My life seems like confusion, and I want to get to the bottom of things — Scope | Disability forum
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My life seems like confusion, and I want to get to the bottom of things

Jc1996 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
edited November 2021 in Mental health and wellbeing
Hi guys I’m new to this forum but seeking some advice really. I’m 25 but have suffered with anxiety since a child. This was all noticeable to others around the age of 14 when I was diagnosed with OCD. For the OCD I had CBT which allowed me to keep it under control but as time has gone on the focus has changed and the doctors put it down to General anxiety disorder. I’ve tried various other avenues as an adult and haven’t managed to get to the place I want to be. The doctors have put me on venaflaxine which makes me extremely tired and as a 25 year old that loves sports it’s not ideal. I have also had private councillors which have all told me different things one saying I have traits of autism and others saying I could have adhd. I’m just stuck not knowing what to do my life seems like confusion and I just finally want to get to the bottom of things and be happy with life instead of being serious all the time. 

Thanks for your help in advance guys 


  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 11,731 Disability Gamechanger
    hi @Jc1996 good afternoon and a warm welcome to the scope forum, I'm sorry to hear that you are not getting the help you sound like you need, we are not allowed to give medical advice as such all I will say is that my daughter had OCD and she was on a different medication so maybe you could ask your GP about trying something different?
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  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    Have you looked at any groups in your local area for people with your condition,  maybe mixing with others you can share experiences 

    There are other members here with ocd who can hopefully help 
  • Jc1996
    Jc1996 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thanks for your replies. I’ve tried many different meds such as sertraline but I don’t know if I have any further problems 
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,942 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Jc1996 and a warm welcome to the community! I'm in a similar situation as you as I'm currently in the process of whether I am on the autistic spectrum. To begin with, my consultant advised me to persist with my GP to be referred for an assessment. Hope this helps and you get the answers you need :)
    Disability Gamechanger - 2019
  • Woodyard
    Woodyard Community member Posts: 8 Listener
    Hello jc1996. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I think you are doing the right thing trying to find out now. I'm 50 and still don't know. I wish i would have asked for help when I was younger but it wasn't there. A counseller once told me that all the answers are in my mind and it was her job to help me find them. I hope with the right support you get the answers you are looking for. 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,496 Disability Gamechanger
    edited October 2021
    Hi @Jc1996 :) It must be difficult and confusing to not have a clear idea of what condition/s you may have. 
    haven’t managed to get to the place I want to be
    I was just wondering where it is you'd like to be? Sometimes it can be helpful to start at your end goal, and work back from there to see how you might be able to achieve that. For example, your end goal could be to have a set diagnosis (or diagnoses), to be on a medication that helps you to manage day to day, to manage your symptoms without medication, to be able to play sport, and so on. Of course, you might have multiple goals, but focusing on a few might help you to feel less lost and to work out a bit of an action plan. 
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  • Jc1996
    Jc1996 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thanks for your replies guys. @Tori_Scope I guess I just want to be at a stage where anxiety/stress overthinking isn’t as much as a thing and that I can actually know if I do have any other undetected conditions so I could be on the relevant meds to treat it instead of keep trying different meds all the time.
  • peteofherts
    peteofherts Scope Member Posts: 16 Connected
    @Jc1996 I also extend a warm welcome to you and a thank you for sharing your feelings; it is only through people like you that others find the ability to speak up too.

    My contribution to this discussion comes with the caveat that I am neither a neurologist, therapist, pharmacologist, but seem to have spent a long time in their presences!!!!!!!!

    I have studied Psychology degree which included a CBT module.  Through life I've been treated for GAD & SAD with both CBT and Medication so have some experience of what you are expressing in your post.

    CBT and a long list of drugs did not help me either.  My current meds can make me extremely dopey, a feeling I absolutely hate.  

    I just wanted to echo the advice @Tori_Scope alluded to.  It is often the case that I get overwhelmed with issues in my life, and I can't see the solutions.  However, the solution is very often about choosing what you really want and focussing on resolving that manageable 'chunk'.  Then moving onto another manageable chunk.  

    I truly believe we are the masters of our own destiny.  This does not mean we do not need help from Professionals; quite the opposite! We set the agenda and the goals and ensure that the Professionals help us get there!

    By the way, on a side note, what sports are you into? (I am an Arsenal Season Ticket holder, and understand that this might make you disregard everything that I have written above  :# )
  • Ryanna
    Ryanna Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    @Jc1996 and @peteofherts can I ask how you coped with feeling sleepy with your meds? My husband has PTSD and Generalised Anxiety Disorder and has tried all sorts of meds but has to keep changing due to side effects.  The most recents meds are causing him to sleep all day and night and he's frustrated that he can't get anything done.

    Have you found any ways of dealing with sleepiness/drowsiness?
  • peteofherts
    peteofherts Scope Member Posts: 16 Connected
    @Ryanna dealing with the sleepiness/drowsiness : I would say I don't 'deal' with it.  It is so frustrating when you want to just get on with life. 

    I think I have come to an acceptance (reluctantly) that there are times when I need to stop what I'm doing, let the feeling run its course, then return to the task I was on.  This acceptance has reduced the bouts of sleepiness/drowsiness, possibly because I no longer worry or get annoyed about them.

    On a medical level it might be worth keeping a record of blood-pressure as it might be that the drugs are causing low blood-pressure.  If this is the case speak with your healthcare professional.
