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Diabetic and think I will be diagnosed partially sighted

bluebeetle1976 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
edited March 3 in Sensory impairments
I am a 47 year old type 1 diabetic I’m having problems with my eyes for the past month no one has actually diagnosed anything but I can’t see properly so feel I will be diagnosed partially sighted. Anyone else on here in same situation?


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 4,947 Scope online community team
    Heya @bluebeetle1976 (loving the name!) and welcome to the community. 

    I'm sorry to hear you've been struggling with your eyes. Have you spoken to any medical professionals about this recently? 
    Albus (he/him)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • bluebeetle1976
    bluebeetle1976 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Yes 3 opticians and a private eye specialist 
  • bluebeetle1976
    bluebeetle1976 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    I am still undiagnosed, have been to see private eye specialist as NHS were taking too long, he couldn’t pick up on anything but have been to see optometrist in same hospital she said it’s to do with my squint that I have had since I was 7, I’ve had laser treatment on Wednesday on my right eye as he said I have narrow angles which will prevent glaucoma but it has caused another problem with my right eye with further blurry ness which he says should resolve in 6 weeks!!!!!
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