The poem called horrendous weather
The poem called horrendous weather I just wanted to check in on my virtual friends on the scope online community are you all keeping safe and well? With these howling winds blowing with so much strength outside. I hope you all keeping safe and secure in your homes while keeping warm for this bad storm that has hit the UK…
Have you put up your Christmas decorations? 🎄
It's exactly a month until Christmas Day, woohoo! 🎅🤶 We were wondering, have you decked your halls with Christmas cheer, or is November a bit too soon? The online community team are currently divided, with some thinking it's way too early and some that already have their decorations up! What do you think? Pictures of…
Pantomimes, yay or nay?
It's Pantomime season! (Oh no, it's not... Oh, yes it is! 😅) I'm heading to our local theatre with the family to watch a Pantomime this evening, and I was wondering what everyone thinks about them? Personally, I can take it or leave it, but going each December has become a bit of a tradition for us, so I just sit back and…
Poem called celebrating international disability day
Poem called celebrating international disability day Today is international disability day. All people with disabilities are amazing stars in the own right. As we celebrate the achievements of the people form al the world with all different disabilities who do and continue to do fantastic work to show the glorious talents…
Did anyone watch I couldn't bring myself too
Heres my movie collection, blurays, dvds, feel free to share your own collections
As well as a collection of star wars memorabilia, i also like to collect films on DVD and Bluray, i have a large collection, the main cabinet is in the living room and thats the bluray collection, on the landing i have shelving for my DVDs, i'm not sure how many i own but its a lot, across various genres, i also stream…
🎄Deck the Streets with Lights for Illumination Street Week✨
I absolutely love it when people put their Christmas lights up, and my family like to go on drives at night to see them all. We even play Christmas Light bingo where we have to find certain types of lights to fill up our bingo card! Have you done something similar? Illumination Street Week 2024 This week invites people to…
Poem called Decoration
Poem called Decoration The decoration is the preparation for Christmas. Decoration makes our house sparkle with beauty. Our Christmas tree grows and shines While we create some beautiful memories with our family members.
Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day - which side are you on?
Black Friday used to be just an American thing, a day of sales and discounts celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving. But much like a lot of things, it's started creeping over here and is now all over our shops for weeks. Everywhere you go either online or out in the world, there are signs advertising Black Friday…
Welcome poem for Mary_Scope
Welcome poem for Mary_ScopeIt is just wonderful to see another new member join the amazing scope of the charity team. I would like to say hey it's nice to meet you Mary_Scope I hope you are bedding into your new job here at the Scope charity. I believe that you are doing awesome with the scope and you continue to you.…
About our food such as diary
Can somebody explain I'm seeing all this stuff about bovaer I'm really worried doesnt anybody know what dairy products doesnt have this **** init I'm sure government trying kill us off
Poem called scintillating hearts
Poem called scintillating hearts The amazing scope online community members and online community staff members scintillating hearts will all scintillating comments touch my heart that I read from you all about my beautiful poetry and its truly a honer to be able to share work on the glorious platform of the scope online…
poem called beaming
poem called beaming A beaming smile can light up and other person who is not feeling great. The gloom lifts when you receive a beaming smile. The warmth it brings to our hearts to receive a beaming smile. A smile is no cost to us Our warming beaming smile bring joy and happiness to all. Just remember to keep smiling no…
Ask a question...
Do you like to get your home all clean and tidy in time for christmas? I do, but it'll take me weeks (even with my small flat), so I'm starting early.
its starting to look a lot like Christmas
Memories Not Money
At This time of year there seems to be this pressure to buy an incredible amount of presents for your children or grand children.Ive seen lots of posts on Tik tok with ridiculous amounts of presents.Of course it is their perogative completely what they do and how they wish to spend their money.But I personally think it's…
St Andrews Day
Today marks St Andrews Day, which is celebrated by Scottish people on 30th November every year. St Andrew became the official patron saint of Scotland in 1320. According to Christianity, he was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. The day is generally celebrated with Scottish culture, traditional food, clothing,…
Happy birthday Catherine21!
I know it's a little late in the day, but a little birdy just told me it's @Catherine21 birthday today. So let's all take a moment to wish her a very happy birthday! ❤️
Hi to all
Hi there Since I had my Operation I have lost quite a bit of Weight approx 1 kg which I am really pleased about and continuing to loose more weight as this is what I would like to do. Hospital phoned today about my Catheter Change and I was Passed from pillor to post about me having a larger catheter I don't think one…
Share a RED photo
I don't know if it will help motivate any of you that might be feeling a bit isolated, low, bored, fed up etc etc. I have done this theme on another forum and it was fun to do as well as having people looking forward to seeing photos. Share a photo that is RED, without sharing your location. After it's be left for about a…