Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

PIP Result-Review-Short Changed Again

oldngrumpy Scope Member Posts: 222 Pioneering

Folks I'm going to have a moan...

After completing my PIP Review form over twelve months ago, I had a phone call from DWP assessor. I was asked the usual questions. It seemed to go well.

My review form, which was filled in by a CAB volunteer I explained that my condition had got worse. Gave them various details as to why it had got worse, and gave them a Psychologist report on my mental problems. This backed up my comments on Mobility, Emotional and Cognitive problems, including Memory, Mood Swings, to name just a few.

This morning 27 March I received a decision. I had exactly the same award as what I had X amount of years ago.

My mobility problems have got worse. Gout and Arthritis especially. 
I have developed Bowel and Bladder problems. 
Even with a Psychologist report stating I have serious memory problems, planning and organising problems. I have a learning disability. They say I seem to have no problems. They said that my memory as being good.

Is this normal practice from our good friends at DWP.  If I don't appeal (M.R)
I will receive exactly the same amount as what I have has for the past years. And even this, i was short changed
The volunteer from CAB admitted that the decision to award me five years ago. Short changed me. 
Folks I am not a greedy person. I just want what I am entitled to.  And I am entitled to more than what I have been awarded today. This also the award from several years ago.

Tonight I have e mailed CAB asking for advice.

I am in a right pickldy.

Please folks no harsh words, I have had a couple of bad experiences from this site in the last few years... Thank you


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