Watch "Cerebral Visual Impairment and CP" from CP Research Network
This webinar features Corinna Bauer, PhD, Karen Harpster, PhD, OTR/L, and Michele Shusterman, who are developing a study of visual impairment across the lifespan. They will discuss basic concepts about visual impairment and the state of treatment and research for visual impairment in the CP population from both clinical…
Any chance of Cerebral Palsy being missed or misdiagnosed in childhood?
Hello everybody, first post here, thanks for letting me in :) I'm concerned about my son and wanted to ask those of you with first hand experience what you think. My lovely lad is 22 and is diagnosed with autism, learning disability, 2 different kinds of epilepsy (one confirmed, one suspected), sensory processing disorder,…
CP Network: Let’s talk about Mental Health on 8 May 2024
Join us for our CP Network session on May 8th, where we will
be focusing on Mental Health Awareness Week 2024. We are excited to announce that Liz Whiteley, a Registered
Member of BACP and NCPS, will be joining us to discuss the importance of
seeking disability therapy. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 8th, from 6pm…
Issues with length of appointments for people who use communication aid (AAC)
I'm not going to name and shame, but just want to flag up an issue that is currently affecting my adult son who has CP and uses AAC (no speech). He has some mental health issues which we have struggled to find the right support for (another story for another time) and over the last few months he has been accessing some…
Dsytonia with CP and post impairment disorder
Just an update of previous discussions, from the xray and letter from the London University hospital. It clear that have dsytonia too which make sense as it effects my facial expressions, speech, and high tone causing my jaw to pop out and causing me discomfort while eating in right jaw and effecting my ear. Also the xray…
Medication for depression with cerebral palsy
I’ve tried a few different ones now but can’t seem to find the right medication that dosent give me more spasms and cramps
Foot Health and Cerebral Palsy Research
Foot Health and Adults with Cerebral Palsy A report assessing the responses to the call for evidence identifying the need for Podiatry in Adults with Cerebral Palsy. A survey was conducted with the help of Scope and CPAAUK. This project started in 2023 as a result of several members of Cerebral Palsy Adults Advice UK…
Has anyone else with CP (which affects their speech) ever had problems with their jaw?
Hi - I've just joined this forum, I should have done it sooner, like most things but due to always being busy with work it never got done - at the moment I am off work for a week so have more time Since about June 2016 I have been having problems with my jaw, initially it just locked which was annoying but something which…
Post Impairment Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy
A common condition that adults with Cerebral Palsy live with, post-impairment syndrome, is a collection of symptoms and health problems that cause a great deal of discomfort, pain, and trouble with mobility. The exact issues this condition causes vary by individual, but often include fatigue, joint pain and arthritis,…
Is it Ataxic CP? - Help!
Hi everyone, We had a traumatic delivery, which resulted in our son beingcooled for a brain injury (HIE). He’sfour and is about two years behind with his motor skills. He’s wobbly on his feet, poorly coordinated,can’t really jump or heel toe walk. Whentired he veers around like he’s drunk or on a boat. We’re based in the…
3-Day Bobath Life Toolbox program
Whether you're making the move from school to college, starting a new job or simply getting on with life, we're here to support you with practical skills to prepare you for successIf you’re aged 16-21, living with cerebral palsy, or another neurological condition, and would like some practical tips to support your…
Radial shockwave therapy
Hi my name's Jane, new to the group and would like to know if anyone has tried Radial shockwave therapy. I have mild cerebral palsy.
Navigating Mental Health and CP with DisabilityPlus
This conversation is dedicated to elucidating the nuanced relationship between mental health and cerebral palsy (CP), challenging prevailing misconceptions, and promoting a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges and stressors faced by individuals with CP. Through a series of focused sections, we aim to…
Nicolas Hamilton wants to 'inspire' others with disabilities
The brother of seven-time F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton has said he wants to "inspire" other people who have disabilities as he prepares to race in the British Touring Car Championship again this year. Nicolas Hamilton, who has a form of cerebral palsy, is the first-ever disabled athlete to compete in the motorsport…
I did sport in para-swimming in 2008 until 2012 I was part of a national para-swimming team in MontrealI participated in several competitionsI was classified s7 sb8 sm7 because of my cerebral palsyI won 12 medals I really like it because I allow my whole body and my heart to work I gave up para-swimming because I injured…
spastic diplegia
I have been followed by an orthopedist since the age of 2I had surgery at the age of 9 on my right footHe pulled my achile tendon so I could put my foot on the floor But, he couldn't do much to my left arm which is bent 15 degrees and it is shorter than my right arm.He checks my posture and my walkingHe looked at my legs,…
Hi. My son has just been diagnosed with PVL. I have been told that PVL could be classed as cerebral palsy, so have assumed this is the case. Have I made the right assumption?!? Thanks!
CP Sport Hosting a Free Race Runner Have a Go Day!
It is on the 28th of April at Paula Radcliffe Stadium, Loughborough University. There are two time slots available 11 am-1 pm and 2 pm-4 pm. And it is Free! Please find the sign-up link here:
Scots woman with cerebral palsy aims to make history at London Marathon
Dr Julie McElroy, from Glasgow, is aiming to make history at the marathon by becoming the first female frame runner. [Dr Julie McElroy in her race runner with her coach on a blue athletic race track] A Scots woman with cerebral palsy is aiming to make history at the London Marathon by becoming the first female frame…
Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month 2024
In March 2024, individuals living with cerebral palsy (CP), along with their family members, friends, and dedicated activists, unite to champion the cerebral palsy community. This month-long initiative is a continuous endeavour to raise awareness about cerebral palsy. To commemorate Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, we are…