Trying to fit in.
Hello, so I have Diplegia Cerebral Palsy and am currently in my 10th year in education. An awful lot of my peers go outside into the big wide world and do various teenage activities like going into the city centre, going to restaurants, going to parties etc. I can't do any of that at the moment and I must admit, I'm…
My son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy a few weeks ago
Hello everyone, my name is Carrie. I am the mommy to two wonderful little boys. My youngest son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy a few weeks ago, he is only 5 months old. I look forward to being a part of your group, thank you!
6 Tips for Managing Your Menstrual Cycle With Cerebral Palsy
When you have cerebral palsy, dealing with the challenges and obstacles of having a menstrual cycle every month can lead to increased spasms in your limbs or overall muscle tightness and pain. Of course, this can be stressful. Here some tips that may be helpful. 1. Find the menstrual product(s) that work well for you.…
DVLA and Cerebral Palsy
i am just after some advice I have cerebral Palsy. I have been driving for 17 years and use hand controls to enable me to drive, I informed DVLA of this in 2002 when I passed my test I told them of my condition and my hand controls I have an exemplary driving record and have had no incidents (touch wood) I never go to the…
Experience of CP and abandonment by NHS
Hi everyone, my name is Alan from Glasgow and I’m the father of Olivia who is 16 years old, and has quadriplegic cp and severe learning disability, Olivia is non verbal and registered blind, the reason I’m on here is because I’m looking for help as since Olivia has turned 16 it seems as if we have been left completely…
Hemiplegia and Drumming
Hi Guys! My 6 year old has right sided hemiplegia and has taken an interest in drumming. His grip on his right hand is very weak and he keeps dropping the drumstick and gets really frustrated. Does anybody know of any aids that can assist him to hold the stick? Or any ideas how we can keep the stick in his hand without…
Eternal: Healthcare for girls and women with cerebral palsy across the life course
Are you interested in taking part in our study: eternal: a study to explore UK healthcare for girls and women with cerebral palsy across the life course. (2019-2021) I am a researcher at the School of Nursing, University of Birmingham. I have CP, and am leading a project to help improve access to sexual and reproductive…
I have Cerebral palsy I’m at age i where won’t to move and my Independence and I work full time in nursery What’s the best way to go about it ??
My student with CP is feeling isolated
Hi, I'm new to here but wanted some advice. I work in a school and one of my pupils is really struggling with his CP at the moment. He feels very isolated and often comes to me for advice but I've now hit a block and don't know how I can support him. Been a teenager doesn't help as he is trying to understand him self more…
Study finds higher rate of pregnancy complications in women living with CP
Women with cerebral palsy (CP) are more likely to experience pregnancy complications, including preterm birth and the need for cesarean section, a new study suggests. Read the full article.
Bedwetting in kids with CP
Do any of you have kids with CP who have had difficulty with bed wetting? I'm wondering if my sons issues are to do with our mysterious neurological issue or not. I'm fairly sure that his nevrves aren't speaking to his brain correctly or he has weak core/bladder muscles probably the first because he is fine in the day. The…
Hi, can cerebral palsy get worse suddenly?
This is something that's been bugging me for a long time now; I've managed my CP very well for the majority of my life, to the point where it barely challenged me at all, but since the age of 16 (I'm 19 now) I've suddenly been experiencing extreme pain and fatigue and I don't know what's happening. I know that CP…
What do I do next?
I have diplegia cerebral palsy and I am reoccurring callus on both of my foot. I do not know the callus is related my cerebral palsy or not. Please can you advise what to do next? Ruthanne from London
Advice for parents with a recent diagnosis of CP of a child
I’m just wanting some advice or just abit of a support with how to adapt to a diagnosis of cerebral palsy in a young child. Any advice from parents living with a child with CP would be greatly appreciated,
Chronic Fatigue/Night Spasms
So the past few days I have been feeling really spaced out like I am drunk/hungover and not quite with it. The other night I went to bed early slept for 8 hours and woke up feeling even worse like I hadn't even slept. My eyes were so heavy all day I could hardly keep them open and one eye was twitching like it was tired…
What exercise can do with my 8 month old grandson?
My grandson is 8 months old and has cerebral pausey. What exercise can I do to help him?
Writing with cerebral palsy
My little girl who is 4 years old has cerebral palsy, she’s recently started mainstream primary school, and has settled in really well. She has also had Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy “SDR” surgery and has since made great improvements. We had an ISAR meeting this morning at the school, and we’ve identified she’s finding…
Help Identify the Problems Faced by People Living with CP During the Transition from Child to Adult
Workshop: Help Identify the Problems Faced by People Living with CP During the Transition The University of Leeds and the University of Durham are organising a workshop to identify the challenges that young adults with cerebral palsy (CP) face in receiving and accessing care and support during and after transitioning from…
Disability talks
Hi I’m Sally, I am a new online friend, a bit about me, I go round schools where I live and give them talks about my disability which is right sided hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy. I go to Slimming World on a Tuesday morning. I have been invited to a children in need day and give a talk on the 14 November, the kids have asked…
Student project!
Hi everyone! My name is Ciara and I am currently a 2nd year Undergraduate student at Imperial College London, studying Biomedical Engineering. As part of my degree this year, I am working on a design project with a small group of students on my course to develop a rehabilitation device for children with cerebral palsy. I…