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Donald Trump

solarcell Scope Member Posts: 4 Listener
I find this person to be one of the worst ever leaders in a civilised world. He has the financial ability to get away with more or less anything is seems. It shows all that is wrong with America, in my eyes. It shows that regardless of political faith, money and power are in charge. At least , until this man is held to account.  It appears his days are numbered now however he is trying to call the masses back to the streets like some Chicago meat packing boss in the 1960s. Most of all , it shows how money has such an evil power at times. In reading about the rises in benefits this month, I can only say thank you to the system we have here in the UK. I'm sure most people would feel the same. Ive been a member of this group for many months now and this is my first notes to be read. I felt unease at first, I was not shy, but I felt unable to talk however, over time with some encouragement from scope here we go.  I do apologise if my writings are against the rules, i just wanted to bring a different topic to the table. I have been suffering from several problems over the last few years , the first step on the road to recovery I feel is trust, when I see Trump , I just cant understand how others trust him.. Is anyone else in agreement trump has some strange ways and is not to be trusted. Thank you group.  


  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,664 Pioneering
    edited April 2023
    Hi Solarcell

    Welcome to Scope online.

    Congrats on posting (if Admin don't like posts, they remove them).

    Trump has a simple formula, what he says doesn't have to be true, he can bend a lie into the truth, if you say it enough times to the right people, American voters are 'fickle' , they will vote for the 'sound bite', Trump really doesn't say much, it's the way he says it.

    How many people use Scotch tape to pin back a tie?  :)     
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,653 Disability Gamechanger
    I think Trump DOES believe what he says.  Genuinely believes that he's not in the wrong or making up lies.  I've come across people like that in various situations, there are plenty of them about. 

    The real concern here is that someone like that convinced enough voters to become president of the USA!  
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,698 Disability Gamechanger
    Great topic @solarcell, I could talk about Trump all day. I think what worries me most though is that so many people seem to follow him and think what he does and says is right. That's pretty scary
  • life
    life Community member Posts: 527 Pioneering
    That guy Andrew Tate reminds me of trump. How people look up to them I'll never know 

    I try to ignore these types of people.
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,664 Pioneering
    I actually blame ad's in the US for their 'fickle' understanding of politics. 

    They have news broadcasts, but have so many breaks, that the news can so easily be manipulated.
  • Adeline
    Adeline Community member Posts: 141 Pioneering
    rebel11 said:
    I actually blame ad's in the US for their 'fickle' understanding of politics. 

    They have news broadcasts, but have so many breaks, that the news can so easily be manipulated.
    Sadly the UK is in a very similar position. 
    Our media is completely silent on many topics.
  • solarcell
    solarcell Scope Member Posts: 4 Listener
    hello all. thank you for the input. When great leaders from around the world past and present are remembered , we recall the good deeds done. the achievements, the lasting benefit.. There are those that have died fighting to get people aware of a wrong doing, the Chinese doctor who warned about the corona virus in Wuhan,  Dr Li Wenliang. The English doctor who died, Doctor David Kelly, he was a weapons expert  who told us there was no weapon of mass destruction in sadams arsenal. the musicians who played music and stayed calm as the titanic sank.. the list is endless, and these were just ordinary people.. the powerful and those  born into wealth must do better, I just cant think of any one thing trump has done that benefits society.. Is it a failing in the education system that allows this to happen?
  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 568 Pioneering
    @solarcell We have our own Trump, Boris Johnson. Here is a link:
  • solarcell
    solarcell Scope Member Posts: 4 Listener
    yes whilst im not a fan of B.Stri, her songs  words are a true reflection and it seems others at least think the same way.. I hope the hangmans noose is at least swinging in front of trumps eyes..  trump has caused global problems, people around the world have and will suffer, our borris has only caused minor problems and has had to leave the employment he once thrived upon. The tit for tat politics can best be seen in  in Gaza refugee camps.. 
