'It started when I was a teenager' - woman with cerebral palsy speaks on hate crime she faced
A woman with cerebral palsy shared her ordeal of how one of the students in her class "threatened to take her off the wheelchair". A recent report from charity Leonard Cheshire found fewer than 2% of disability hate crimes end up being in court despite over 11,000 incidents getting reported last year across England and…
Hi, my name is mumlove! I support my daughter who has CP
Hi, I support my daughter who has CP. She was diagnosed at birth, due to her birth experience. I love her and support her but she’s 24 years old now and it can be hard, especially as her circle of friends/trusted adults who understand her is so small.
Rachel's Disability Skiing Adventure
Hi, my name is Rachel Bailey. I have Cerebral Palsy, a wheelchair user, and I love to Ski! I have been skiing for 15 years. I have also been on many ski holidays abroad which I absolutely love. A couple of months ago I wanted to come up with a challenge to keep active and push boundaries about adaptive skiing. I started my…
Woman with cerebral palsy lands first job at the age of 36 after years of discrimination
Article from Mirror.co.uk and the charity Sense. Written by Husna Anjum Jade Cotton, 36, is celebrating her first job in years SenseA woman with cerebral palsy is thrilled to have landed her first job after years of being told she wouldn't be able to work due to her disability. Jade Cotton, 36, faced numerous rejections…
MyCP Webinar: Classifying Pain in Adults with CP
The Cerebral Palsy Research Network has released a video on about classifying pain in adults with cerebral palsy. <div class="post-text-align-center"> https://youtu.be/kaNNeZL6a6w?si=fpyu6Sfgyit3tcf6</div>
How Non-Progressive is Cerebral Palsy?
Our friend Sam from Inclusfit asks the questions. It is well-known in the medical profession that cerebral Palsy is non-progressive…. But how non-progressive is cerebral palsy? How does the ageing process make it progressive? How vital is strength training as we age? Cerebral Palsy is non-progressive with the brain damage…
Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on People with Cerebral Palsy 2023
A Special Survey from The Bobath Centre Impact of the Cost of Living Crisis on People with Cerebral Palsy 2023 The country is in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis and action is needed from the Government to support those living with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. The Bobath Centre urgently needs to know how the…
Psychomotor skills in a person with cerebral palsy
Good morning Let me introduce myself, my name is Eric ParizeauI have cerebral palsyMy Disability is spastic diplegiaI live in Canada I a very curious person Because I would like to know Why do we have severe global psychomotor delay in a person with cerebral palsy? What does psychomotor mean? Because I started talking…
Hi, my name is Miah! I am a cerebral palsy rehabilitation therapist
Hi, I am a cerebral palsy rehabilitation therapist in Vietnam. I know your community on website and I want to join your online community to support global CP children . I plan come UK to study master cousre, so I also connect your orgernization to promote my network. Thank you for your reading.
Sponsored by Scope November Bobath Adult Meet-Up Knee Pain!!.... with Raj Rajan
Many adults with cerebral palsy struggle with knee pain. In this adult meetup, Raj will discuss the most common reasons for knee pain, suggest activities to relieve it, and talk about other options for treatment. Bring your questions and look forward to seeing you! Join Senior Bobath Tutor and Physiotherapist Raj Rajan for…
Does Season of Conception Affect Cerebral Palsy Risk in Children?
Article from Jessica Nye PhD via Neuro Advisor. The prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) is slightly higher among babies conceived during the winter and spring months than the summer months, according to study findings published in JAMA Network Open. The most common neuromotor and physical disability, CP, affects 2 to 3…
Children waiting years for cerebral palsy and autism treatment
Children are waiting years for autism and cerebral palsy treatments as NHS leaders accuse the government of ignoring warnings of a crisis in community care. The number of patients waiting for NHS community services hit more than one million in August and a new analysis has revealed one in five of those patients are…
CP Potential's Free Halloween Creative Club
Our next Creative Club is open for booking! Book Now! October 28th Halloween Creative Club Spooky Fingers Plaster Casting Session 10.30 am -12.30 pm with Ryan McClelland. Children and their families use casting materials to explore mould making by making cast negatives of their hands/fingers or feet, creating positive…
Calling parents/carers of children aged 0-10 with cerebral palsy
Scope's friends at ACTION CEREBRAL PALSY is committed to facilitating the development of models of best practice for children and young people with cerebral palsy and their families. We are pleased to be participating in work being driven by NHS England Children and Young People Transformation Unit through a Task and…
CP, Fatigue and Brain Fog
Hello, I am just posting as I almost constantly experience fatigue and a lot of the time also feels really foggy like I can’t form thoughts or concentrate at all. I just wondered whether anyone else experiences this and whether it is a consequence of the overwhelming fatigue that might be part of post impairment syndrome?…
Jacquie Rogers Interview: History meets Disability
Watch Jacquie Rogers' interview with Steph Yates, a young YouTuber with cerebral palsy, on her YouTube channel, the Buterfly Princess Show They will be chatting together live tomorrow at 2.00 pm BST, about Jacquie's writing and her Roman character young Nicomedes, who lives with cerebral palsy. It should be a fun…
BBC Comedy Singles: Kirkmoore
Chloe, Jack and David are navigating life at Kirkmoore, a residential college for disabled students. Jack is girl-obsessed and determined to get a reluctant David, who just wants to knuckle down and finish his essay, on a night out. Meanwhile, Chloe is anxious that her online date goes well. As the evening unfolds in…
Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S.A Adds Cerebral Palsy To Autism Tracking Effort
by Michelle Diament at Disability Scoop For the first time in over a decade, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention network that tracks the prevalence of autism is expanding to include another developmental disability. The agency said that five of its Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network sites…
Exclusive Pineapple Dance Studios Event!
Let’s dance! The world-famous Pineapple Dance
Studios is hosting a very special event for UP, and legendary Pineapple founder
and CEO Debbie Moore OBE will be joining us for it. Dance can be inaccessible for
people with CP, which was the case for Leo. However, during Covid, Leo joined
Pineapple online and found somewhere…
Upset by neighbours
Hi all, I live alone and have CP which affects my left side. I lost my Motability car in 2018 after losing my PIP appeal. I eventually got it back in 2021 (full care/mobility rates). After Covid I tried to get another Motability car but was told there was an 18 month waiting list due to the worldwide microchip shortage. My…