How long to keep paperwork?
I have about 500 pages of benefits related paperwork dating back to when I turned 18 which is 11 years ago. Includes things like decision letters, information letters, yearly updates, appeals and reconsiderations... Does anyone know if I need to keep it or how long I should keep this stuff for, as it is taking up a lot of…
Universal credit confusion help please
Ok I’m so confused can anyone clear something up if I started my universal credit application on the 20th August but say I don’t finish all the “todo” sections until 1st September . When would my assessment period start ? The 20th or the 1st? 3 people at UC have told me different things . Citizens advise two advisors two…
What Benefits Can I Still Keep Should I Work
What Benefits Can I Still Keep Should I Start Working.
Has anyone given up benefits completly and started full time work?
If I did stop all benefits and take the full time working route, A} Would I loose all benefits including PIP, and B} Could I reclaim at a later date for benefits if needed?
Adult disability payment help
Hello, I recently received my decision from social security Scotland. I received 6 points. I am aware you need 8 points to receive a standard award, their reason was that I have not been to see the doctor since 2021. No evidence was there to confirm what I was saying. I also required help filling out the form from the…
Hi, my name is Ips1224! Benefit query
Hello 👋 everyone I’m new on here I wanted to ask for some advice I work full time and my daughter who lives with me also works full time.I suffer with an ongoing illness and will probably have to stop working very soon and claim benefits does anyone know if the amount of benefits would be affected and if my daughter would…
Dwp related Q&A
My name is Lynne. I'm not sure how to start, but at least I'm here....
Personal Health Budgets (PHB's)
Are any of you on a PHB ?Are they set up by the NHS/GP's or Local Authority ?I live in a different LA to the location of my GP - Will that cause problems ? Do carers also get a PHB to spend on alternative carers for the caree (when they are, for example ill, themselves) - if so are they means tested for carers ? Any…
A degree with UC LCWRA and PIP?
Good Morning, I was wondering if someone could advise me? Is it possible to study and get student finance for fees when you are on LCWRA and PIP? I am unable to work due to mental health disabilities. Thank you.
LCWRA Review
Hi how long does it take for a LCWRA reassessment review ? I’m in receipt of LCWRA and have been for the last 3 years due to my mental health received a message in journal in June confirming I have been referred for a reassessment review. received questionnaire forms on 11th June sent them back on 10th July as they was due…
WCA waiting time
I have been waiting 6 weeks without any decision being made on my WCA and i have contacted UC as my assessor suggested contacting them if i hadn't heard anything after 4 weeks. I'm checking my UC journal daily which has become very tedious. I have read that decisions can take anything from a few days to several weeks. What…
PIP, ESA, UC etc
Hi all, I am new to the world of benefits I have never claimed a thing. I have put in a joint claim with my partner for UC. I have applied online for ESA and am in the process of applying for PIP. My question is can anyone advise on any other benefits I could apply for? I recently lost my job due to health issues so we are…
Can someone still my details
Hi I got doctor for my disability review next month I went doctor blood test I ask where is my forum since was send out last week or this week . I haven’t got in post and worried someone might get my date of birth name and address can they use it to get my benefits and my bank I’m bit worried about it since I think got…
Lcwra work allowance
Good morning,so I have been awarded lcwra from 10 January relevant period to April 10 2023 during the relevant period am I entitled to my work allowance Many thanks,Scott.
16 year old working part time
Hi myself and husband currently receive ESA, PIP plus Severe Disibilty Allowance, Housing and Council Tax Benefits and Child Tax Credits and Benefit. My 16 year old is about to start 23 hours a week part time work. Am I correct in thinking that this will NOT affect any of our benefits? So long as it remains under 24 hours…
Student loans for college and university
Hi Does anyone know how many student loans you can have is there a limit or unlimited? For example, if I was to do a 2 year college course and then go on to university to get a degree for 3 years would I get help? I Want to study my GCSE maths and English which is part time and free as it’s government funded so that’s…
How will my eldest child finishing full time education affect my benefits?
Hello, I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place - I'm not too sure what I'm doing or how to use a forum. But I wondered if someone may be able to advise please... I have two daughters, the eldest is 18, has just completed her A levels and is not working. My younger daughter is 15. I am in receipt of ESA, PIP,…
Hi, my name is GerryO! BASRIS form query
Are we required to tell the DWP about an inheritance?
A close relative of mine died recently and I will soon be inheriting a sum of money. Is it required of me to inform the dwp? I claim pip and esa. Many thanks
Hi I've been awarded lcwra on 10th August my first sick note went in on 17th March my assessment period is from 20th to 22nd my sick notes have been continuous how much backpay will I have and when Also when will I receive my first payment of lcwra I get up on 28th of each month but my statement is available from 24th