Who are we and why are we here ?

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Please respect other people points of view, this is a wide and varied subject.
This is no place for confrontation but sharing experiance and knowledge even if at odds with your own. Only by sharing can we learn and understand a little more
Please respect other people points of view, this is a wide and varied subject.
This is no place for confrontation but sharing experiance and knowledge even if at odds with your own. Only by sharing can we learn and understand a little more
@B1nkyb00 I can answer that but before I do let me assure everyone this is only my belief albeit born of many years experience and no way would I try and impose this on anyone. I am a Spiritualist and fully believe we all have 2 bodies, our earthly physical one that gets sick or becomes disabled and eventually "dies" and our ethereal body which leaves our physical body at the time of death. However it can also do this at night. (Astral travelling). Science is on the verge of discovering that our consciousness does not originate in the brain but that the brain processes the awareness like a television or phone signal. Therefore you can be consciously aware when outside your body which is how you remember your dreams. Let me ask you if you are actually aware you have a body in these dreams? I have dreamt that I can fly, or that I've fallen off a cliff or sinking into deep water yet am never harmed in any way. There is a difference between these dreams and normal ones when you are usually outside a situation looking at a film like senario. Lucid dreams are far more real, in colour and your mental clarity is so clear that you can think and make decisions and have conversations with people and decide when to return. I won't continue but well, you did ask, and as I say this is only my belief. Just to add, however, that there is a huge amount of evidence for this.
Read more at https://community.scope.org.uk/discussion/38712/why-dont-we-dream-we-are-disabled#qeH3PB1KFPsfAA9T.99
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Post by wildlifeBasically when history is studied this is only a return to what humans believed in in the past but when Christianity came along it was suppressed by Religious leaders who indoctrinated the masses to believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. So are we born sinners? I don't think so. What sin has a new born baby committed? Although Spiritualism is now a recognized religion there is no indoctrination. No-one tells you what to believe. We do have 7 principles to live by, 1 of which is Personal Responsibility. We don't believe God or whatever you want to call him/her punishes us but that we review our own lives in Spirit. In many NDE's this is experienced before the person is sent back. This happens now because of modern medicine that can bring a person who is technically "dead" back to life. So we've had the witches who were actually Mediums (we all know what happened to them) and come full circle but with modern technology more experiments can now be done to prove that consciousness exists outside the body and therefore can continue on after death. For us who are suffering so much in this life as our physical bodies begin to deteriorate I find this so comforting to think that one day I will be free of this but still able to think and continue to exist. I have had many experiences in my life mostly in dream state but do not claim to be a Medium. These have occurred at times of extreme stress as a sort of release from the suffering which at times became unbearable. (I've been diagnosed with Complex PTSD so far off the scale there is no funding for treatment). One night years ago after a terrible day when we'd had the police out to one of our adopted sons both of whom became violent in their teens, I fell asleep exhausted and was met by a group of young people 12/13 of them, dressed in white robes with a yellow glow around them. They were giving out love that I could feel and they took me to a room with a bed in it and told me to rest and that they would return later. This they did and they then took me to a room with a table laden with food. We sat around and ate and talked but what I remember was an incredible atmosphere. I woke feeling so calm and totally at peace, so different to how I should have felt and I knew I'd been given a break that I desperately needed at that time. That and many other dreams that were not your ordinary confused scenarios have brought me to where I am today: a 67 year old lady riddled with pain and discomfort after 9 tummy operations, damage from keyhole surgery, 5 road accidents and 40 odd years of acute stress this, like you say, is a form of release.
Read more at https://community.scope.org.uk/discussion/38712/why-dont-we-dream-we-are-disabled#w36SJA6l9sV5AtJz.99
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Post by TopkittenI have only recently begun to discover the energy that spiritualists believe in but, in most people, it is simply an internal untapped energy that can assist the body in a number of ways. It does though allow connections to be made to other people over distance. I think that one day scientists will come to prove that this is the basis for the science fiction principle of telepathy. However, we make unseen connections to people ALL the time and I have a scientific theory I may share someday regarding how it creates & breaks friendships and how it explains love and all the other unscientific twaddle that most people believe in. Still.... this is all off the point, so sorry about that.
Dreams and nightmares are presumed to be the brains way of coping with situations in real life at a subconscious level. Personally I have extensive experience of both but mostly nightmares as I have been suffering one or other every night for more than a decade and a half and sometimes more than 1 per day. Doctors are too ready to blame them on strong medication but I have had to put up with them for longer than any regular medication strong or not. I do however know for a fact that the strong medication has 2 effects on them. One is to make them last longer both physically and subjectively. The second is that once the medication rose above a certain strength it suppressed a lot of my memories of them, I only knew I had had them due to the state I was in on awakening. I do remember some though.
In 2016 I went into a coma after becoming unconscious for some hours. Initially in the coma I could not breath unaided so, for a short period, I died. There was no out of body experience or any other sort of experience. Everything just went black. Nor, when in a coma, is there a continuing dream throughout. That is just a program producers inspiration to make a good story for TV or for book writers to do the same in print. I know this because firstly I am used to them being extremely long in subjective terms. Most people have very short dreams or nightmares lasting subjective minutes or occasionally hours. Mine last subjective days or, very infrequently, weeks of subjective time. When I was brought out of the coma it took 3 attempts and each time I had a memorable dream. When they explained what happened and how I reacted during each attempt all of the 3 related to the 3 attempts. None were in any way religious but then I am not a religious person so wouldn't expect them to be. I do distinctly remember long periods of darkness so dark I couldn't see. Nor could I feel or sense anything.
Like you @B1nkyb00 I was not disabled in any of these or any other dream I can remember but then the people in them and at the ages I dreamed them to be I would have been healthy at that point in my history. Ofc this would not explain your situation but then it is my belief that we would not, except perhaps very occasionally, dream of ourselves as disabled but would incorporate the projected healthy viewpoint constantly shown us as how we are supposed to be.
It is true that we don't always dream we are a complete person and hence the flying or falling or being unable to run away scenarios. We do dream in both B&W and also in colour. Personally I find the colour ones to be both longer and more frightening. I am sure some will disagree with me, some always do, lol! I must admit though that I suspect the brain always tries to put a nice twist into dreams to make them pleasurable and hides things that would make nightmares even more scary than they are. After all, if it is a purposeful process there is little point the brain conjuring up a situation that you would want to forget.
Unfortunately dreaming is a subjective experience and is most likely related to our belief systems. Consequently everyone has a different perspective and content, making it difficult to cross-reference with others accurately.
Read more at https://community.scope.org.uk/discussion/38712/why-dont-we-dream-we-are-disabled#JrGpv8JlCV64CdCP.99
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Thank you for sharing, I understand and hope we can continue to share, I know you will understand much that others dismiss as fantasy. I may at somestage be able to share my journey so far.
@Topkitten Thank you for sharing. There is much in your post and I would like to hear your scientific theory when you are ready. We are all on a journey for want of a better way to express it, some people are further along than others. Some people haven't started yet and don't know that they are going on one.
One of the limitations is trying to express and explain in words, things that are only understood outside the common use of language. For a long time only what could be seen and touched was belived. Historically many people have tried to take on the task of starting the journey for others, only to be ridiuculed and their efforts subverted by "science " and greed or turned into a "belief system".
@b1nkyb00 sorry for disrupting your thread.
If any one want to carry on this discussion maybe we ought to take it to its own thread
Read more at https://community.scope.org.uk/discussion/38712/why-dont-we-dream-we-are-disabled#Rsqs8DOWclc4UlLd.99
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@CockneyRebel Thank-you for starting this thread. Just to say that my first post on here is my own belief in answer to @B1nkyb00's question of why we are not usually disabled in our dreams. "Who are we and why are we here?" may not have been thought about by most people and is something that can only be answered if and when we pass on. Unless you prefer to think we are only physical beings and once we die we cease to exist, that's fine, but I find it too horrible to even contemplate. It does not explain all the collated accounts of Near Death Experiences how someone in extreme circumstances can suddenly find themselves outside their body watching the scene from a different perspective and being able to relate facts about what was happening while they were clinically "Dead". They had no brain activity so how can they see and hear what is going on? Whether or not this is true the statistics of how many people this has happened to cannot be explained any other way than to be open minded until such time as science catches up with our many excellent mediums and announces that it has been proven beyond doubt that consciousness does not originate in the brain. @Topkitten I, like you, cannot fully believe in something unless I've experienced it for myself and there are many things I find too far fetched about life in Spirit. But life would be very dull if we all did this about everything and didn't accept findings from those cleverer than us who have spent much of their lives, for example developing new treatments by scientifically experimenting and proving that they work. We believe this so the same must apply to Spiritual matters. If experiments prove there is something more to us than purely the physical and believing this for yourself creates a feeling of comfort and peace and something to focus on that helps the daily suffering than that is why I chose to believe in another life beyond this.0
i will try to relate my story soon but it is long.
If I may ask, when did you first find this path ?
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@CockneyRebel I would love to hear your story. Yes of course you may ask. It started in my teens messing around with a homemade Ouija board. I wouldn't recommend anyone do this unless they know what they are doing. It was just letters and numbers written on scraps of paper and an upturned glass which we put our little fingers on. It started as a lark but as the glass began to whiz across the table not being pushed by any of us I realized it was a serious matter. I even remember the message which convinced me there was something happening. My Mother had recently taken our cat to be put to sleep and the message came through "U4Y VET". There were 4 of us in our family. Scared the daylights out of me. Then I started going to Spiritualist Churches in my 40's when we lived in a house where there was a dreadful atmosphere. We found out the last occupant had committed suicide. This may surprise some of you but I went to speak to the local vicar and he came up to the house with a Bible and spoke to the guy by name as he'd known him. He told him he could now move on and things improved for a while. However our 2 sons were teenagers and one of them now claims to have been influenced by whatever was in the house. That's where I had the dream previously described. I had breaks over the years from being actively involved but always was drawn back to it out of interest more than anything. OK so back to the present. Scientists are currently working with Mediums at The University of Arizona to produce a Soul Phone. It has progressed to them announcing that success so far makes this achievable in around 2 years from now. One Medium I know laughs and says he doesn't need one. Talking of whom he is also presently being tested by having his brain activity monitored whilst channeling. It has so far been shown that the information is coming from an outside source but it cannot be established where it is actually coming from. We shall have to wait and see but I think it's only a matter of time before these things will be accepted as true facts. I just wish I could be like some of the Mediums who visit our Church who are not afraid of dying and are actually looking forward to it. It's only when that point is reached that you can really start to live.0
I haven't find my path but do believe in God but also believe in witches and fairies and writing joint witches and fairies all school but was told withdraw the God and girl guides from story. I also God mother in RC but do believe there something out there my writing stories on watpad called Redart school. I would like learn write a book which no writing one about belief but at all I saying0
My journey started out with needing proof. Like many I was force to study R.E. at school, the bible stories are very nice but did not provide any concrete proof.
I became aware that other religions also exsisted, so who was right ? Then science came into my schooling and physics told me that energy cannot be destroyed but it can be transformed. This posed the question, if we are alive then we must be some form of energy which cannot be destroyed so what does our living energy transform into ?
I looked into many alternative sources of information and belife, most of the major religions ( none of which am I disputing or denying ), I looked at wiccan, I looked many forms of alternative medicine and even psychology. I became fasinated by the sixth sense and all that goes with it. Telekinisis, telepathy etc. yet still no proof. I studied dreams and sleep patterns. I discovered REM sleep and its importance to healthy sleep. I read about a way to enter REM sleep quickly and how you only need about 5 mins per day to fully rest and remain healthy. This sounded very strange to a young man who liked his bed, but here was a method I could try and prove to myself, without to much effort. For the next three years, having learnt how, I managed to work day and night shifts with only 10 minutes sleep a day.
Here was something out of the "ordinary" that I now had proof was real, and this renewed my search into other areas.
The next big breakthrough for me was discovering hypnosis. The only place I could find that offered "legitimate" training at the time was the I.P&P now sadly no longer in existence. I trained with them and "qualified" as a hypnotist, councillor and most interestingly a parapsychoogist.
Sorry for the long post but this was the start of my journey most of which provided me with proof of many things but also not a definate way to prove to anyone else. Language and words cannot convey adequately the knowing that exists inside yourself. Looking back at my studies into religion, I belive that most started with an attempt to convey understanding without the words to do so . I don't like to use the term enlightenment, but a realisation of things outside of our normal, physical daily lives.
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Hi @CockneyRebel and @wildlife and @daisydoo
A fascinating thread and also nteresting comments. For me although I see the positive side of religion is to get communities together in worship, the doctrines behind it particularly Christianity do not add up when presented with scientific evidence and theories like those related to Charles Darwin. Each to their own in what they believe and practice.
I would like to believe more in the spirit and it being an energy but would have to read more. For example I do not understand if the population of Earth has risen dramatically in the last 100 years or so where has all that spiritual energy come from? Or has it indeed come from plants, animals and insects that are no more.
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Gosh CR you no doubt know a lot more about this subject than I do. My knowledge is from personal experience, reading and the people I know who not only believe as I do but are able to demonstrate week after week in our Sunday service that they are communicating with those who have passed over. The evidence is overwhelming when you are as involved as I am. I'm reading about children who talk about their previous lives. Again this appears to be evidence which cannot be explained any other way than to believe they've lived before. Have you any experience of past life regression as a Hypnotherapist?0
Hi @Neil2017
You raise an interesting point about the rise in population. It would be very interesting also to find out where the matter to produce the increase has come from. For example, does our planet weigh more now than it did millions of years ago ?
As to the question of spiritual energy, if you accept that life is energy, and that energy cannot be destroyed, all living things only exist because of the living energy. Then when life ceases in that being, whether bird, bee or plant, the energy has to go somewhere
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Hello Everybody. I have seen this and am I right in saying. Every one has a different perspective on life. What is the truth? Why are here and who are we? I know I have always a open mind. I sat and pondered reading what everyone wrote. My experiences and my impressions of that question are quite interesting and stimulating. I was an non believer I lived in a house well I said this before my childhood was not only traumatic but as I said before sorry. Vey much troubled and never allowed to explore the avenues of life. I have met many wonderful people of all faiths, creeds, back grounds. Much to the chagrin of my mother and family This was my love of collecting antiques and collectables. I got interested in peoples lives and especially their faiths. As you do with friends. I got involved with deceased estates. I had encounters with a persons spirit and energy in the property they had lived in. I am a believer that when a person dies the energy and the spirit of that person does remain. I am also started looking at various faiths and religions. I had a good friend who was part of the Mormon faith. Got interested in that for a while. I was going through my addiction phase and living really badly. Soul searching. Nearly joined Mormon because they had programme in the States. Both parents of my friend reached out for me to help. Unfortunately I found myself at the mercy of a family who would not let go and not ever understand me. By this time hiding bible at home, going to churches in private. Found bible friend had given me to the skip. Never forget that. Now where to go left various churches and places because people were interfering and telling them. In the end got an opportunity to go to College enrolled and the rest is history. One day in a place I had moved to neighbours found out my addiction. Kept it quiet all the time. Ashamed went back to my house got fully drunk fell on to a coffee table. Into a stupor on the floor all I could feel not cold, heating not working at time. Just warmth and heat. So comfortable and just lay there. All I remember having the courage to ring for help and then I was in ER. In the end saw the light and have changed. Been clean for ten years. In my dark days coming off. Some thing started in my head and my mind to decide to get help. I have discussed this with many church members. Is that a way that God is telling me. In the dark days of coming off had many similar experiences. Not voices but this sense that someone is talking to me. Sending me a message. My bible is a comfort. I used to worry will I find the answers. I have I believe seen the light something made me want to change. I do not have all the answers. Just wanted to share0
Thank you thespiceman for sharing. Indeed everyone does have different opinions, beliefs and perspective. Answers are not always obvious and can come in many different forms, a word you hear, a cloud pattern in the sky or the way a bird sings.
I hope everyone will share, nobody has all the answers, I certainly don't, some people aren't even looking for them. I hope that we can keep this thread free thinking with sharing but not preaching
I have done a lot of work with past life regression and therapy which has, to me been very usefull
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There isn't really a truth only subjective perspectives. I believe that it is not completely possible to measure brain activity fully as the brain is far to complex and can, most likely, still operate below the level of the most sensitive equipment in use. There is, as I said, also a spiritual energy that can have many effects on a person and on the body, yet it cannot even be measured as yet let alone understood.
For the experiences "out of body" or any other type.... I think this is just a dream where the brain puts in the details expected and so people believe it to be true. The same applies to religious experiences. If your belief is strong then your brain is quite capable of generating a picture or dream incorporating it.
For myself and using what I learnt during the coma and recovery I do not believe anything exists after death. I am not frightened by this and sometimes would happily welcome such a state. It is all about what you have to lose and the more there is the more frightening the ending would be. I have little to lose and so am not frightened by it in the slightest.
The theory I worked out would show that there are links between multitudes of people and, since my recent discovery of my own spiritual energy, I suspect it is that which empowers those connections plus the brains ability to utilise it to greater or lesser degrees. It may also explain the mysteries considered as "paranormal" but that is way beyond where I have reached so far. Maybe someday I will tie it all together and make it complete, lol!
I do think it quite possible for the complexity of the brain to be so clever as to make the imagination actual, but that's a different idea all together.
Our belief systems are our own and are usually very strong. Strong enough to resist someone else changing them. So I would never try to convince other people that they are wrong or right. We are ALL entitled to our beliefs and opinions.
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@Topkitten I fully respect your point of view but your thoughts on how the brain can still function below what monitoring equipment can detect is a little worrying. The equipment is how Doctor's decide whether or not a person has died. If what you say were true that we could still dream then the way death is defined would have to be by some other way. Information given by people after an OBE is not general but is specific and relates precisely to what was happening in the room at the time, clothes worn, words spoken, equipment used. Facts that can be verified by medical staff present at the time and things the patient could not possibly have known just from a dream. Cardiac Arrest Specialists from the US and UK are getting together to do an experiment whereby certain images are going to be placed where they cannot be seen by any other way than if the patient has an OBE.
@CockneyRebel I cannot be hypnotized as I have a phobia of giving control to another person after being held down by medical staff in 1968 and forced under anaesthetic. However I have had many experiences of slipping into a trance like state at night with some bad experiences of which I had no control but during which I was able to think clearly, even being able to decide whether to stay or return. Waking was only achieved by consciously shaking myself and almost having to fight my way out of it. Very often MOH would have to wake me as I had been yelling at those images to go away and leave me alone. I have searched for an answer and have found that by learning to close myself down and praying for it not to happen I can now rest easy.0 -
@Topkitten I hope everyone will respect each others views and thoughts, this is such a wide topic that many different opinions are likely to be aired, not all of which everyone will agree with.
@ wildlife, Hypnosis is not about giving control to another person, stage "hypnotists" have a lot to answer for. There are levels of hypnotic state and even at the deepest level you remain in control, no one can make you do anything that you would not be comfortable with. People acting like chickens on stage have their own reason for doing so when given the suggestion.
Are you familiar with the planes of existance ? Have you tried guided meditation or self hypnosis.
Your night time trances sound like uncontrolled OBE's although you do seem to have some control at least to return. Do you see a cord connecting you to your self ? Closing yourself down is a good way to prevent it happening. I used to build a wall for protection when I didn't understand how to control it.
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No I don't see a cord but I do feel the point when I slip into this state and it's happened so often I now can think "Oh I'm here again". Last time I decided to stay longer than I normally would as I knew I needed the rest. I hung around with lots of people who weren't threatening me just strolling around. I often ask them if they've passed to Spirit and they tell me they have. Some would say it's my belief that causes this but I see it that my belief allows it to happen because I'm open to it and not afraid. So yes I do know about the different levels as I used to be in the lower levels which was frightening but now have moved on. I believe this is Spirit but wonder why I am allowed to go and come back. Maybe it's because I'm actually terrified of dying because I've had traumatic near death escapes through serious illness and car crashes that maybe Spirit are helping me overcome. I like to think so. I have also been in the halls of learning which was an immense building which words cannot describe the size. There was a path around the centre and rooms going off from it where people were doing different activities. I was with my son and I felt very much at home showing him around. The difference between this and other dreams is the clarity as if I am actually there with the ability to think and have conversations with people. I also dream of living a completely different life surrounded by people I know but not from this life. It's like having an adventure every night. This too may be because I can't do anything different in the day time without having panic attacks. I've got tapes for relaxation and guided meditation but it's hard as part of my small intestines is in spasm of which I am aware like being on a boat on a rough sea only inside me. (Trying explaining that to a PIP assessor, I actually didn't bother, ha ha). Sorry for all the long posts but if I wrote a book of my life it would be a best seller so much has happened to me.0
I said before that I experienced spiritual energy and using meditation I have connected to another person a couple of times and experienced their memories. I believe this may be how an OBE can occur. Presently there is no way to measure spiritual energy but it is/can be linked to the brain. It is only a supposition but I suspect that modern machines could not detect the brain's usage of this energy so could, in theory, appear dead and not be. It could explain the cases where someone is presumed dead only to come back to life without any assistance. Whilst these cases are rare they do happen from time to time.
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wildlife, long posts are necessary to try and explain in words. The next thing is for you to "learn " how to control when you travel. Time is restricted to our physical world, in the "dream state" , for want of a better term that many will understand, your experiance could last fo an hour, day week or more. when in your physical just seconds have passed.
Have you met your Guide ?
It is likely that at this time you are receiving healing, alas not for your physical.
Do you know when this started ? was it after your first trauma ?
Many unconcious travellers experiance a cord that tethers to the physical, then when they become anxious as some do or get disturbed in the physical the cord will snap back to the physical often just leaving a memory of falling, which is quite a common "dream" memory.
For now I cannot say more, it drains me . Trying to find the connection to another is like tuning a radio, and when in physical, words are inadequate on their own. We each understand things in different ways. Sometimes you will hear or see something and days later it will mean something and open up a little more.
TK, meditation is certainly one way that this can be achieved and not only memories can be experianced. As we "live" in the physical we only have our thought patterns / brain activity to this.
Have you managed to "travel "?
If so, are you aware of the tether ?
There is lots more to share but on an open forum many will be at best sceptical, others with different understanding offended. Not everyone is ready or following the same path, but all view points are welcomed with respect
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