Read me: What is ESA and how do I claim it?
ESA, or Employment Support Allowance, is a benefit which
you can receive if your ability to work is limited by disability or poor health. You can find out more
on our Employment Support Allowance page. If you’d like to determine your
eligibility for ESA and other benefits, use our
online benefits calculator. How
do I claim…
I think I've been receiving both IB and CB ESA. Help!
I am in the process of migrating to universal credit. I always absolutely assumed I have been receiving income based esa and contribution based just never applied to me. I get £318.10 every 2 weeks. I am in the support group. Just now I stumbled upon a post on Reddit which now makes me believe I have been getting both ib…
Permitted Work / Accrued Holiday
Hello, This will be very very long winded as I'm writing everything that happened but any help is greatly appreciated. I currently claim ESA / PIP and do permitted work which was previously allowed, and have been doing this since April 2022. I have never gone over my 16 hours per week / 64 hours per month and earn the…
Should I be truthful about my savings?
I am starting the uc migration claim from ir esa. I have £4000 in my bank. Should I mention this on my claim or downplay it. Will this amount affect how much I get in uc?
Is there a best time to claim UC (migration) to get more final ESA payment?
I have the UC Migration letter. Currently on Income-Related ESA. It says I will get ESA for 2 more weeks after the day I submit my UC claim. I am trying to work it out, and to be honest, I am just not sure how it would work. Figured someone here might be able to help. Am I right in saying that if I make my uc claim on the…
Universal credit migration but received New style ESA response
I've been on ESA with support for over 20 years and was asked to apply for UC migration. I did and a few weeks later received a reply in the post saying about applying for new style ESA and have to answer questions with the job centre. I have just filled out a renewal for PIP and find all this getting too much to cope I…
Hi, my name is tran72! Does this letter mean I will continue to receive CB ESA?
does this letter mean I was awarded CB ESA back in 2013 and I was put in support group does that mean I would continue receive CB ESA? Thanks {image removed by moderator - personal details}
Have not got letter yet waiting
have anyone got there letters dwp my Royal Mail not sending me any letters in post I’m waiting on if ask go on UC or esa rates go up. I’m stressed because I need get repaid so someone can help me move over. I hate new ownership of Royal Mail
ESA/PIP/SDP - Confused by new ESA letter.
I have a discussion ongoing in the PIP section where I was recently awarded PIP. Poppy helpfully mentioned I could also claim SDP. *Attached confusing ESA letter below for convenience. I was sent the SDP form automatically which was a great relief as I struggle with verbal communication, and I hate to have to resort to…
Transitional protection question ESA and uc
Hey folks. Hope you can assist me. I am a legacy benifet receiver and get e Cont based ESA with disability premium. I haven't yet received my letter to move. And was happy awaiting it just. But I have to move to a new home due to my disability and care needs. So will this trigger a move to UC? And if it does will I still…
new style esa
Hi, I applied for new style esa on January 6th. It is now February 27th and I have received no letter , nor any money payment as of yet. Is this normal to wait this long when making a new claim for contribution esa? Thank you.
Accrued holiday entitlement and ESA
My husband is on ESA and is still off long term sick due to numerous health issues and is not likely to be able to return in the near future. His employer is offering to pay him accrued holiday entitlement will this affect his ESA?
ESA self employed and late payed invoice
Hello, I am wanting to claim ESA as I am currently signed off sick. I am a self employed artist. I am not currently working, but am due an invoice that will be paid in a month for last month's work. If this gets paid into my account it will take me over the weekly threshold. Can I ask for an allowance to be made as it's…
ESA to UC migration
I received my IR ESA to UC notice. I am panicking and wondered if I can request an extension beyond the 3 months as I have no support and not in right frame of mind right now. Also, do I have to go JC to show proof of ID if I've been in IR ESA for I dint have a passport or driving licence. Only have provisional driving…
Esa managed migration University credit bank statements
Hi all,I was wondering if anyone has an answer for me please so I'm on esa support group and i have called esa to report savings i have to send them bank statements my question is it's going or take some time and I will have to migrate to U/C when i get the letter would this mean that I will have to send all these bank…
Hi, my name is kevcole! no response from esa,why not ?
i have contacted esa lots of times,my claim is still open thats esa/s words.no payment has been recieved since august last.no response from esa,why not ?
I submitted my claim for UC (Managed Migration) on the 7th of February, then I got a full payment from ESA on the 12th which I assumed was my last payment from them. I’m currently in the process of waiting for my first payment but I haven’t received a letter from ESA saying my claim is closed because I’m claiming UC, so I…
Hi, my name is Donc51! I filled in a esa50 and was to have a phone assestment ...
hi everyone thanks for letting me join Ive recentley had two lots of heart surgey two strokes I filled in a esa50 and was to have a phone assestment by maximus but it got cancelled as got eviedence and sent it back to dwp how long will it take before i hear anything
Can some one advise, ESA New Style
hey can some one advise! I’m awaiting my assessment money back dated to when I applied 10th Jan. I believe it normally should start 21 days after this. It’s now becoming quite worrying with money and I still haven’t received any money would this payment likely to be made manually made at any point or will it go in on a Mon…
ESA migration to UC
Hi hope all are doing ok. I just wanted to make this post to maybe help people who are going through the managed migration as I’m sure many will be now or soon enough. I was very anxious myself about this but having gone through it I can assure you it’s way simpler than you would be fearing and try not to worry yourselves…
Is this deprecation of capital even though I didn’t do it for that?
I mentioned in a post on Reddit about definitely being overpaid due to not fully understanding how the ESA worked due to my mental health issues and lack of support. I have since been in by myself to try and get some help but I ended up having a panic attack while talking to the helpful lady and then went back later with…