Defending yourself from the Beast from the the East - Page 2 — Scope | Disability forum
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Defending yourself from the Beast from the the East



  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    hi thespiceman. the letter from the dwp says they will give me twenty five pounds a week while the weather is 0 or below.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @debs74 Yes I get this as well.  I know it is something to contribute to the heating bill.

    I can not remember if it is seven days in a row or just specific odd days.  Worth it I know just helps does it not
    Community Champion
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  • janejr
    janejr Community member Posts: 149 Pioneering
    Asda ain't coming I can't blame them it's awfull out there. Re booked for tomorrow but don't think they will be able to. Lucky I've stocked up but might run out of bread and milk. I can do without. Hope everyone else ok 
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,660 Scope online community team
    Hope everyone is managing to keep warm?
    Thankfully, not much in the way of snow here. A good tip I have used to keep warm is to use the heat patches for back pain. Cheap and cheerful.
    Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @janejr   Really sorry about that.  I wish I was a superhero and help all our community to solve any shopping dilemma's.

    Fly around the country delivering food and goodies.

    Please can I say when buying dairy buy Natural Yoghurt or Greek as well .  If no milk.  Can obviously use on cereal quick breakfast snack with nuts and fruit honey.  Porridge no milk put boiling water to cover.  Just few seconds,  Microwave then allow to stand mix in yoghurt.  Use Cinnamon topping for yoghurt, alternative  Yoghurt good for digestion another form of calcium.  Cinnamon lowers blood pressure and good for anxiety stress.  Just a sprinkle.

     I buy two packs eggs, plenty of yoghurt, milk.  Small ones plus crispbreads and crackers if not much bread.  Malt loaf.  Simple breakfast with fruit and cheese, feta, nuts. 

    They do that in The Med.  Surprisingly filling.

    Hope that helps idea's
    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
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  • janejr
    janejr Community member Posts: 149 Pioneering
    Hi @thespiceman thank you thank you for ideas especially like the porridge one as I'm a fan of porridge. Your very knowledgeable on food and their benefits. Do you know foods for with Osteoarthritis as I have it bad in all my joints also have disk desease so anything good for bones and joints would be good to know
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @janejr Glad to help.  I will explain got understanding Health LEVEL 2.  This qualification from my addiction days.  Also means I have the knowledge and information.

    Got others as well.  

    Also lots of personal experience.  When you are ill.  Do a food diary.  When I was ill with addiction found food that worked made me feel great.  Others I felt worse.

    I have to tell you.  It is worth looking at websites for some tips and tricks to help.  Lots of advice on food there.

    A lot of the conditions you have a lot of it is common sense.  Sensible eating.  Balanced diet.  Usually Calcium rich foods milk, cheese, yoghurt.

    Oily fish Trout, Mackeral, Salmon, Tins of Sardines, Pilchards.


    Cut down on Alcohol, Salt ,Caffeine ,Smoking  or get rid.

    They may be an organisation on the web that deals with your condition.  Also contact well being service in your area.  Learn so much about food and who and why it helps.  The benefits.

    Give it a try.  Last well being course all the ladies,  I am the only gent.  Lot of the services are run by the ladies so worth a look.

    Hope this helps.  Also I forgot SCOPE speak to them.  They have Nutritional Advisor.

    Another one to look at.

    Lovely to talk to you am here to ask anything you wish.

    Take care

    Your friend
    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
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  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    HI @thespiceman

    I agree the benefits should be more widely spread. While tenant management is provided for council tenants by law it was never extended to housing associations. I know one or two were interested in setting up their own TMOs but the problem is often the money involved would mean that it would have to be opened up to competition and just not viable.

    The residents set their own service levels and targets and employ their own staff. We have 169 homes, 1 full time estate manager, part time office worker as well as one full time and two part time estate workers for cleaning, gardening and minor maintenance. Plus they work well as a team. 

    Many neighbourhood workers have several hundred homes they have to look after spread over a wide area, rarely deal with the individuals who do the repairs, caretaking etc. Few if any will know all their residents by sight and name, or have the knowledge of their residents ours do. 

    One of our estate workers has worked and lived on the esate for near on 30 years. In the end we had to step in as residents were calling him all times night and day, as well as taking people to their appointments etc. After all he passed retirement age about ten years ago.

    It is hardly surprising then that our residents tend to be happier with their services.

    As an individual I stood alone.
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Geoark I am always grateful for your posts.  It is a sad case that my housing association now is a shell.

    Properties lie empty and vacant damage to several all over the estates.

    I had a guy turn up and well he stood there no ID and clipboard.  Wanted to come in.  No tie dressed in a shirt and jeans.  Going around the estates doing survey's.  Nothing ever came of it.

    The most annoying aspect kitchens and a lot of stuff they have supposed to have done.  Terrible.  My worry is that I will have to stay here now.

    Can not go any where else.  Moved five times.  If I wish to just feel I can not.  Disability mental health not good.

    The big regret probably entitled to supported living.  Yet query what is that these days.

    Leave here into some thing worse my fear.  I have done that.

    Take care.
    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
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  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    7 Pains of winter

    On the first day of winter my true love sent to me a cold, or flu

    Did you know central heating can lower our defences by drying out the nasal mucous that prevents viruses from entering the body, so resist turning up the thermostat beyond 22C (18-21C is ideal).

    On the second day of winter my true love sent me chillblains

    These are caused by exposure to the cold, but when coming in from the cold avoid rapidly heating the body as this can cause chillblains. 
    Sometimes the swellings turn into sores that become infected; if this happens, or you develop a fever or swollen glands, see a doctor.

    On the third day of winter my true love sent to me a cold sore

    Caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus they are unsightly, sore and very contagious. Something to consider before applying infected lips to another person's genital areas!

    On the fourth day of winter my true love sent to me a hangover

    Did you know most of a hangovers symptoms are caused dehydration? Matching alchohol drinks with water and drinking a pint of water before going to bed are the second best way of avoiding the worst of hangover effects. 

    On the fifth day of winter my true love sent to me a heart attack

    Heart attacks increase during cold weather periods because the heart has to work harder to keep the body warm, and this can raise your blood pressure.

    Your main living space should ideally be heated to 21C (70F) but if the cost of heating is an issue use hot water bottles and electric blankets, and keep the extremities warm by wearing a hat, scarf and gloves when venturing outside.

    Importantly DO NOT IGNORE  feeling cold when in or out during severe cold weather, layers are more important than big heavy items.

    On the sixth day of winter my true love sent to me Norovirus

    Nothing like being physically sick to upset your day. This virus should clear up within a couple of days, but consult your doctor if it doesn't. Dehydration is a major risk, drink plenty of water.

    Dehydration: This can be a serious issue and can cause death within ten days.

    Dehydration is the loss of water and salts from the body. The human body needs water to maintain enough blood and other fluids to function properly. Along with the fluids, the body also needs electrolytes, which are salts normally found in blood, other fluids, and cells.

    Hydration satchets can be got at any pharmacy.

    On the 7th day of winter I got rid of my once true love!

    Adapted from an article The 12 pains of Christmas at

    As an individual I stood alone.
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Geoark Good Morning thank you this.  Just thought charming.  I do know working in offices more prevalent illness and colds in Winter.

    Mystery why any body wishes to come to work with a cold infecting every body amazes me.

    Had a ex-colleague moaning and groaning lonely at home, hang on your ill.  Get your germs then you will be alone because all of us ill.

    Then a boss told her to go home and in front of her and us a dressing down.  Simple demo of germs on surfaces can do.  How long they last.

    Damage was done spent time off ill.

    So every body if you have a cold just keep warm.  Stay in take advice.  Drink plenty, have to be sensible.  Dispose of tissues, wash hands. 

    Spices like chilli can relieve some symptoms of colds.  Vitamin C helps as well.  Lemon water with honey.

    Eat sensible plenty of Soup, light meals if not hungry Fish works for me.

    Hope any of this helps 

    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
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  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @thespiceman

    Agree with you. Sometimes it is a judgement call, if I took time off every time I sneezed, coughed or had a runny nose I would hardly be in work during the winter. Plus working with a team where half have disabiities and long term illnesses passing on bugs can have a serious affect. But then I think most people know when they have a cold.

    And then you have that numpty on GMTV who bleats on about 'manning up' feeding into the notion that wimps take time off for minor ailments.

    Thank you for all the food advice you give. I tend to have at least one one drink a day with half squeezed lemon with hot water during winter. I used to add a little honey, but have been told to cut sugars out of my diet as much as possible.

    As an individual I stood alone.
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  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Geoark Thank you for comments.  Always a pleasure.  One final point there are people like myself who can not take these over counter meds for colds.

    Just spending too much and they never ever work.

    That is why I am called The Spiceman, found herbal remedies a bit easier to cope with.

    Less inexpensive.  By having your increased doses of Vitamin C and good diet.  Things like Onions, Garlic the B Vitamins build up the immune system.

    Beans, Pulses, Eggs Fish can help.  Tomatoes and Peppers.  Red Peppers being high in Vitamin C.

    Sugar is the new salt I am afraid.  Shocked a friend who I knew having said sugar in everything, including Bread.  Stunned and said you have to be careful.  Read the label's.  I have not got time she hollered.

    I said I do because frightened of weight gain and possible diabetes.

    I do put into my sauces Tomato Ketchup just a teaspoon.  Helps the acidic taste of Tomatoes in my sauces.  Counter balance.  Use also herbs and spices of course to do the same.

    Certain Sugars that are natural like Honey and Maple Syrup still can be used.

    Small amounts.  Caution needs to taken with dried fruit have high concentrations of sugar in them.

    Although Prunes, Figs ideal for bowel issues like constipation.
    Sultana's and Raisins for energy.  Apricot's for digestion, energy and bowel issues.

    Be aware the need to clean teeth and either floss or use a mouthwash.  Non Alcohol to prevent teeth staining.

    Take care

    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
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  • MasahikoH
    MasahikoH Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi everyone, this information may be a bit late but this is what I do to help survive cold weather. I hope my tips help someone. 

    First of all I would recommend a chest freezer if you are OK to use one. We then make sure we have a lot of home made meals in the freezer like vegetable and lentil curry, vegetable stews and soups, and other essentials like bread and even cheese! (because sometimes you need a comforting slice of cheese on toast and a brew.)

    We here at my house in the N.W make sure we have a stock of uht milk in cartons over the winter incase you run out of milk and can't live without a brew. We buy about 12 in October/November. Just make sure they have at least a year on them incase you forget about them.

    Always buy your duvets in summer heat waves! It may sound insane but you can buy king-size duvets that are 10.5+ tog in summer for the price of a single 4-7 tog in winter. Buy furry blankets and use them fur side towards you. If you can, make blankets yourself if you crochet, because as it grows it will sit on your lap and keep you warm. Plus it is always empowering to learn a new skill and make yourself something that no one else has.

    Make sure you update you dressing gown every few years if it is fleece as it will compact/shed and loose effectiveness.

    Be on the look out for thermal clothing at the end of summer or amongst camping supplies in summer. They're often half the price than in winter.

    Also look for snow shoes in sports shops during camping season and not cheap shoe shops. The soles are usually better quality and last longer. 

    Buy thermal black out curtains and make sure your windows have been draught proofed.

    Don't be afraid of new technology that you can use to get in contact with family or friends like Skype or other video services. You can use these to catch up with people who you would miss due to the weather. In the past I have set up group video calls with people who I would normally meet up with at clubs and have tea and do the club activities over the call. 

    Also make sure you have a secondary phone you can use to call for help and if your landline phone is being temperamental before bad weather make sure you have a spare so in the worst case scenario and it brakes you still have a phone for emergencies. 

    That's all my tips and tricks. 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @MasahikoH Pleased to meet you.  Thank you for the information.  More information I can use to help me.

    I use non defrost three drawer freezer. Small and compact.  Got loads of stuff sauces, soups one pot meals.  Thank you for tips.

    People just think you put in frozen veg and your chips.  More than that.  I use bread buy when it is going down in price.  Small loaf, portion up two slices tin foil.  All my cheese grated.  Buy it whole use food processor grater far cheaper.

    Zip bags my new tip been doing it a while.  When you buy packs of frozen fruit and veg in bags.  I take it out portion it all.  Bags of fruit like blueberries, cherries and others like blackberries.  Do my own mixes in zip bags.

    Useful for soups, stocks, sauces takes up less room.

    Buy tin foil containers old days for meals and sauces takes up too much room.

    Thank you for information on clothes.  I have just got loads of fleeces and t-shirts and sweats.  Reduced in price from Supermarket clothes.  Little as a couple quid each for t-shirts.

    Go around start of year to restock anything clothes.  Got a club card use that.

    Take care 
    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
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  • jaycee6
    jaycee6 Community member Posts: 52 Courageous
    I love my hot water bottle apart from putting in the bed at night. ,It is .also good to use in day time  put it on my lap keeps you warm while watching tele. Also had to go in garden a hour ago,forgot to take my coat of surprised how much warmer i feel in the house ,think ill leave it on.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @jaycee6   Pleased to meet you.  Please be careful going out.  Even short periods of time outside can be dangerous at the moment.  It is not only the cold but windchill factor.

    Temperature here around minus 1 add in windchill another ten degrees to that.  Could harm skin and even I if I want to put rubbish out.  Just outside door.

    Need to dress with layers, coat, wellingtons.  Leave all that.  Got big black bin bags last week.  Tins and jars piling up as clean rinsed out.

    Thinking of your safety and concern.

    Hope you keep safe and warm.

    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
    Mental Health advice, guidance and information to all members
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  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    hi all. i have decided to put my heating on in the morning and keep it running on low all day and then turn it up in the evening when it gets colder. keeping it on low all day just keeps the chill off.
  • Markinsutton
    Markinsutton Community member Posts: 83 Pioneering
    Hello All 

    how many of you rely on carers. I am worried to ask mine to come just in case something happens to them. as much as I would like to be able to cope on myself the cold makes my CP much worse and the change in temperature sends my spasms off. I had to turn my heating right up last night having storage heaters yesterday they rang out of heat before the evening so went to bed early to keep warm. I also slightly unsure on my feet so going out today food shopping my anxiety is little high as I have fallen over so many times in the pass in the snow once putting me in hospital for 3 weeks as I couldn't get the care support at home. I don't want to end up in that situation again as the NHS have enough problems at the moment without me taking risks.

    I did ask my carers to go shopping for me last week but came back with very little of what I needed and I forget without looking around the shops on stuff I  need around the house. 3 of my carers are off sick, I think I going to take advice from post above about soups etc and bread as those are things i can do on myself.

    the question I really have is any of you cancelled care support? 

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Markinsutton   Good afternoon How are you have not spoken for a while.  Always here to chat and give support.

    My concern I hope you keep safe and take it easy shopping.  It is treacherous out there.

    I see reading your post.  I do think it is a shame you rely on services to help and assist.  They do not seem to providing support for you.

    I know the weather is bad, some one should have advised you.  What do you need?.  The main issue some one could have sat down with you and made plans for what you require.

    Reading on the webpages and on the news there seems to a lack of adequate care when the going gets tough.

    I do not understand these services at all.    I understand we have a care system that is failing people.  Never mind the weather.

    Last night got a call from a guy who I had not spoken to me for a long time.  Used to volunteer gardens with him. Snow piled up he can not drive or go out not much food and requiring my help at the last resort.

    Rang me about 9.30 twice.  Then my landline.  I am a charitable guy problem is he lives too far away.  Also if I recall had a attitude issue with me. 

    I suggested go around neighbours have a chat.  They do not care how do you know?  The meds kicking in now really tired.  Not good yesterday.  I am saying.

    Communities help each other.  You help them, they help you just ask.

    Can't you come how I said I am snowed in same as you.  Ended up him being nasty in the end, rang off.

    My point is ask your neighbours for help.  My neighbour next door cleaned some of the snow of my path.  I asked a friend to get my meds from the chemist.

    Please can I ask recipe ideas, cheap ones let me know send them.  Put them on your wall if that helps.  If you wish.

    Take care

    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
    Mental Health advice, guidance and information to all members
    Nutrition, Diet, Wellbeing, Addiction.
