Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month 2024
In March 2024, individuals living with cerebral palsy (CP), along with their family members, friends, and dedicated activists, unite to champion the cerebral palsy community. This month-long initiative is a continuous endeavour to raise awareness about cerebral palsy. To commemorate Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, we are…
Brilliant CP Awareness Month, on the Scope Social Event for March
I just want to say thank you to Richard Luke and Abdi Gas, from Scope for arranging 3 brilliant speakers for the online Scope Social evening, on Wednesday, to celebrate CP Awareness Month First we heard from Dr Sonali Shah about her research projects, exploring CP and womens sexual health and reproductive health and…
World Health Day Special: Join Our CP Network Event on April 10th (6pm to 7pm)
Join us for our CP Network session on April 10th, where we'll be celebrating World Health Day! We're excited to announce that Sam, a highly qualified fitness professional with extensive experience as a group exercise trainer, presenter, and instructor, will be joining us. She'll share her insights on the importance of…
Looking for residential care tips for my 21-year old son with cerebral palsy and learning needs
I'm the father of three boys, one of whom has cerebral palsy and is profoundly deaf (he has a twin who's able-bodied and severely deaf). The twins were very premature; 24-weekers in fact. But that was 21 years ago and they're now adults, which is what brings me here, I guess. I share care of my son with my ex-wife. As…
feeding tubes - advice
hi i have a feeding tube all my life. my current tube has been in since 2017. what is the lifespan for a tube in an adult body? - in the 4 years i had infection after infection and sometimes it feels like it get stuck inside, get a growth on the site (I can keep going) but before October 2016 I HAD NONE OF THESE…
Are You a Disabled Job-Seeker?
Are you #disabled? Are you #neurodivergent? Are you looking for work at the moment, or have changed jobs in the last two years? Can you be available on Thursday 28 March from 1000-1130? If you are disabled and/or neurodivergent and have current or recent experience of jobseeking, then Business in the Community (BITC) wants…
Lower Back Pain and CP with Bobath
We hope you enjoyed our CP Awareness Month Special Adult Meet-Up with Bobath Ambassador Dr Lin Berwick MBE. If you weren’t able to be there, our next Adult Meet Up will be on Friday 26th April at 3pm. We’re returning to our very popular series on pain management with Bobath therapist Rajkumar Rajan and, next month, he’ll…
Hi, my name is katandy18! I support my brother who has Cerebral Palsy
Hi all, I support my brother who has Cerebral Palsy. He's now in his early 60s and after years of rather robust health, is experiencing some physical deterioration plus other health issues and I feel it would be useful to touch base with people who might be having similar experiences.
[Picture off Eva on stage at Britain's Got Talent. Eva has blonde hair has her arms out-stretched and is wearing grey jeans with a white T-shirt and grey jacket] Eva Abley, the 14-year-old Black Country comedian with cerebral palsy, won the hearts of millions when she stormed into the final of Britain’s Got Talent in 2022.…
How I'm Becoming Proactively Fearless With Cerebral Palsy
By Lydia Flores For me this year, the focus of Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month is the importance of being “proactively fearless.” I define this as being active and especially fearless in my pursuit of understanding and resources, as well as being proactive and fearless in pain management, in facing my emotions and being…
Hi, my name is Nsubugaaziida49!son is frustrated as he wishes to communicate but is not understood
Hi Please call me Aziida. Iam happy to join this group. It is a very resourceful group.Iam eager to share and learn alot.
Hello all! I am a working mum of a 10 year old son with cerebral palsy
I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this and I apologise in advance if it is not.Hopefully, I would get help with sending my question to the appropriate quarters. My family only recently moved to Chatham, Kent, still struggling to settle in and getting used to the UK generally. I want to know if there are…
Cerebral Palsy. How to Be My Ally. Channel 4 Series
‘Everyone with Cerebral Palsy is completely different’ How to Be My Ally is a three-part series that gives us all the tools and insights to be better allies to people living with disabilities. The series includes discussions on Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Cerebral Palsy and Learning Difficulties. In this episode, Joe,…
Hi, my name is LauraAD! Son with CP and PMLD is getting more sickness bugs as he gets older.
My 26 year old son has CP along with PMLD and is non verbal so I'm asking questions on his behalf. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I'm interested in how and when CP ages an ibdividual. My son has had far more colds and sickness bugs in the last seven years than he ever had as a child. I'm wondering if…
International Women's Day 2024 and Cerebral Palsy
International Women's Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. It is also a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse…
Dating with a disability
I am a single older man with relatively mild congenital CP and other age-related health problems. I am very lonely and am struggling to find a nice woman who wants to go out with me, hopefully leading to a long-term relationship. Being disabled, this is something I have struggled with since teenage years: no-one is…
Books about Cerebral Palsy for World Book Day
World Book Day is a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading. While this year may be slightly different due to lockdown, we thought we would combine it with Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month and highlight some great books out there. Image of five books being held on one hand Books for Children and…
Day 4 - Exercise for Independence
Day 4 - Exercise for Independence Today we are going to go through 1 of a trio of boxing moves. Sam is Boxercise trained!! Today is Jabs!! Don’t forget the seated technique 💪 You are partaking in this activity at your own risk. Make sure you have plenty of space & the right clothing/shoes on! You are responsible for…
Exercise for Independence Day 3
Day 3 - Exercise for independence with Inclusfit And not movement is medicine as I say in this video!! Today we have another basic seated exercise! An upper body movement! (If you have rods in your back please be careful / do not twist the torso!) Let’s get the broomsticks out & let’s learn how to canoe. Don’t forget to…
Exercise for Independence Day 2
Day 2 Exercise for Independence with Inclusfit Today we look at a basic exercise seated, seated technique & how to start exercising as a beginner! Seated marching. We go through the seated technique & how to exercise sat down!!!! We go through the options for just legs, just arms & both!!! Let us know how you get on in the…