Free prescriptions on ESA
Hi I'm Carm. I'm trying to find out about prescription exemptions. My husband was on Incapacity Benefit years ago and was moved onto ESA so now gets Income Related and Contributions ESA. I'm finding it a bit of a minefield to find out whether he/we will get free prescriptions now that we will lose the child tax credits as…
Trying to get Income-based ESA, can anyone help?
Hello, I would like to know if anyone is in or has been in my position. I claimed UC over 12 months ago but was transferred onto ESA a few months later ( contribution based ). I have been trying to get the DWP to put me on ESA income based as well so I can claim mortgage relief and possibly Severe Disablement Allowance. I…
Going into Hospital
I am currently on ESA and PIP would like to know if I go into Hospital do I have let the DWP know ?
If I get put on the support group of ESA, does my UC claim continue or shut down?
When I research for this particular question, I always get contradicting answers. I had expired my 12 months of ESA pre-assessment so had to enrol over at UC to tide me by. I was advised to do this. My ESA assessment has now been completed, and I am awaiting a decision. If I am in the support group of ESA (which I expect…
Permitted work
Hi all, I've never been able to work more than a few hours due to my illness. I would however like to try and work a few hours each week to get me out the house a bit more and I'm looking into permitted work. How do you find a support worker to help me do this? Thank you!
I've a pension of which I can draw £11.000 tax free. I claim ESA + PIP, will this affect my claims?
I have a pension of which I can draw £11.000 tax free, as I claim ESA and Pip will this affect my benefit's claim.
Universal credit and ESA support Group
Hi, first time posting. I’m a little concerned about some stuff. I was recently put into the support group for ESA contribution and then yesterday I applied for universal credit. However I’m now absolutely sick with worry that by doing this it will now close down my esa claim and they will automatically put me on to LCWRG…
Esa non payment.
Hi I haven't been paid esa today it normally goes in Monday and credits over the weekend. I have read other posts saying it could be the computer systems are down. Has anyone else had problems with their payments today or yesterday? I am worried sick as I can't get in touch until Monday. Thanks.
What Is The Point of ESA?
I have been trying to learn about all possible benefits and I am getting a handle on most. However, it appears to me that if you get ESA, the amount you get is deducted from your UC. If that is correct, what is the point in applying for ESA?
ESA. Please can someone try and explain how it works?
pls could someone try n explain how it works and how they decide which type of ESA you get how they make the decision without a face to face ive been awarded work related why not support group one whats the difference thx
Need some advice: I claim benefits + want to start a family. Would I be seen as an unfit mum?
Hi all, I have claimed ESA and pip for quite a period of time due to mental health, mainly anxiety which has brought on many other things over the time. My partner and I are getting married in a weeks time and after this in the next year or so would like to plan to have a baby. I have always wanted to be a mom and has been…
Relationship breakdown. He's cancelling my name off ESA. Can I still get my carers?
Hi guys I just need some advise so me and my partner of 11 years have decided to separate due to his mental health so he’s currently sleeping in one of my child bedroom and they are in my room at the moment I’ve applied to get on council list but that’s just a waiting game until a house comes available but the problem is…
ESA & universal credit
My new style ESA ran out in Nov 2020 it was only for 12 months, after this I was told to claim UC until ESA decided which group I would be put in, which we did but never received any money from Dec-July from UC. but then I had A WCA which I had in June 2021, I was told I’m LCWRA & UC was back dated the payments to the Dec,…
What ESA is my mum on? & how could this change because of PIP
She was initially on incapacity benefit, before the introduction on ESA. She remains in the Support Group. From what I can understand she is in, both? Which is a bit odd from everything I read and the fact she has never really worked her whole life. The reason I'm curious is she received high rate PIP last week. She lives…
ESA phone assessment today - what happens next?
After 13 months on ESA with no assessment, I finally had a telephone assessment this morning. I told them all I could do, I clearly meet the 15pts descriptor, but whether the medical professional who assessed me thinks that who knows yet? I even had a telephone assessment as mobility issues prevent me from going anywhere.…
SDP back payment clear error
Having a whale of a time regarding SDP I've been told I'm eligible for the SDP and the top up, and that i should be owed up to 3 year worth of backdate over the phone to the job center on Friday, great i think to myself! I get a text over the week end saying 330 pounds of arrears will be paid to you, please don't contact…
ESA appeal - what benefits can I claim while appealing? Would SDA cease while appealing?
Hi, I was looking for some advice on a possible upcoming ESA appeal procedure. I was awarded ESA finally just under 3 years ago for mental health problems. I was turned down originally and MR was also refused so had to appeal and that was declined also. I then sought help from Welfare Rights and the lady i spoke to said I…
Can anyone help filling in the ESA50 'Capability for Work Questionnaire'?
Hi all I’m new so humour me if I get things wrong ! I’m due to fill in form for my son to get credit only through new style esa but was told the capability of work form is hard ! He is also back in college in September and will be 20 , is there no help out there to help fill these forms in ??
Hi, I'm Simplecrater! I didn't receive my ESA payment when expected, any ideas what's happened?
Hiy Hiy thanks for the add
I claim PIP, but ESA said I'm not entitled to disability element because ESA is contribution based?
I claim highest rate Pip but ESA tell me I am not entitled to any disability element because my ESA is contribution based. I live alone