Finding myself again
Hi everyone I’m Gavin, I’m 38 years old from South Wales. I was born with cerebral palsy and I also have a speech impediment. I have just posted my new blog about how lock down has helped me to find my confidence again! Please feel free to have a read and if you have any questions please just ask away ?…
Face mask
Hi, I not sure whether you can help me. I have Cerebral palsy
and due to my involuntary movements I am unable to keep a normal face mask on,
I been told I need a full face mask just what nurses wear in hospitals. I want
to go out because I haven’t been out in months, I won’t go out without proper
protection for my needs. I…
Changing Lives
Hello, my name is Emily Nicole Roberts and I'm 22 years old. After years of loathing my disability and cerebral palsy, I decided to use my life for positive means. I started a Youtube Channel last year in hopes to reach out to the thirteen year old Emily Nicole, that was so lost and felt completely unknown. I make videos…
My 3 year old son has a mild hemiplegia, he can not stay awake on the way home from pre school or if we go out in the afternoon he will fall asleep in the car. This then means he won't sleep at bed time and will be awake till 9 or 10 at night even if he only slept for a short time in the afternoon I don't know how to get…
Scope and CP Sport
Our friends at CP Sport have come up with some great health and wellbeing advice with accessible exercises that even I can do! It's all about keeping or joints moving and helping our mental wellbeing too. You can sign up to their newsletter and free affiliate membership here Why not contact CP Sport or give Stay In…
Any Advice Please
Hi, I’m 55 and have CP spasticity in my right leg. This has increased significantly while I await a hip replacement as mine has gone AWOL ?. My thigh is contracting and making things worse. I can’t put weight on my right leg. I walk with a frame. No involvement with NHS apart from being on list for hip replacement. Has…
Hi, my name is LFox!
I'm new to this whole online community thing. I'm looking for advice/ experience from any adult with "mild CP" (sorry about rating it, I have no other language for it). I have right sided Hemiplegia and am in my late 30s. Since having my daughter 4 years ago, I feel I've been bent further out of shape, ie I'm more…
My experience with Mild CP, and also need answers and similar stories.
Hi guys, I'm new to this forum and I've been searching for sites like these for many decades it seems. I'm an 18 year old female living with mild spastic cerebral palsy, I get seizures along with it, and not sure if cerebral palsy is a type of Epilepsy or how common it is. My seizures started recently, which wasn't caught…
Cerebral Palsy Research for families with a child aged 3-18 years in Northern Ireland
Hi everyone. My name is Mary-Elaine McCavert, I’m a PhD
student at Queen’s University Belfast studying sleep in children with cerebral
palsy. I have just launched an online survey for families in Northern Ireland who
have a child with Cerebral Palsy,
aged between 3 and 18 years, who experiences disturbed sleep.…
Son in a lot of pain at night - any help, ideas or suggestions for helping?
Hi everyone. I have a little boy 3.5 years old. He is having a real problem with increased tone in his legs. He has done 2 sessions of BOTOX injections. Around Christmas last 2 years . Also he is on baclofen morning and night. He has started to get excruciating pain at night as we settle him for bed. Very hard to watch him…
Health and Wellbeing Stay In Workout
I don't know about you but I've been looking for ways to help maintain my mobility and keep my pain levels in check during this prolonged period at home. Our friends at CP Sport have come up with some great nutrition advice with accessible exercises that even I can do! It's all about keeping or joints moving and helping…
Is it better to be hygienic or independent?
Hi there, I just had one quick question for people with cerebral palsy that relate to a question I’ve asked earlier and I hope I’m not being annoying. I am someone who just entered true adulthood and stopped being a rebellious teenager. For some backstory, I have moderately severe cerebral palsy, meaning I’m not confined…
Adult-onset temporal lobe epilepsy
I turned 43 in October. I have recently been diagnosed with TLE, (still waiting for MRI date). First of all, is anyone else in the same position as me? I have spastic CP, Second, this has only happened in the last few months. Having done some research this morning, I found out that TLE is caused by scar tissue that has…
We have just learned that daughter has cerebral palsy. She is 33.
Hello Richard, We are looking for some advice and conversation about our daughter who we only recently have come to understand has had cerebral palsy all her life. She is in a care home and has rapidly deteriorated over the past three months. Is there someone we can talk to for help and advice about where we go from here?
4 year old starting school in September
I’ve had really good advice from this site in the past so here I go again. He can walk now unaided, a brave determined lad, but wants to get in his pram after walking so far. This is the issue, he’s getting too big for his pram. Where do we go from here? We want to go for days out, after this lockdown is over, and he also…
Parents of CP are needed for a research study, with a chance of wining £20 Amazon voucher
Orthotics Breakthrough Helps Improve Overall Mobility for People with CP
Researchers have confirmed that adapting splints in combination with the footwear used by disabled children to help them walk can decrease the energy they use by as much as 33%. The Clinical Biomechanics team at Staffordshire University and the orthotics specialists from The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust examined the…
Face coverings
Just wondering whether other people are having problems wearing masks or face coverings? I have tried a couple recently, in both cases I struggle to get them on and then struggled to keep them on (I have cerebral palsy). I don't visit shops that much so currently it's not a huge issue.
"Mothers who listen with more than ears." Middlesex University Research Project
This research requires participants - would you be interested? The research is being led by a D-Pysch student at the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling accredited by Middlesex University: This research is exploring each mother's experience of communication between herself and her complex non-verbal Cerebal Palsy…
Sinemet and Baclofel
Hi Guy's I have hemiplegia cerabral palsy in my right side. I use to have BOTOX in my right hand and arm and stopped having them in 2017/18. I was taking Baclofen as well I started of with just 10 mg in 2016 and am now taking 50 mg. A friend who is also on here Liz works in a different department told me about Sinemet and…