Has anyone else with CP (which affects their speech) ever had problems with their jaw?

heidibuckell Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 9 Contributor
edited January 2018 in Cerebral Palsy Network
Hi - I've just joined this forum, I should have done it sooner, like most things but due to always being busy with work it never got done - at the moment I am off work for a week so have more time

Since about June 2016 I have been having problems with my jaw, initially it just locked which was annoying but something which I could cope with and then from last Sept onwards it has become much much worse and the hospital specialist advised me to go onto to soft diet - which I have 

I am having problems trying to get to the bottom of it and am now waiting to see a Neurologist to see whether it may be spasms 

Has anyone else with CP (which affects their speech) ever had problems with their jaw, it almost coincided with me joining a ROCK choir which I have regrettably now given up until I get this sorted - surely singing has not caused this?

Best wishes 



  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @heidibuckell I have asked on twitter for you and will send on any responses :)
  • Stayce
    Stayce Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 839 Empowering
    Hi Heidi

    You could have TMJ there is some evidence to suggest that TMJ dysfunction can be more likely with Cerebral Palsy because of the muscle imbalance.

    General information on TMJ - Does this sound like your symptoms 


    Have you seen a dentist about this? As if it is TMJ they can help you manage this and even make a night guard that will relax the muscles in your jaw whilst you sleep.

    Hope it helps

  • heidibuckell
    heidibuckell Online Community Member, CP Network Posts: 9 Contributor
    Dear Stayce 

    Thank you so much for your reply, I did wonder whether TMJ is more prevalent in people with CP. Re the idea of the mouth guard, I did ask my dentist (who is fully aware of my current problem) but she has decided not to give me one. I do have a Neurology appointment in Feb so I may mention it to the Neurologist 
  • han156
    han156 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    edited March 2018

    Hi @heidibuckell  

    I was very interested to read your post as I actually had jaw surgery last May (I have mild CP- left side hemiplegia) My symptoms were very similar to yours, and following an x-ray and bone scan it was discovered that I had an active growth centre in my left jaw joint. Most likely caused by the event at birth which caused my CP. The surgery was to remove the growth centre and it's been loads better since. I'm not sure if you have the same problem, but if you are still struggling to get to the bottom of it, it might be worth asking the question :-)

  • Amberms1
    Amberms1 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Go and see a dentist and ask for a guard for your teeth while you sleep. I need one. My dentist says I have a very strong bite (I may even grind, not sure) it will help save your teeth. I have lost bottom back teeth from damage of clenching my jaw and teeth. The guard has stopped anymore damage.
  • Jesspooley
    Jesspooley Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    I have cp and have just been diagnosed with tmj 
  • DanceDeb
    DanceDeb Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Hurt doesn't it bless you x my xray shows my jaw is wonky. So eating is painful 
  • DanceDeb
    DanceDeb Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    I have mild cp and dsytonia effecting my face neck And shoulder 
  • Jesspooley
    Jesspooley Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    It definitely hurts month before I got meds for migraines there just as painful