The Cost of Cuts
Right now, the government is considering changes to disability benefits. But for millions of disabled people, these benefits are a lifeline. They are the difference between surviving and being pushed deeper into poverty. Life costs a lot more when you’re disabled. Needing more financial support is not a choice. Disabled…
Get your MP to act against cuts
Hi everyone 🙂 It's Tori from Scope's campaigns team here. I think it's fair to say that the last few weeks have been pretty bleak. We saw widespread news coverage last weekend about potential Government proposals to cut disability benefits. I know this is worrying for many of you. MPs from all parties need to understand…
Upcoming changes to benefits
There has been a lot of speculation over the last few months about potential changes to the benefits system and earlier this week ITV released an article summarising what is expected to be announced by the Government: More than £6bn of welfare savings will come from changes to disability benefits. The aim is to save £6bn a…
Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November
thought I’d get this thread started early as I’ll imagine the papers will be publishing significant leaks later tonight From the sounds of things upcoming welfare reforms (such as wca and pip) won’t be covered in this white paper (at least in major detail) - past quotes from the gov suggest welfare reform reveal launch…
Worried sick
Is anyone else terrified about what was said yesterday regarding the disability benefit cuts? I'm on lwrca for my OCD but it very much sounds as though they are going to make it impossible to claim pip for mental health reasons alone. Requiring 4 points is absurd. I struggled to get onto pip in the first place they kept…
Benefit cuts
will the latest cuts apply to attendance allowance
Hi, my name is Bindie
I am a carer and are considerably concerned over the proposed welfare cuts. I feel let down and betrayed by a government that traditionally values and looks after those most vulnerable. All this 'new Labour' government want to do is steal from the poorest and most vulnerable instead of recovering lost revenue through a…
Green Paper not making sense
I really cannot make sense of the green paper and what it means to me on pip and lcwra. I have a pip review coming up so should I worry I could lose everything. I just feel totally confused and let down by labour. I have painful osteoarthritis and spinal disease and I work 12 hours a week. The worry of having to return to…
Scope, Please Do Not Wait Until It Is Too Late!
While I commend your efforts to oppose cuts to disability support, there is a critical issue that must be addressed: the lack of transparency in the government’s consultation process. The government is planning to release an impact statement alongside the upcoming budget, suggesting they already have the new PIP form and…
Hi, what can we collectively do?
I am the mother of an adult with CP, who scores 2 across his PIP. Therefore he won’t meet the new eligibility criteria. I intend to do all I can individually ie write to MP, sign petition etc, but can we do something collectively? Does anyone know of any protest march in London?
Green Paper thoughts
Hi hope all are ok. Just my thoughts on this Green paper as I’m aware many many of you here will be in a panic and understandably so. I personally find it very very hard to believe that the change in eligibility for pip with 4 points needed from 1 descriptor will ever see the light of day. Do not forget these are proposals…
Pip cuts.
I'm deeply distressed about the proposed pip cuts that people won't get the daily living unless they score at least 4 points in a discriptor. This means I will lose my daily living because I get 2s and 3s in all discriptors even though I can not bath without help or cook without help. But they still gave 2 points. But also…
Benefit cuts - mental health
Was anyone else getting angry listening to Liz Kendall stand in front of the nation telling them what people with mental health problems NEED🥴 People with mental health problems already feel pathetic and unheard without her belittling us infront of the whole country. I scored 4 points on one of the daily living components…
This is absolutely about the point system how it works
you’ve got score up 12 points to get for both high reward how bad is your disability walking 🚶♀️ distance if you less than I think it’s about 10 meters long distance can you dress yourself arm movement standing things and eating do live alone can you prepare your own food 🥘 overall body strength but you must get at least…
Green paper changes
hello, I know we are all still trying to get our heads around the proposed changes after the green paper today. I am on contributions based ESA in the support group. I am allowed to do permitted work. I also get pip mobility component. If these proposals were to go ahead I would lose everything. Would I be able to claim…
Disability benefits cuts
Hi so they trying to get people into work with disabilities who not worked like myself in over ten years .who would employed someone like myself asked at interview were and last time I worked. Reasons why . And when I tell them I have serious depression bad back pain . Blinde in 1 eye no one would offer me a job . I would…
Really concerned
I was forced to retire as a retail manager aged 38, I had to see 3 different doctors before the company allowed me to receive a pension from them, I was told by two of the doctors that it was doubtful if I would ever return to work. I am now 62 and haven't worked since,I have now had 8 spinal surgeries,some of them very…
A very sad day for the disabled, mentally ill and vulnerable and those in need of support.
Words fail me just now..they really do!
Hi, my name is jonju!
My anxiety is sky high ,my heart is beating so fast because I'm so worried 😟 I have a rare disease that even the Dr's or professionals don't know much about . I had a heart attack 2021 & a stroke followed, ever since then I've been unable to walk un aided ,I haven't got the muscle strength I used to have ,I basically find…
Green paper
I scored 13 points in total for daily living, on the one category I had 4 points, anyone know what that mean for me, my head is all over the place. Thanks in advance
Live coverage of Health and Social Care questions tomorrow 9.30 - 11.30am
Select committee session on reform of adult social care. BBC Parliament
Welfare Reform Statement - recorded coverage from 7.30am - 9.30am on BBC Parliament
Recording of yesterdays' statement from Liz Kendall and debate in the House of Commons (if you missed it)
On now BBC Parliament House of Lords - Welfare Reform Statement
23:40 to 00:30
Today's benefit news
Hi, after today's news on benefits can someone tell me I get lcwra on a single claim and work as courier driver part time. Also get pip daily living for my mentel health condition off 12 years. Does it mean my lcwra will stop now or in 2028. My pip due for reassessment before Feb 2027.