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Ear ache

Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
edited September 2023 in Coffee lounge
[[Mods I'm not asking for medical advice just experience and I know I should speak to a doctor and not try anything people recommend as their own way of dealing yada yada <3<3 xoxo ]]

But that aside, what do people do when they've a crazy ear ache and it won't go away??? I can cope with quite serious pain but constant aches like this are my downfall. 

Any home remedies that you use? (Again not asking for medical advice, just curious what others use or do. :D  <3 )


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,693 Disability Gamechanger
    If it's an infection it'll probably need treatment...  I put up with earache and deafness in one ear for about 12 months a few years ago as I had no way to access treatment for it. 

    I think that's what exacerbated my vertigo and balance issues ever since.  :(
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 53,271 Disability Gamechanger
    If its been there for awhile might need biotics. I did once when the pain wouldn't go away and it really did hurt.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    Oh @Biblioklept Feel better soon <3

    My mum had chronic ear issues and unlike some who need peace and quiet, she found having something on low with a deep voice in the background helped. Like an audiobook or the news. I hope you are getting lots of rest!
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 531 Pioneering
    Biblioklept Sorry to hear that you're dealing with an earache. It can be quite uncomfortable. Garlic is a natural remedy that many people find helpful in such situations. It's known to have antibiotic and pain-relieving properties, which might provide you with some relief.

    You might want to try this method: Crush some garlic and let it soak in warm olive or sesame oil for a few minutes. After that, carefully strain out the garlic pieces and apply the warm oil to your ear canal. 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 4,947 Scope online community team
    Yes @mw123, that's what my nan always told us to do.  But it always made me hungry for some reason...

    Hope you can find some relief from the earache soon @Biblioklept!
    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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    Opinions expressed are solely my own.
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    If it's an infection it'll probably need treatment...  I put up with earache and deafness in one ear for about 12 months a few years ago as I had no way to access treatment for it. 

    I think that's what exacerbated my vertigo and balance issues ever since.  :(
    Yep that's just like me. When I finally gave in and saw a doctor for my other ear I've got deep scarring in it from repeated infections. :D It's fun not being able to get to the doctor.

    I'm fairly sure this one is infected too but my GP is now telephone only woooooooo! So that's a no go.

    Interesting you say about vertigo since, I'm fairly certain I have vertigo too but obviously never been seen for it 
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    MW123 said:

    You might want to try this method: Crush some garlic and let it soak in warm olive or sesame oil for a few minutes. After that, carefully strain out the garlic pieces and apply the warm oil to your ear canal. 
    I'm too much of a worrier to put anything in it but this does sound interesting and I've read that before about garlic. 
    I'll try eating more garlic instead :D Good excuse for some garlic bread I think!
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,374 Disability Gamechanger
    Sorry to hear this and hope it clears up soon.

    I was in agony with my ears at a young age and everyone called it earache and later an ear infection, it turned out I had a ruptured eardrum so the complaining was justified!!

    Hope that's not the case with you, just saying my experience :D 
  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 11,853 Disability Gamechanger
    Would your GP not prescribe an anti-biotic over the phone if you explained?
    2024 The year of the general election...the time for change is coming 💡

    THE_DUDE Community member Posts: 220 Pioneering
    Earache is one of the most painful.  I got antibiotics and Co codamol. Was feeling better a day or two later. 
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    woodbine said:
    Would your GP not prescribe an anti-biotic over the phone if you explained?
    I can't use the phone, my surgery used to let you book appointments online or send messages to GP for review and I'd get meds that way but now they've removed that and it's telephone only so I'm kind of stuck 
  • dkb123
    dkb123 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 166 Pioneering
    I found a vibrating massage stick very effective, just cover the ear with the pad and switch it on, start on low at first then increase, it till it feels better.
    I read a book a long time ago that rubbing eases pain, and it works, I think it just increases the blood flow to the injury so it increases the oxygen content, 
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    Thats @dkb123, that's something I've not tried and seems pretty non-invaside!! 
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