Work capability assessment
Hi, so yesterday I had my limited capability for work phonecall. We covered my fibromyalgia, chronic pain disorder, vitamin D, and how I live and get by but then she said I have no time to cover you depression and how that affects you daily but I feel this is a major contribution to my illness. We were only on the phone…
Hi, my name is krobyn202! Will my child's disability element go up?
hi i just want some advice as i read off this website and its helped in so many ways , my child was on mrc dla and receives £156 disability element on uc , i did coc with dla as condition worsened and she got hrc no mobility so i did change on uc to the date it said on the letter as it is ehnanced rate would her disability…
A useful resource when deciding which party to vote for in the general election
I found this on twitter just now and I think it’s potentially a very helpful (and impartial) resource for this community: credit to:
Appealing against the LCW decision
I just received my report following a mandatory reassessment from DWP. I am in the UK and on Universal Credit and was assessed last month as being capable for work but with limited capability. This means I get no extra money and have to eventually be in work.I have already appealed this so it should go to tribunal. They…
Question about Carers Allowance and UC
Hi all, my partner is our sons carer and started claiming Carers Allowance around Sept/Oct time last year. We also migrated from Tax Credits to UC in the middle of April this year. Also, back at the end of Jan my partner started a part time job to fit in with my hours and his caring of our son. We informed CA and they have…
Just retired and sorting pension credits
Pension credits have found a old pension . I have not worked for over 26 years due to disabilities and only worked there for 18 mths or there abouts I'm divorced and live alone on PIP and get disabled premium ( forget what's its called) paid with ESA but that has now stopped as don't get ESA anymore How much a month from…
Hello. does anyone know of Solicitors in the NorthWest who are willing to take on the DWP?
Hi my name, if you have not already guessed is Kev. Having been harassed, belittled, shamed, plunged in to financial hell, accused of being a cheat, a liar, of benefit fruad and lastly made to jump through hoops to claim the ridiculous reduced rate vehicle tax, I find myself at the end of my tether. I know there are many…
Advice needed regarding pregnancy and benefits
Good Afternoon everyone looking for a bit of assistance please and advice regarding some unexpected news we received last week My wife has found out she's pregnant extremely unexpected but due to her conditions she's very worried The midwife came out this morning to see her and put a lot of issues at ease with lots of…
Hi, my name is zowiejadejazzy80! my partner have got back together so I'm ensure of what to do next?
Hi all I'm disabled and get esa and pip but me and my partner have got back together so I'm ensure of what to do next he is in full time work of 1400 a month. Would like some info on how to move forward I also have a child of 12 years old. Thanks
Hi, my name is mr singh. can I claim universal credit and lcwra plus pip and how much?
Hi everyone I need to know can I claim universal credit and lcwra plus pip and how much you'll think I'll be paying
What grants
Hiya I am wounding what kind of grants and lones I Cound get being on pip and universe credit
Hi, my name is Mamanoodle! How do I claim back 50% of my vehicle tax?
Hello everyone thank you for letting me join please can you help me?How do I claim back 50% of my vehicle tax? I get standard rate mobility from pip. I’ve just paid full price tax as I had no idea I could get it reduced? Thank you Niki
Open university and esa?maintenance grant?
I’m thinking of enrolling in open university of wales- honours (6 year part time ) I have few questions: I learned from some research maintenance grants will be deducted whether you take them or not from my esa, my house hold is below 25k single and alone- I think I read some where the intensity is counted as 50% for 60…
Lcwra confusion
Hi I've been assessed as being entitled to lcwra, my first sick note went in halfway through January, ran out 30th April when I supplied another one for another three months, had my decision on it a couple of weeks ago, does this mean I'll get extra money on top of my universal credit, and if so how long does it usually…
General Election postal vote link.
I know that it may be hard for many of those with mobility issues to get out and vote. Nevertheless, your vote is as important as anyone else’s. So I thought I’d put in a link, which you can do online, to apply for a postal vote.
Hi, my name is Peppernose7! Cannot afford costs of NHS dental treatments.
Good morning. I am enquiring about the possibility of getting permanent dentures or dental implants through the NHS or funded organisations. I have been suffering with mental health problems since 2014 and have seriously neglected my health. As a result, I have lost numerous teeth, had a number of extractions and have even…
Work capability assessment
Hello, I just wondered if anyone could give me a idea of back payment I may be owed as I still haven’t received anything. I was awarded the LCWRA on the 18th of may 2024. The first sick note I uploaded was on the 8th of January 2024. My assessment periods run from the 29th to the 28th of the following month. Does anyone…
LCWRA backpay?
My daughter started on UC last april 23 and after the health assessment was deemed LCW and received £295 per month from July and she was submitting fit notes every 8 weeks. Her health has since deteriorated and she was given further diagnosis’s which she reported on a fit note Nov 23 and was told to fill in a UC50 which…
Disability Benefits Urgent Question tonight 03:50-04:25 on BBC Parliament
Coverage of the urgent question on the Equality and Human Rights Commission's investigation into the treatment of disabled people on benefits - House of Lords today 23rd May
Pip one of payment reform (yearly) like USA?
hi would the one of payment be yearly like the USA? They seem to compare pip with other countries in their questions.. they give us 9500 just shy top rate atm.. the House of Commons stated pip needs to rise- do you think they would offer us 10k every Jan or April for the year??