Use of term "severe mental impairment" by councils
Hello - I was shocked to receive a letter from my council which said to claim the 25% council tax discount my son, who has a learning disability, needs to provide evidence of his PIP award but also we would have to go to our GP to get him to sign a statement stating that my son has a "severe mental impairment". Does anyone…
I hope to benefit from this community
My name is Eunice a single mun, I have a daughter who has cerebral palsy, though am not based in the UK i hope to benefit from this community. Thanks
FREE Wills and Trusts Information Events in October
Hi everyone, I wanted to let you all know about the upcoming free wills and trusts events that Mencap are organising in October in the South West region. These seminars will take place at the following locations: Tuesday 6th October, 12.30pm - 2.30pm The Jury’s Inn Exeter, Western Way, Exeter, Devon, EX1 2DB Wednesday 7th…
twin daughters with disabilities and special needs
Good afternoon to everyone, I have twin daughters with disabilities and special needs, will be good to talk to everyone
Anyone live in Liverpool City Council region?
Hi there. We have a two year old daughter with complex needs, both learning and physical. We are currently under Sefon council but are considering a move to south Liverpool, where we’d fall under Liverpool City Council. We are quite happy with the support our daughter gets in Sefton (physio, speech, OT, portage who all…
I was a carer for 20 years
I’m a single bloke mum just passed away I was her carer for 20yrs now I’m just fed up alone in a 3 bed semi don’t no what to do no more
we hope our experience may help others
Hi I was the Dad of two multiply children, both now deceased. They both attended Rose Road and we had great help from Scope over the years. Although our knowledge may be a little out of date we hope our experience may help others.
Hi,I have twins special needs and they can’t able to walk and my buggy just suitable for 3years old now they are 3 and half and struggling with buggy to walk.shall I get advice which buggy suitable for long term .thank you
ASD child - impact on sibling
I have a 4 yr old son with ASD who is non verbal. I am growing increasingly worried about the impact of his behaviour and our home life on his younger sister (aged 2 and NT). My son is extremely sensory and is constantly moving. He will jump on his sister without warning or often bumps her because he is moving around…
How can we get respite?
How can we get respite from our 9 year Severey Autistic child. We are at our wits end as no one is listening to us and the whole family is falling apart.
Care Providers - staff shortages and what to do
hi - just wondering what other parents/carers have done in this situation: our daughter with cp will be living independently in what’s now the family home as soon as everything is sorted. We have fantastic carers but need to plan for emergencies etc when these carers can’t cover. We have been looking into Care Providers,…
Hi, my name is TriciaAnn I have searched for an answer to this for most of my life
I have long realised that the forceps delivery used on one of my children had caused problems and now I see that all the symptoms and problems known medially were there. he is adult and does suffer. I wish I knew how to help him. I did reach out for help but nobody understood the problem symtoms and causes. he has bravely…
what plus is?
Can anyone please advise me on any idea what plus is? As the name was passed to me regarding help for my son who is she 25.I was told I had to go to my local library to get help?
I have 3 boys aged 16,15 & 7 with additional needs. The youngest is now home educated and although I love spending so much time with him the responsibility of proving him and education as well as parent is sometimes very overwhelming.
New here. Finding my way round
Hi. I'm Lelesmummy. I'm also Jamie's mummy Martin's mummy and squishys mummy ?? I am mum to 4 boys. 3 of them are diagnosed with a rare chromosome deletion. 2 of those are diagnosed adhd and autistic and 1 is awaiting tests but he is selective mute and without question autistic and adhd also. They inherit their chromosome…
I cannot remember the last time I slept right
My Son has global development delay which makes him currently 11/2 years behind in hes education and mentally he has his issues especially at bedtime and up until last week I cannot remember the last time I slept right through and he never slept in his own bed , I have Celebral palsy so my sleep is key. this is my life
I'm a carer for my husband
I'm a carer for my husband 52 who has life limiting dysautonomia. His particular diagnosis is rare and I've yet to be in contact with anyone in the UK caring for his condition - orthostatic hypotension, gastric and bladder problems, very low immunity, mood swings ( he can be particularly agressive and blunt verbally ) and…
Creative coffee morning at Tate for parents & carers of D/deaf, disabled & neurodiverse young people
Parents and carers of D/deaf, disabled and neurodiverse children & young people are invited to join A New Direction at I Am Tate Exchange Festival for a creative and inspiring coffee morning. Find out more & book here: http://bit.ly/iamcoffeemorning I Am At Tate Exchange Festival is an ambitious partnership between A New…
Help for parent carers of adult children?
Hello, Does anyone know of an Parent Carer if adult children organisations? Thank You
My daughter is 11 and suffers from CFS does anyone else have experience in this area ???? Having a nightmare with school considering homeschooling