mombicky Online Community Member Posts: 5 Contributor
edited January 2015 in Cerebral Palsy Network
Hi. My son has just been diagnosed with PVL. I have been told that PVL could be classed as cerebral palsy, so have assumed this is the case. Have I made the right assumption?!?


  • Rocky
    Rocky Online Community Member Posts: 75 Connected

    PVL occurs as a result of damage to the ventricles of the brain and the circulation of the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF).  It normally occurs in pregnancy and can lead to cerebral palsy and other conditions so it is not specifically CP or a type of CP.  Scope has a really useful information sheet on PVL - http://www.scope.org.uk/support/families/diagnosis/pvl

  • rvl100
    rvl100 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    Hi mombicky,


    My daughter has PVL and CP. If you need to talk I'm here.

  • mombicky
    mombicky Online Community Member Posts: 5 Contributor
    Thanks for getting in touch rvl100. How old is your daughter? My son's diagnosis is being questioned by his Physio atm. Could you tell me what your daughter is like at school especially with respect to her concentration? Thanks
  • NatzG20
    NatzG20 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hey mombicky, i was wondering if i could ask you some questions about your daughter and her PVL and CP as my son was diagnosed with PVL at 4 weeks and now at 5 months old (8weeks corrected) i am starting to notice some signs compared to his twin sister.

    many thanks

  • mombicky
    mombicky Online Community Member Posts: 5 Contributor
    Hi. My son (lol unisex name) wasn't diagnosed until he was 4 and his isn't a straight forward diagnosis, but I'd be more than happy to try to answer any questions - if I can....
  • momitor
    momitor Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    My son is 4months and wondering if anyone else here has struggles feeding, or getting eye concentration or lazy eyes. had eyes checked and no physical issues...
  • mombicky
    mombicky Online Community Member Posts: 5 Contributor
    Hi. My son had to wear patches to help his left eye as it was weaker than his right eye - they helped. It seems that the whole left side of his body is weaker than his right