Hi, I'mThewheelshavefellon! Why does my yearly ESA statement not include my SDP payment?

Thewheelshavefellon Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Good morning and hi to all,
 I'm a brand newey to scope and hope I can help and contribute to the scope community,it was recommended by a friend, we all need a bit of help or advice time to time and today it's me, so if anyone could help with my question I'd be very grateful, I've been receiving esa for around 7 years and I'm in the support group, I also receive pip, (both categories) my yearly esa statement for the forthcoming year has arrived, I noticed that unlike other years it hasn't included the severe disability payment, firstly is this payment the same amount for everyone who qualifies and secondly have I missed something about the payment or the eligibility that has changed?
 If you don't mind while I'm here I do have another related question, is the amount of the esa payment alone the same amount again for anyone who qualifies under the above circumstances?
 I'd be grateful for any help please and thanks for reading, I hope any answers might help others too, bye to all and thank you. 


  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hello @Thewheelshavefellon and welcome to our community! It's fab to meet you and I'm chuffed that we were recommended to you :)  How are you today?

    I've moved this thread to our ESA discussion category and am going to get back to you as this isn't a topic I have in-depth knowledge of.  You haven't been forgotten though and I'll endeavour to get you the right information.  

    Take care and speak soon.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    If you still meet the conditions for SDP ring ESA and ask why it has not been included. May simply be clerical error.
    The rules have not changed.
    The amount is the same for everyone.
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @calcotti Many thanks for your input! 

    Please let us know what the ESA say @Thewheelshavefellon if you contact them and good luck.