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The Benefit Backlog

Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
A recent article in The Guardian written by Frances Ryan, has revealed Citizens Advice overwhelming calls for support. 

Just in the last 6 months, the number of people seeking support with PIP related issues have rose by 19%.

But what has been uncovered?

Well, more than 430,000 people in England and Wales are awaiting a PIP review. Meaning disabled people are missing out on an estimated £24M a month.

The charity says:
"Delays to payments worth up to £172 a week are causing widespread hardship and distress." 
We've seen here in the community how delays can disrupt access to other benefits, such as the warm home discount or a blue badge and access to a mobility car.

Citizens Advice believe the backlog has been caused by workforce shortages during a growing demand from pandemic-related ill health. As well as the cost of living crisis. 

Over to you:

  • What are you thoughts on the article? 
  • Do you think this should be a talking point when PMQs reconvenes? 
  • Are you still waiting to hear about your PIP outcome?

For me, what shocked me the most when reading this article is when they mentioned how 210,000 people made a new claim for PIP from January to April 2023. It made me realise just how much help is still needed. 

Hannah - She / Her

Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 11,851 Disability Gamechanger
    Its disgraceful however for PIP reviews the existing award usually remains in place and for new applications payments will be back-dated if an award is made.
    2024 The year of the general election...the time for change is coming 💡

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    They could create many new jobs even if they are only 6 month contracts, to get through the backlog! 
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger

    For me, what shocked me the most when reading this article is when they mentioned how 210,000 people made a new claim for PIP from January to April 2023. It made me realise just how much help is still needed. 

    Any idea how many it normally is? 
    I think there's probably a few reasons:
    One: lots of people didn't claim during Covid because they couldn't get help to claim or access to advice where people are told about PIP 
    Two: The gov's attempts to demonise benefit claimants backfired a little and has drawn more attetion to them. Especially with things like COL payments, those who haven't claimed before will now see their only way of getting support to do so. It got people talking about eligibility for the payments more
    Three: People are struggling for money. So those too proud historically or just got by, now don't have a choice 
    There's also more than 750,000 15-year-olds in the UK. If 17.8% of the population is disabled (higher by recent stats but I'm working with old figures) I guess a large number of new pip claims could also be those aging up from DLA. There's also still adults being transferred over from DLA. 

    Also a huge increase on people discovering they have ADHD and autism in adult-hood since the pandemic, whereas these people may previously have just thought of themselves as lazy or stupid (I did before my diagnosis) but may feel able to claim now. And now feel validated to claim or call themselves disabled.
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 4,755 Disability Gamechanger
    Also the white paper will have scared people into trying to claim PIP!!

    As for the delays, there's just no excuse. They'll keep blaming Covid of course  o:)
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 2,895 Scope online community team
    I think you hit a few nails on their heads @Biblioklept

    I fall into the third category that @Biblioklept mentions for instance. It's less I was too proud, more a self-esteem issue of not believing I deserved it. Now with finances the way they are in this climate I need the extra money and so put in an application. 
    They/Them, however they are no wrong pronouns with me so whatever you feel most comfortable with
    Online Community Specialist

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    Opinions are my own, such as mashed potato being bad.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    @Biblioklept I could only find some statistics from the first quarter in 2021 which states 170,000 people made a new claim in the first quarter. So it's quite a jump! 

    I think you make some excellent points. Especially about demonising those who claim. I've personally found that articles surrounding ADHD and Autism and adulthood are popping up more too!
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • Mammabear54
    Mammabear54 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    I've just waited over 10 months for a review and finally had it 2 weeks ago I have been on care component for about 15 years but have had mobility added to it today as my osteoarthritis has become a lot worse but what worries me are my grandchildren I have 2 grandsons with autism and one with mental health issues become of a heart problem as a newborn and I have a granddaughter with cerebral palsy who suffers greatly when she walks has to take a muscle relaxant daily and have botox injections in her legs but she didn't get mobility because in their eyes the botox cured her yet she has got to have surgery on her legs, I feel frustrated I got it but she didn't bless her,  I wish they would have properly trained people to do the assessments and people who understand what you are saying,  I was lucky this time I got an understanding and compassionate assessment last time I went was an absolute nightmare and I honestly didn't recognise myself from what the person doing the assessment wrote hardly anything was right or truthful and I had to go to court to fight it, I won the fight but with mental health problems and problems with travelling and getting around it was awful,  so I can honestly understand why people worry about them and don't want to apply unless totally needed. 
  • Gimli1989
    Gimli1989 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited August 2023
    The whole PIP process isn't fit for purpose and that's what's causing the problems in my opinion.
    The application form and Mandatory Reconsideration are pointless exercises designed solely to put people off.
    Just book an appointment with a "HCP" and then appeal to the court if they don't award it. The DWP give all the weight to the "HCP" stories, lies and misinterpretations, what's the point in the form and the MR?
    It's now been a year and 5 days since I submitted my application. It's been 2 weeks since a court decided I am eligible. Could have all been sorted if the "HCP" had actually written what I told her on the phone. Still waiting for the DWP phone call to check I haven't been locked up or in hospital, I don't expect any money before Christmas though.
    Edit: I also think the DWP needs to make clear that a diagnosis means naff all. Its about how it affects your life. Not enough about that is explained and simply putting anxiety, depression  autism etc on the application form is enough for some people. It isn't enough for the DWP though. This can then cause lengthy problems with the MR and the appeal process because not enough detail was given. I was told nothing of this when applying.
  • Mikeyquake
    Mikeyquake Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    Been waiting since March to have pip reviewed. 
  • Ralph
    Ralph Community member Posts: 103 Pioneering
    My wife is on a years extension, due to run out in September. Review forms filled in last year. Her blue badge will also run out next month. Not a word from them. Myself I filled in review forms in May, nothing back, I’m on a year’s extension too. It’s like everything in the UK at the minute, all services seem to run down, unfit for purpose.
  • jgound
    jgound Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Been waiting since last December for review received review forms 17th December the date on them was the 28th November and had to return by 28th December filled them in straight away and just put copy of prescription in and sent recorded delivery as with Christmas and weekends didn’t give me many days never mind weeks to get any evidence together had to phone feb just to make sure they had received as never heard anything had two text messages since saying we still have your PIP forms last one was 3rd July.Now just a waiting for them to send me for medical as they always do even had claim pulled at random as they do do that computer generated and had 3 medicals in 4 years.It’s a nightmare I can understand people giving up and just forgetting about it.

  • Florine
    Florine Community member Posts: 64 Courageous
    woodbine said:
    Its disgraceful however for PIP reviews the existing award usually remains in place and for new applications payments will be back-dated if an award is made.

    That's all very well and good in the long term, but how is the person supposed to survive in the short term without the extra money they should be getting?  My caree was deprived of their PIP for months on end - the payment was simply stopped while the renewed claim was being processed.  You can't treat people like that.  Well, you can, obviously :(
  • raejin
    raejin Scope Member Posts: 1 Listener
    edited August 2023
    I've been waiting on a PIP review since February - currently only on minimal daily living component but with my added Autism and ADHD diagnoses as of this year and how they affect me I've ascertained I should get the higher rate, and at least lower rate of mobility. 
    Of course I don't hold out any hope that the assessors will agree with that at all 😒, but I should've at least reached a decision by now
    It's kinda screwing me up because I'd booked an event in London next month assuming I'd have the funds to cover the hotel by then - this was back in March - but... radio silence from DWP
    Admittedly I shouldn't have assumed, but I had no idea the wait would be this ridiculous 🥲 also my ADHD can make me impulsive in these sorts of situations without fully weighing out the consequences 

    It feels so selfish but these events are vital to my wellbeing and often the only time I get to see friends and socialise 

    I'm priviledged to be in the situation I am though, as many can barely afford to eat and live with how their payments are being witheld

    I rang up for an update and was simply shrugged off as quick as they could, saying 'well, we'll carry on paying your normal rate until October' but then what? I don't remember what else was said either because of my disability, whether I'd have to fill out another form or? 

    (hopefully this isn't oversharing too much and I hope this doesn't affect my claim in any way, by saying I'm going to an event, but I receive passenger assistance on train services and I cannot understate just how stressful and hard travel is for me, but also how disabled people should be able to and have the right to do the things they enjoy - this is a tangent, I apologise, but wanted to be clear as I'm a little anxious to share this)
  • richump
    richump Scope Member Posts: 6 Connected
    we are we are busy reliving the dark days of the 1970’s and 80’s we a government that has no idea what it means to have no money or be disabled. The issue people who are disabled face is a total lack of a party for the disabled people of the UK is we did things would be very different. My biggest axe to grind is the amount stopping people getting money they not only need but deserve (as who would choose to be disabled) is costing the uk. It would be cheaper to ensure people get the money they need for a basic standard of life so they can then be employed by a government who see us as humans and not a disease on society how are trying to con the rich out of there ill gotten gains. If I and many like me had support we could work. I am not saying it would be easy or free to make this dream a reality but it is possible. I have many ailments which are classed as complex needs and I need a carer to go out into society in my electric wheelchair as I tend to upset people as they take offence against what I say and do. I take many different kinds of medicine most need for things that the NHS if properly funded could fix which again would save a lot of money. Anyway less of my moaning and over to the youth side of disabilities to set up a political party who can win seats in Whitehall.
  • Toffee1878
    Toffee1878 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 5 Listener
    I sent my forms back just over six months ago. I have received the text to say they have got them and only to contact them if anything has changed twice now. Thankfully I am still getting my money but I will need to tax my car in December and I won't have the sheet of paper that says I am entitled to free car tax. My blue badge runs out next month but they advised me to apply on a 'walking application' which I have done. I don't think they realise how stressful this can all be. 
  • sarahbassindale
    sarahbassindale Community member Posts: 1 Connected
    I submitted my pip review in March and had one text in July saying that they are dealing with my form and not to ring them etc. 
    My blue badge runs out October and got to apply the mobility route. 
    If the tables were turned we'd be penalised. 
    Can't believe the media aren't highlighting this! 
    Even Labour aren't shouting about it. 
    Its bad enough you have to justify your existence to people who are given targets on refusals, etc. But then feel like you have no place in society unless you work.
    Not taking into account the fact we are struggling with the cost of living crisis and majority waiting for support or treatment from the NHS that's in crisis. 
    No wonder so many people are struggling with mental health issues on top of everything else. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 55,527 Disability Gamechanger
    Florine said:
    woodbine said:
    Its disgraceful however for PIP reviews the existing award usually remains in place and for new applications payments will be back-dated if an award is made.

    That's all very well and good in the long term, but how is the person supposed to survive in the short term without the extra money they should be getting?  My caree was deprived of their PIP for months on end - the payment was simply stopped while the renewed claim was being processed.  You can't treat people like that.  Well, you can, obviously :(

    No one is automatically entitled to PIP unless you have a life expectancy of 12 months or less. Your PIP should have continued while the review took place, as that's been the process since April 2020.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 55,527 Disability Gamechanger
    I sent my forms back just over six months ago. I have received the text to say they have got them and only to contact them if anything has changed twice now. Thankfully I am still getting my money but I will need to tax my car in December and I won't have the sheet of paper that says I am entitled to free car tax. My blue badge runs out next month but they advised me to apply on a 'walking application' which I have done. I don't think they realise how stressful this can all be. 

    For your BB you can ring PIP to ask them to send you a letter to confirm your PIP has been extended due to the backlogs.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • MarieBarl
    MarieBarl Community member Posts: 161 Pioneering
    woodbine said:
    Its disgraceful however for PIP reviews the existing award usually remains in place and for new applications payments will be back-dated if an award is made.
    This is true for reviews, but I lost my job back in march and requested a review as my circumstances had changed and the staff were still quoting 8 weeks at that point. I have now been advised that if mine goes to audit it could be 26 weeks total but I would get any back pay. That's all very well but I havent been assessed for my ESA either and I come off that on saturday as I qualify for pension. Again the same time frames are being quoted.

    I'm lucky to have had some money to fall back on. My husband still works and I had a savings plan mature last year. Most of that has gone adapting my room.

    How on earth will thise who have not had the luxury of a bit of a reserve cope at all. I am starting to struggle with the pressure. It must be unbearable if you have not had anything. A close friend who is not disabled has been fighting for her pension since last November and I am really worried about mine.

    Plus it isn't just the money benefits. Im still waiting for an OT visit to assess my access. My sister who is also disabled is waiting for an OT visit before her care comoany will allow their carers to get her out of bed. 

    The waiting lists for any kind of help are unbelievable.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 55,527 Disability Gamechanger
    MarieBarl said:
    woodbine said:
    Its disgraceful however for PIP reviews the existing award usually remains in place and for new applications payments will be back-dated if an award is made.
    This is true for reviews, but I lost my job back in march and requested a review as my circumstances had changed and the staff were still quoting 8 weeks at that point. I have now been advised that if mine goes to audit it could be 26 weeks total but I would get any back pay. That's all very well but I havent been assessed for my ESA either and I come off that on saturday as I qualify for pension. Again the same time frames are being quoted.

    I'm lucky to have had some money to fall back on. My husband still works and I had a savings plan mature last year. Most of that has gone adapting my room.

    How on earth will thise who have not had the luxury of a bit of a reserve cope at all. I am starting to struggle with the pressure. It must be unbearable if you have not had anything. A close friend who is not disabled has been fighting for her pension since last November and I am really worried about mine.

    Plus it isn't just the money benefits. Im still waiting for an OT visit to assess my access. My sister who is also disabled is waiting for an OT visit before her care comoany will allow their carers to get her out of bed. 

    The waiting lists for any kind of help are unbelievable.
    This just goes to prove that when you ring PIP you shouldn’t rely on the advice they give. They are call centre staff who will have no idea on the length of the backlogs. 

    They’ve been concentrating on new claims for almost 3 years, which is why reviews and change of circumstances have extremely long delays. 

    For the ESA if you’re placed into the Support Group then the extra money is paid from week 14 of your claim. If there’s any money owed you will receive it. 
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
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