PIP Review-Results. I Been Short Changed

oldngrumpy Scope Member Posts: 231 Empowering
Folks I'm going to have a moan...

After completing my PIP Review form over twelve months ago, I had a phone call from DWP assessor. I was asked the usual questions. It seemed to go well.

My review form, which was filled in by a CAB volunteer I explained that my condition had got worse. Gave them various details as to why it had got worse, and gave them a Psychologist report on my mental problems. This backed up my comments on Mobility, Emotional and Cognitive problems, including Memory, Mood Swings, to name just a few.

This morning 27 March I received a decision. I had exactly the same award as what I had X amount of years ago.

My mobility problems have got worse. Gout and Arthritis especially.  I have developed Bowel and Bladder problems. 
Even with a Psychologist report stating I have serious memory problems, planning and organising problems. I have a learning disability. They say I seem to have no problems. They said that my memory as being good.

Is this normal practice from our good friends at DWP.  If I don't appeal (M.R)
I will receive exactly the same amount as what I have has for the past years. And even this, i was short changed
The volunteer from CAB admitted that the decision to award me five years ago. Short changed me. 
Folks I am not a greedy person. I just want what I am entitled to.  And I am entitled to more than what I have been awarded today. This also the award from several years ago.

I am in a right pickldy.

Please folks no harsh words, I have had a couple of bad experiences from this site in the last few years... Thank you


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi @oldngrumpy - I'm sorry your decision letter was not what you hoped. First I would say that despite your condition worsening, it would be worth having another look at the PIP activities/descriptors to see if you feel that sufficient points might be awarded to increase your award for either the daily living component &/mobility. Please see: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset-library/personal-independence-payment-descriptors-and-scores-april-2022.pdf 
    It's also worth getting back to CAB for their opinion, or try looking for help such as a Welfare Rights Office here: https://advicelocal.uk/
    As you know, if you want, you can do a MR, which is best put in writing, stating where you feel more points should have been awarded & why.
    Just to add that unfortunately some generic phrases are 'cut & pasted' into reports/decision letters, that many feel bears little, if any, resemblance to how their disability actually affects them. Try to put such comments behind you, & rather think about whether it's likely you could gain more points to increase your award.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,127 Championing
    I'm sorry you have had this experience