Needing help from family: the conflict between needing their help & wanting them to not have to
As a disabled person who needs help, how do you navigate that place between desperately wanting your family to help you because you need the extra help, but at the same time wanting them to not have to have the restrictions of providing care for you. I've just had a conversation with my mum who I currently live with. I had…
Scout Hut renovation and access/entrance question regarding wheelchair use
Hi all, I'm involved in the local scout group who are planning do carry out some building work to improve the hut where we do activities, have meetings and so on. Part of the work will involve renovating one of the toilets to make it disabled/wheelchair friendly and we also need to alter the entrance(s) to make these…
Let's make invisible illnesses Visible by spreading awareness
Hi everyone, you may or may not know I suffer with a rare disease that I class as an "invisible illness" because you can't always see what's going on inside and I've come across a few people lately who have passed judgement now I understand this is a tricky topic because they have a lack of understanding or knowledge and…
“A sense of purpose”: How crafting helped me manage my chronic illness
Kelly Reid is a blogger and Instagrammer, talking
all things chronic illness. She also runs a pen pal matching service for people
with chronic illnesses. In this blog post she shares how crafting become a big
part of her life while managing a chronic illness. Hi, I’m Kelly, a chronically ill crafter and content
creator. I…
Who has a invisible illness and how do you get through the day?
Any tips would be appreciated?
Parenting with Cerebral Palsy
Hi, I'm Richard and I live with Cerebral Palsy, Spastic Quadriplegia to be specific. I am the specialist information officer for Cerebral Palsy on the community, but today I will be talking about my experiences of being a parent for World Cerebral Palsy (CP) Day. Could I really do this? Growing up I wanted the same things…
A makeup brand featured me!
A while a go i received a mean message about me sharing my makeup looks on social media, then a makeup brand called Absolute New York sent me a nice message saying to keep on doing what I am doing and they sent me some makeup products to try out. Recently they sent me a message asking me what individual beauty means to me…
A big step forward in the accessibility of the police service
This week saw the launch of a new scheme to help visually impaired people identify police officers, following a campaign by a blind woman. Tina Snow, from the Isle of Wight, was unable to see the warrant card produced by an officer at her home, and the officer had no other way of identifying himself. Let's learn about the…
To the NHS staff who have cared for me
My name is Laura and I blog over on Confessions of a Zebra. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome and fibromyalgia and this year I received a diagnosis of gastroparesis. Having had to give up full time work, I am now passionate about raising awareness for rare diseases and trying to reduce stigma…
Hope everyone is ok, had me flu jab, and as usual got a bad cold. Just trying to cope with every day life. Well all keep safe it is nice to know scope is there even just for a chat. Take care
Hi, my name is taiba78692! Can I be stopped from going to Friday prayer for not wearing a mask?
I would like to ask as, I feel iv been harassed to wear a face mask in a mosque even though I explained I have a medical condition both physical and mental... I was told if I have an illness I shouldn't be there. Because there was a scene made in front of all the congregation I said give me a mask il wear it, when bought I…
Online exhibition celebrating 50 years of disability rights
Manchester histories have put together a fab digital collection of resources to celebrate: If you visit the website you can look at a range of interesting contributions, such as these stories, creativity, views and histories from disabled people. If you want to share any thoughts about what you read or how you feel…
Back Care Awareness Week - How is your posture?
This week is Back Care Awareness Week, which is an opportunity for people and organisations to reflect on how they can better support health and wellbeing, both in the workplace and at home. Arranged by BackCare (the National Back Pain Association), a UK charity that was originally set up in 1968, the week also aims to…
Access to Covid home testing? What's your experience?
Hi! I have a disability which prevents me from driving or cycling ( even if I could, I couldn't afford a car, as a low paid key worker!) I am worried that home testing seems to be very unavailable, when I tried they had run out! What's your experiences? Are home tests being rationed for those who need them? We hear so much…
Finding friends
hi there has anybody got any advice about social groups for young adults with autism and learning difficulties - naturally at the moment it would need to be virtual (eg, Zoom).
Tell the Department for Transport about your experience with pavement parking
The Department for Transport are running a consultation on pavement parking. Pavement parking is already illegal in London, but they're looking to make this illegal across the UK. This would be a really positive step forward, making streets more accessible for lots of disabled people including wheelchair users and people…
gp social worker said they called me, but never did
I just see e mail from my gp social worker said they tried call me but I am not answer how because I am wait from them call but they never call me I am never answer my house number if they call there because I get couple the abuse I don't now what can I do if call again because they said discharge me what I am gone do now…
Is there hope for the future? World Alzheimer's Month 2020
Although there isn't currently a cure for Alzheimer's disease, professionals from a range of disciplines are working hard to both find a cure, and to make the world a more dementia-friendly place. What research is currently being done? I
spoke to Selina Wray, Alzheimer's Research UK Senior Research Fellow at UCL
Friends say they are to overwhelmed. By my the state of my. Home to help me...exactly why I asked them to help me
I am on a c pat machine i was told i would not have shield if you have coved they ventilate you so whats the difference I know ventilatering is more invasive but air is still pumped in