was 8 years ago.

    I can't really remember what stage I was at when I hit 11 weeks post operative but I do know that the 1st 6 weeks were really horrible.  The pain and being sick all the time from painkillers etc.  I didn't put on weight, I lost it but I had no appetite and when I did eat I was often sick afterwards.

    I never counted steps but 7000 steps is about 1.5 miles and sounds about right to me as long as it's spread out over the day, not in one go.  

    I used to do all my physio exercises right up to about 6 months after the op but I never did any dance to exercise.  I was back doing yoga by about 6 weeks but only gentle to start with.  I used to use an exercise bike as well once the staples came out.

    I seem to remember that my knee got stiff at times, especially if I'd been in bed or sat still for some time.  If it's swollen as well you could try icing it.  It's possible the stiffness is caused by scar tissue which can be helped by massaging it 2 or 3 times a day.  Get yourself a nice smelling oil to use.

    I think it takes some time for the swelling to go and mine never has completely.  The knee with the replacement always looks bigger than the other knee but as my husband says "well it's got a big chunk of metal in it, what do you expect?"   :D

    I do remember that it was probably about 6 months to a year before I felt the full benefit of it.  Although it's a big major operation and causes a lot of pain I can honestly say that it's one of the best things I've ever done healthwise.

    8 years on the knee still gets stiff and a little painful at times, mainly if I've been stood still or inactive for a while.  Sometimes looks more swollen than at other times.  I still massage it often and use voltarol gel on it occasionally but the horrible bone on bone arthritis pain completely went after the surgery.

    I've now been listed for surgery on my other knee ...  I just need to convince myself that it's also going to be a good thing ....
  • blondie2024
    blondie2024 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hello there @Alimore63 and welcome to the community, thanks for your post. I'm glad to hear things have been progressing well since your knee operation. To help our members share their thoughts I'm moving your post over into our Physical impairments category, so it's easier for anyone with a similar experience to find it.

    I don't personally have experience of a knee operation/recovery myself, but I must say it sounds like you're doing a great job of staying active and sticking with the exercise too.

    If you're concerned about whether you're doing too much or too little, I'd say it's always advisable to check in with your consultant or GP, if you can't contact your physiotherapist. 

    One thing that might help is to reflect on how you are feeling in yourself, and what is comfortable for you. I know that doesn't exactly answer your question, but I hope it helps a little!

    Let us know if we've missed anything, or can help with anything else in the meantime :)

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 7,789 Disability Gamechanger

    Hi I think you’re doing amazing, keep it up.
    It’s a major operation and is very painful for a good couple of months.

    I had my first knee replacement in June 22 and it took me a good 6 weeks to feel confident to be out and about, but I still had a lot off pain from the other knee as I was on the list for that to be done also.

    I got my my other knee surgery 2 weeks ago, and I think I’ve done to much to soon, I’ve ended up with an infection in my lower leg, And I’ve just been feeling really sore.
    But I know once I’ve healed it will all have been worth it.

    Hi I just wanted to say it’ll definitely be worth getting your second knee done, I hope you’re not waiting too long. 

    Take care 😊

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 4,947 Scope online community team
    naughty @Lou67, we all told you to rest up properly!  I hope the infection goes away soon, so you can continue being the bionic woman. :) 
    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

    Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us.
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    Opinions expressed are solely my own.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 7,789 Disability Gamechanger
    edited February 11

    The infection looks like it’s just about away. Oh your right I definitely done to much to soon.

    I could be Steve Austin’s wife we can rebuild you.
    The 6 billion dollar woman 😂
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