Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

They keep refusing me

Skyhope77 Community member Posts: 9 Listener
Hi. I've made the call I've filled in government intitiled all say same I should be on ESA year ago I was put on universal credit contribution I was on esa for years but I thought universal credit would be OK Wrong my gp lied about my health yes she lied also I only found out when I moved universal credit that esa wasn't paying my inhance premium payments since 2017 to date esa said when I had carer because they where not getting pip that's why wasn't paid I only had carer for 3mths not 5 yrs last time I rang them they said yes you should have been getting paid but what do u want me to do I'm sick tied off being verbally abused at I can't take much more I'm struggling with my health because they won't treat my conditions because they want me suffer well I'm suffering the falls my memory speech chrons colitis desies mental health I'm not allowed any services none I need OTHER AIDS FOR HOUSE THE DOCTOR TELLS mE TO RING OT THEY TELL me RING DOCTOR IM WAKEING UP SCREAMING BECAUSE MY LEGS THEY DONE NOTHING IM NIT ALLOWED TO GET AMBULANCE TO APPIOMENTS MAKE YOUR OWN WAY THATS WHY IM TREATED I CANT TAKE MUCH MoRE IM NOT ALLOWED CPN I WAS ON PIP INDEFINITE COUPLE WEEKS AGO THEY SENT ME ASSESSMENT PAPER I KNOW THEY WANNA TAKE MONEY OFF ME THEY WONT GET ME SURGEON OR ILL DIE VERY SOON THEY WONT PUT ME ON OXYGEN MY HEALTHS NOTHING TO PLAY AROUND WITH I WISH HELL I DIDNT HAVE SO MUCH WRONG WITH ME MY ARTHRITIS OSTEOARTHRITIS GETTING WORSE MY EYESIGHT getting worse Angena I've had several attacks  I was red flaged because I might have cancer I cont  get hospital on my own I've asked for help before here not sure what happened my they go on about mental health yet there making mine 100times Worse


  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,983 Disability Gamechanger
    You have been really brave in reaching out to us @Skyhope77. It sounds like you are going through a really difficult time at the moment and deserve to be treated better.

    What does the ideal support look like for you at the moment? Other than having your needs validated and met, of course. 

    Sending you hugs and extending a listening ear  <3
    Community Volunteer Adviser with professional knowledge of education, special educational needs and disabilities and EHCP's. Pronouns: She/her. 

    Please note: if I use the online community outside of its hours of administration, I am doing so in a personal capacity only.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi there @Skyhope77 and thanks for reaching out, I'm sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment, especially with falls, as well as your mental health. Do you have a GP or Occupational Therapist you can speak to about everything? 

    Your GP and other medical specialists are the best people to talk to when it comes to care and support for your health, as well as pain management. 

    Are you living with anyone who is able to help support you with travelling to/from the hospital?

    Do you know about the Healthcare Costs Travel Scheme? You may be able to claim a refund if you need to travel to hospital for a referred appointment. 

    Have you had a needs assessment with your local authority at all?

    For support with your mental health, you can call or email Samaritans on 116 123 or, or you can visit Mind for guidance on self care and mental wellbeing.

    Let us know if we can support you further, and we'll do what we can to help.
    Online Community Coordinator

    Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us.

    Want to give us feedback? Complete our feedback form now.
  • Skyhope77
    Skyhope77 Community member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thankyou so much .I've reached out but nothing changes i need help with benefits?? I have  struggled hernia appsesses gol stones cists inside my stomach I had this 2014 which I lost all strength muscle 6 operation because 1 hernia they left tiny one inside me now it's big i had complications they with last operation you would think they would have kept close care but no I'd five clots stuck to me when they open me up I'm so defeated exhausted days I can't hold my head up I've sever pain I'm my pelvis it's so bad pain why would anyone wanna live like this because belive me this is herendis. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Skyhope77

    If you need help with benefits, Scope's Helpline are there to help :) 

    With your health, if you are unhappy with how your treatment is going, I would reach out to PALS to look at options. They will be able to guide you.
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

    Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us.
    Want to give us feedback? Complete our feedback form now.

Do you need advice on your energy costs?

Scope’s Disability Energy Support service is open to any disabled household in England or Wales in which one or more disabled people live. You can get free advice from an expert adviser on managing energy debt, switching tariffs, contacting your supplier and more. Find out more information by visiting our
Disability Energy Support webpage.
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