Wheelchair Fencing Disability Sport
Hey guys wouid it be ok to Post My Wheelchair Fencing Facebook Page to your site My Name is Jonathan Collins and i have Spina Bifida and Hydrocepulus and i am also a Wheelchair Fencer from the UK My aim is to show what it is Like to be an athlete with Both Conditions Please can I share My Wheelchair Fencing Page on your…
Videos on advice not just hemiplegia and my experience
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_vq1Fd2zdpzLHXjLZKwFeM5nctwfsPAi Hope this helps some people videos of advice and my experience
Psoriasis. And Crohnes
My son has suffered with psoriasis for many years when he was diognised with Crohnes the psoriasis completely cleared, after having surgery for chrones (resection) the psoriasis has come back,I'm just curious to know if anyone else has experienced this.
Keep well everyone.
Respite guidance
Hi there, Hope all are keeping well and safe. I wondered if I am able to get some advice. I will soon be getting my flat adapted to accommodate my wheelchair. It is major works that will be taking place and the occupational therapist has suggest it might be a good idea that I stay somewhere else. She has suggested that I…
Smear test results
Hi peeps I'm roz I love trying to help different causes eg disabity animals human rights I love helping the voiceless and tryi to make a difference there's always someone worse off than yourself
A long shot i think but...- has anyone had a colonoscopy?
Hi, I get colonoscopy's fairly regular. Coming up to the 3rd one. The usual prep the give, moviprep has an awful effect on me, vomiting, cold, shivering etc. Just awful. So this time I have asked for a new prep, the only one they can offer me is called fleet I pick it up monday. Has anyone taken fleet? I am starting to…
Epilepsy and spinabifida
Hi is there anyone on here that can talk to me if they are in same boat lol I have epilepsy and spinabifida feel very alone and down sometimes don't have friends or anyone in same boat only family need some friends and someone who understands x
Insulting mental health diagnoses when pain major issue
Think I alluded to this but has anyone here had experience of being inapropriately (not nearly strong enough language) diagnosed with mental health disorders when you had a pain condition? It's something I'd really like to discuss. And as I'd also alluded to it's not that I didn't have issues with mental health and that…
Hi, im tiMboblocky and I need help finding a film prop!
I’m making a documentary film about Bill, my 90 year old friend, he was born without a fibula and he talks of wearing callipers, I’m wanting to add to my film images of the past and one of the items I remember were the collecting boxes of kids with callipers outside shops, I’m hoping that you might be able to help me…
Activism blog
I'm an avid disabled right campaigner and am very active in my community. Some of you know me of course, but you don't know know what I've been up to recently! i now have a job you can see where on my blog! https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/885413/posts/2856348806
Doctor recommendations
Hello. I was born with open defect spina bifida and have mild endo too. I need to find a urologist for myself. Where and how do I find one? I am willing to travel up to London or Kent to see a urologist at a hospital. My last urologist has now retired and left the UK unfortunately. I also need to find a reputable qualified…
When your physical disability impacts your mental health
My name is Katy, I'm
23 years old and I have Scimitar Syndrome. It is a congenital heart defect and
due to the heart anatomy being a bit tangled up, there is no oxygenated blood
going to my right lung. Therefore, my right lung does not work and I have a
reduced lung function. Research is needed Two years ago I started to…
Nasty word said by Tram Official!!!
Nasty word said by Tram Official as I said to him about standing near me without fully covering his nose and mouth, certainly not Socially Distanced from me. The word that this Charity used to be called before becoming Scope, that's what he called me after looking at my swollen foot. I've been called nasty stuff before,…
How does one cope with staring people?
one of my disabled friends has a condition that makes him look a little different. Not horrible or frightening! Just because of his shape. He has a curved spine. He gets upset when people stare and when even grown men and women, yes adults, whisper and snigger. WHY DO THEY DO THIS? He is one of the nicest guys you'd ever…
Assistance Dogs in University
I was hoping someone would be able to help. My friend and I are both Assistance Dog handlers who have independently trained our own dogs (in fact I've even started my own program for those with rare disabilities) and are hoping to start a university course starting in September. The degree is mostly distanced based but at…
Writing a story
Hey guys I don't know if you can help me at all but for a long time now I have have been struggling to say the least and to express how I feel I have wanted to write a story on my experiences as not only living with a disability but with mental health issues too. I have had many attempts at doing this and it never seems to…
Using Technology to connect With New People
Hi There, I hope everyone is keeping safe and well. I have a question on the use of Technology and online groups in order to connect with new people, due to the Pandemic. Since Lockdown began, I am aware the use of both Technology and Social Media has become even more popular and has brought people together. I agree the…
Hi all hope your all well ? I really need help don't know where else to go. I'm having serious housing issues harrassment. It's been going on for years. I haven't been in the property since March lockdown. I had to move around the country to stay with friends. I would have died if I had stayed there with no support. I…
Navigation websties/applications for WheelChair Users?
Hey Guys! I was wondering if you guys could recommend me any type of navigation website or application I can use as a wheelchair user. Thank You :)
Any experience of owning a caravan?
Hi guys wonder if anybody could give me some advice. Does anybody have any experience of owning a caravan ? Just need some advice. Thank you