PIP appeal back payments?

Diane5767 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited July 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
The DWP have received a statement of reasons about my PIP successful appeal from the first tier tribunal on 
28/06/17. What is the timescale that they have to make an appeal or to pay me my back money?


  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    It's 28 days from receipt of SOR.  But it might be a few weeks after that before you get the arrears.
  • rosie55
    rosie55 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Listener
    Hi Diane 
    I'm currently waiting on dwp to recieve sor. How long have you had to wait from first tier tribunal til pip sent a letter to say they are paying you and not going upper tribunal plz 
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hello Diane5767

    Matilda is correct that generally the DWP will first have to ask the Tribunal for permission to appeal within 28 days of the date of the Statement of Reasons.  It can take 1-2 weeks for such a request to be registered on the Tribunal System, so I would contact the Tribunal Service within 5-6 weeks of the date of the statement of reasons to ask if they have received any letters from the DWP challenging the PIP decision.  Hopefully the DWP do not challenge the Tribunal decision and payments can then be made.  Generally it will take a further 3-4 weeks for the arrears of PIP to be made and regular payments to be put in place.   Please post again if it takes longer than this.

    Hello Rosie55

    The length of time to receive a statement of reasons varies considerably based on the Judge drafting the statement. Generally it can take around 6 weeks for a statement to be received.  If you have not heard anything in this time, I would be tempted to telephone the Tribunal Service just to see if there is  a reason for the hold up, or it is something as simple as a short delay caused by waiting for the reasons to be typed up. 


  • rosie55
    rosie55 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Listener
    Hi Diane 
    Have you had any updates yet? 
  • Zoey
    Zoey Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi my name is zoey  I applied for a higher rate pip as I suffer from oestoperosis fibromyalgia ashma anxiety depression I'm in a full leg brace due to oestoperosis  I applied for it on January 24 wen my form was accepted they then sent it to capita for an assessment they told me 6 to 8 wks as it was addition not a new claim  water a joke!! I waited 17 wks I had to ring them to find out why I hadn't an assessment the lady assigned to my form did my assessment and off she went I waited 4wks n then rand pip back asking wen was a descion was gonna be made only to find the the assessor had held my form back 20day yes u read it right 20 days so iv had to wait another 2wks only to b told she had missed a question of my form I filled that in and asked wen will I hear from a decision only to be told the man dealing with my claim is on holiday till next week  iv had no apologys or reassurances if it been done asp I'm still left hanging waiting for a simple yes or no I'm so stressed anxious so depressed with all this i felt like walking in front of a car I felt that I'll  iv never be known  such disgusting attitude lack of care wen dealing with a disabled person's claim Iv been waiting nearly 6 month for this claim to be sorted I really can't take no more of this a very depressed lady
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    Sorry to hear your problems and hope they get sorted soon.

    You'll probably get a faster response if you start your own thread in Ask a benefits advisor.