Cost of living
When do esa get the payment for £301 because I haven't received mine yet not sure if it's because I got new card .
Benefits and bank account
Hi everyone. I got a new bank card as I couldn't find my other one. Do I need to change any of my details to pip or esa to receive payments or are they actually the same as before x
Hi, my name is Fairplayam! Benefits and Working
Thanks for your help in advance. I am new to this platform and I am not sure what to do?. I am registered as disabled and been receiving UC with unfit for work element within UC entitlement. I thought to go back to work of some sort that I can manage and have been able to secure a job recently . I did inform UC about this…
Pip assessment report
I recieved my pip assessment report and I’m still waiting on.a decision, but from the report it shows I should be awarded 12 points daily living and 10 points mobility is this good! Or should I just take the information in the assessment lightly ? Thanks in advance 😊
I just got my new ESA letter and have some worries, help please?
Hello, I wonder, if I give the breakdown of my ESA as advised by the DWP, could someone answer some question for me. I get a total of £190+ESa a month, which I thought was contributions based. As I get a works pension of £611 a month, I thought I was on contributions based ESA, however the breakdown from the DWP is as…
Hi All, I received my letter from UC yesterday, finally, I am getting £164.00 this month, payable on 19th April. Another letter regarding LCWRA stating that my extra LCWRA payment will not include any back payment for the relevant period. Obviously I will ring them Tomorrow, as I don't really understand, the above figure…
Pension contributions and benefits
hello, are we allowed to make regular small contributions to a pension plan or will it affect benefits? Is there a limit? I’m not sure where to find information on this. thank you!
Severe disability premium backdated
Hi has anyone had backdated SDP I did not realise I had to inform Pension Credit that I am now in receipt of of PIP Hubby has Pip too Applied for SDP in Feb 2022 We have both been awarded SDP and it has been backdated to Feb 2022 I told them in Feb 2022 that I have been in receipt of PIP since Feb 2019 Should it be…
lump sum pension on sick
hi i am retairing on ill health i can draw down on my works pension which i will pay off some deit s about 9000 can i do this or will any off my benifits drop thanks
Hi, my name is petur64! been struggling through the benefit system and the NHS system
I'm Peter, i'm 58 and have lumbar stenosis, I have since a year and a half been struggling through the benefit system and the NHS system, but managed so far! I'd like to be able to chat with people who have the same experiences and wherever I can, help others.
Non dependents
Hi i currently get esa and adp highest rate in both adp i rent from local council if my father moves in with me am i right in thinking that they cannot take non dependant deductions from me
Can I get esa, uc and pip at the same time?
Can I get all 3 at the same time
Reduced Capability for Work - what happens when I retire
Hi everyone, good to be here. At the moment I work 2 days a week, after suffering a stroke 4 years ago and 18 months ago I was deemed to have a Reduced Capability for Work when I tried to go back to work. I will retire in 2 years time. At the moment I get a top up of my universal credit with £354 a month plus I get to keep…
Carers allowance vs carers element on universal credit
I recently was awarded PIP standard rate for daily living and my wife cares for me over 35 hours per week and she earns less than £100 per week working but I am wondering which is better for her to claim for and which has less financial impact on universal credit as I am aware that for every £1.00 earned claiming carers…
What benefits rates or other amounts might I be entitled to
I currently get standard universal credit allowance rate with lwcra I’m not even sure if that’s right then I get enhanced disability payment and rent totalling 1120 then I only receive 360.00 pip and have done for a long time apparently this is standard daily living and enhanced disability. since migrating from esa a few…
Currently on LCWRA and also PIP.. i have just currently found out i am pregnant..
Hi.. i need some advise please.. i am currently on LCWRA and also PIP.. i have just currently found out i am pregnant.. firstly do i need to update them with this and also will it affect my awards and payments.. thank you in advance..
Hi. I’m on esa my partner is on uc so I’m on uc, I’m not sure do I tell uc I’m pregnant or how does it work? Also does it affect my esa? Will I get reassessed? I’m worrying now. Help please
Hi, my name is jan14! Contacting the DWP
I see that a lady managed to get through to them on something other than e mail. Can anyone tell me what's it's called please, because whilst I've coloured my hair, had a shower, got pj's on and dried hair, I've been hanging on, on the telephone waiting to speak with the DWP for 2 hours!!!!! I'm new to this, so please, be…
Hi, my name is mimi9393! Why would there suddenly be an overpayment in HB and CT?
I hope you may be able to help. I love with my mother because of her care needs: 1 mother receives ESA, PIP daily living and mobility standard 2. I get UC, carers allowance not working. recently my mother’s housing benefit and CT has been reduced with an alleged overpayment because I live there and get carers allowance. I…
Change of bank details.
Sorry if this question is obviously and I’m sounding stupid, I just swapped my bank for the reward and it says that they will change everything over for me, and that if money is sent to my old bank that it will automatically redirect to my new bank and send a notification to the sender that my details have changed. Should…