Thoughts please? On back payments
Hi I posted this question on an older post and didn’t get any feedback. from what I’ve read if you are awarded a large back payment that wasn’t necessarily an error you can have it disregarded for 52 weeks. What I don’t get is how can they say it’s disregarded for a year but at same time say you mustn’t knowingly deprive…
Change of circumstances (appointee?)
Hey everyone I have a muscular condition and PTSD. I am not and have never been fit for work. I'm due to be moving in with my boyfriend in a couple of months. I'm on enhanced rate PIP (both daily living and mobility) and ESA (support group, contributory). He won't be claiming carer's allowance as he has a part time job.…
NHS Continuing Health Cost and PIP
Hi, I'm in desperate need of some help. I'm currently in hospital and in the process of being accessed for in-patient rehab that will be paid for by the NHS's continuing health costs (CHC). I currently receive the enhanced rate of both PIP elements. My question is - Will either element be stopped due to this? I get a car…
Pip outcome
Hi everyone. I received my pip report before the decision. I got awarded 10-10 for mainly mh conditions. The case manager phoned me today to say I had been awarded std daily living. I asked why my points for mobility had gone, and he didn't explain. He said I went out "often". I don't at all. He asked me if I would like…
Cinema tickets
How can Ii get cheaper tickets for cinema
PIP Result-Review-Short Changed Again
Folks I'm going to have a moan... After completing my PIP Review form over twelve months ago, I had a phone call from DWP assessor. I was asked the usual questions. It seemed to go well. My review form, which was filled in by a CAB volunteer I explained that my condition had got worse. Gave them various details as to why…
LCWRA NHS dental costs help
Hello, I am currently on LCWRA and have been for over a year and I know that it entitles you to free dental care on the NHS for most things. I'm just a little confused. I go to a dentist that accepts NHS and private patients but I have shown them my exemption form. I recently got two white fillings done of which they cost…
Husband awarded PIP again at review
I posted not long ago about out worries that my husband's PIP was up for review and we may lose our severe disability premium as a result, which would leave us not able to manage. He had the assessment in early Feb (from what I recall, my memory isn't great) and got a letter today awarding standard daily living again for 3…
Dropping my working hours due to Ménière's disease. Am I entitled to any financial help?
Recently diagnosed with Menieures after 7 years of hearing loss in right ear. I struggle daily with Tinnitus and vertigo and desperately trying to remain in education work . I am not sleeping well at all . I'm about to drop fro.a 5 day week to a 4 day week to manage fatigue .. Will i get financial.disability help ?
ESA to UC, joint to single claim
Hi, I used to be in WRA group, then went onto a joint claim (in support group, with Sdp) as the secondary claimant, and finally escaped onto a single claim on (LCW) UC, should I maybe ask about the lcw element? Or a friend recently sent me information about something called transition protection, but I don't fully…
Ill retirement benefit
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Hi, my name is Springhealledjack!
My issue is i have c. O. P. D spine damage osteoporosis chronic pains right side abdominal restricted head movement. I was knocked of daily living allowance pip. At first i was on enhansed next assesment standard and this assessment well yes you quessed right to nothing they refuse to score me 4 points on food and drink my…
Son moving back home
Hi everyone. My 27 Yr son is not coping with his tenancy and I would like him to live back with me. He currently claims esa and pip and gets housing benefit. I'm aware the housing benefit will stop but are the other benefits affected. He has serious MH issues and adhd. Am I entitled discount on my council tax still? Also…
ive read that i ahould automatucallr get lcw as ive bern awarded pip
Hello people , ive recently been awarded pip standard rate .i work partime although my health issues can mean im in pain .ive been told as i get a top up on uc that i may be able to clain lcw eventhough i work .ive read that i ahould automatucallr get this as ive bern awarded pip .wirk coach wasnt much help .just wondering…
Hi I am on pip and income related esa am I entitled to disability premium?
Hi I am on pip and income related esa am I entitled to disability premium
Will marrying effect my PIP, ESA or housing benefit?
Hi guys im on pip and esa and in receipt of housing benefit… if I marry are any of these effected… my fiancé currently lIves in Turkey any help appreciated…
Lwcra payments
Hi iv just bene put onto lwcra. I started sending in sicknotes from 1st Dec 2022. I usallay get my universal credit 29th every month . When would I start getting this lwcra payments ?
Potential Care Contributions thing?
Hi all, So I've got a job after losing the ESA. That's good news, haven't started it yet due to needing references/DBS check due to working in care. It's good work and I'm looking forward to it. Today, I got an email from my local council saying I've gone from paying £300 a month towards my care contributions to nothing a…
Selfemployed & benefits
I get PIP standard and currently work 12 hours a week selfemployed but I really need to stop due to my spinal issues. We can't get UC so the jobcentre told me to apply for ESA. I've put in a claim and a work coach is ringing Friday. I'm aiming for LCWRA and started submitting sick notes based on reduced hours 6 weeks ago.…
I will reach pension age in june. Already stressing over what to do
I will reach pension age in june. Already stressing over what to do, I get ESA and am in the support group, I get disability indefinately lower component for mobility and same for care Hsing benefit, and c/tax reduction I dont even know where to start, ie who do i phone, I suffer with social anxiety so struggle to go to…