Adjustable clothing
Hi, Im currently a student on my last year of uni and as part of my final project I was looking into fashion and adjustable clothing for people with disabilities. The concept is based on my initiative to create more awareness within the fashion industry, as I believe it is not something that is talked about enough. It is…
Have you had to leave your job because of reasons related to your condition? Win a £30 voucher
[This opportunity is now closed] Hi all, If you are aged between 16-25, have had to leave your job for reasons
related to your condition, and are looking for more suitable work, we would love
to hear from you. We are writing a new webpage about “Finding work
that suits your life and condition”. Please get in
touch with me…
Hi, I'm Tori and I'm hoping you'd help me out with my master's research
Hi, I'm Tori and I have an invisible yet physical disability. I’m currently reading Criminology, Sexualities and Genders.For my master's research, my aim is to explore people who are physically disabled understanding of sexual consent.There is little to no research surrounding people with physical disabilities and our…
Hello! I'm doing an adapted fashion project
Hi, I'm Hanna! I'm passionate about making fashion more accessible for people with disabilities. Since I was 9 years old I have been sewing heat packs into clothes to help with pain, and now I want to start a business making fashion accessible, and access fashionable. I'm doing a Masters in Innovation and am looking for…
We want to make the fashion industry more accessible and inclusive
Hi, I'm Hanna! I'm passionate about making fashion more accessible for people with disabilities. Since I was 9 years old I have been sewing heat packs into clothes to help with pain, and now I want to start a business making fashion accessible, and access fashionable. I'm doing a Masters in Innovation and am looking for…
Get Yourself Active - Active@Home
New collection of resources to support disabled people to get active at home during the coronavirus outbreak. The Get Yourself Active team at Disability Rights UK has been busy working on projects to ensure that their members and the general public are able to access ideas and content which provide the tools to be active…
Free virtual half-term activities from Disability Sports Coach
February half-term activities from Disability Sports Coach - free to attend and live on Zoom * Music: TUES 16TH 12:30-1 * Strength: WEDS 17TH 12:30-1 * Dance: WEDS 17TH 2:30-3 * Football: THURS 18TH 12:30-1 * Cooking: THURS 18TH 2:30-3:30 * Multisports: FRI 19TH 2:30-3 Plus usual weekly sessions Register, or for more…
Do you provide or receive care from a spouse, adult child, partner, relative, friend or neighbour?
Do you provide or receive care from a spouse, adult child, partner, relative, friend or neighbour? If so, take part in our survey: https://bit.ly/2DYXtE6 Or for more information, go to: https://www.entwine-icohort.eu/ We strongly believe that the voices of informal caregivers and care recipients should be heard. We…
Relationships and autism
Hey, my best friend has Aspergers and I’m a university student doing my dissertation on autism and romantic relationships. I’d really love if you could take part! 18+ only ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://ntupsychology.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1YyvIBuCWh4fhHM Thank you!!!! :)
COVID-19: Disabled people 'cut off from vital support' during pandemic, warns charity (Scope)
just relaying a news item on sky today based on research by our Scope!
Research Opportunity for Autistic Adults
Hi there! I am a graduate student at
the University of California, Santa Barbara, and I, along with a team of
autistic and non-autistic researchers, am working on a study regarding autistic
individuals' perspectives on intervention/education. Below are details of the study and a link to the survey. Please let me know if…
Survey: Innovative device for bladder management
everyone, I am currently conducting an online survey to
collect data for my master thesis. The thesis deals with a digital device
called inContAlert and its influence on quality of life. inContAlert measures
the bladder filling level continuously. It is still under development, however,
a lot of people with bladder…
Hi, I'm Tori and I'm a research student! I'm exploring disabled people's concept of sexual consent
I am fairly new to the disabled community, I had a seizure 2 years ago that left me with Daily Chronic Migraine Syndrome. I was diagnosed at the beginning of 2020 but didn't really feel part of the community until I started my master's degree in September. I am studying criminology in London, loving it but finding it hard…
Research about asssitive technology - could you help?
Hello, I'm a Speech and Language Therapist and I work for the University of Sheffield. I'm part of a team of people who've helped to design a new type of communication aid, which uses your voice to help you communicate. That means it's good for people who struggle to use other communication aids where you have to use a…
My Youtube Channel - "Words on Wheels"
hi guys and girls! Firstly a very happy new year to you. I have been in touch with Scope today about an issue and my call agent by the name of 'Callum' was extremely helpful, he pointed me in the direction of this "community" so here i am, with my opening post. Fingers crossed that 2021 can be a prosperous one for us all.…
Scope’s Lockdown Legends
Do something epic. Fundraise this February. We are looking for Lockdown Legends to do something epic in February to fundraise for Scope. Whatever challenge you choose, you'll be joining Scope's team of Lockdown Legends. You could take on an epic challenge at home or use your daily exercise allowance to get active outdoors…
Opportunity for disabled students to speak with Refinery29 magazine
Involvement opportunity with Refinery29 magazine Refinery29
magazine is looking to publish a feature that looks at issues disabled students
who are at university are facing, during the pandemic. A journalist from the magazine is
looking to speak to a few young female students who have had to move back home because of lack…
University disability project on gardening tools
Dear all, I am a university student in the second year of my product design course. In my last project of the year, I have been asked to look into gardening tools and ways of making them more user-friendly. However, instead of just making something better just by looks, I would prefer to improve it in order for everyone to…
Co-Production Partners working with Turn2us
Hi Everyone! I am the Information Manager at Turn2us - national charity supporting people in financial difficulty. We are still looking for people to work with us to build our new Grants Search tool , please see the attached document for more information. Here is a link to the current tool…
How should disabled people be represented in video games?
I am creating a 3d model in my course based on a group that is underrepresented within the gaming industry and the media as a whole. My partner and I had chosen those with disabilities as one of our two groups to illustrate in our model. My main question is how would you want to be represented in videogames as it would be…