Help with Adult Social Care

HELPHELPHELP Community member Posts: 5 Listener
edited February 2020 in Families and carers
I requested direct payments in January 2019 directly to adult social care by email but 14 months later my request has been totally ignored


  • Ails
    Ails Community member Posts: 2,240 Championing
    Hi @HELPHELPHELP and welcome to the Community.  It is nice to meet you.  I'm sorry to hear about your current situation with your direct payments.  I'm unable to answer your query myself, but another one of our members, @poppy123456 is excellent when it comes to DWP matters and should be able to best advise you, so I will tag her into your post.

    @poppy123456 could you please help this member with their enquiry?  Many thanks.  :smile:  @Ails.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,128 Championing
    edited February 2020
    Thanks @Ails for the tag.

    Hi and welcome @HELPHELPHELP

    Although this isn't an issue with a DWP problem, it's your local council, i will do my best to help.

    First i'll need some more information because you haven't given enough for anyone to be able to help.

    May i ask what you mean by "you requested direct payments" did you have a needs assessment before you requested the direct payments? Direct payments are part of a personal budget and for this a needs assessment needs to be completed first, otherwise there's no direct payments.
    HELPHELPHELP Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Hi Poppy thank you so much for responding to my post. I have so many issues it is becoming too much for me to deal with as a disabled and vulnerable person, that includes the DWP but l was going to put that problem on another post.

    l had to badger ASC to provide care to me which took about 4 years and eventually last year I was given 5 hours emergency care package and a further 1 hour in the community. The care provider took on my care have been unable to provide all the care as listed by ASC claiming they do not have enough time!!!!!!

    l demanded a full assessment which took place in my home my support was the quality manager from the care provider, as I do not trust anyone anymore I secretly recorded the whole care assessment.

    When the 20 page care assessment report arrived by email l actually felt that at times the social worker was talking about someone else. The SW knew the basis of my request was for ASC to provide the correct amount of hours to cover the original list of duties given to the CP and to cover the care my disabled nephew could no longer provide as he is disabled and vulnerable and it was too much for him to cope with and making his disability worse.

    The report stated that the quality manager of the CP that even though they were failing already and not providing the care listed they would take over all my nephews duties and did NOT need any more time to be allocated. I telephoned the QM and recorded the call and she denied saying this but when l requested she confirm this in an email to me she said no l am leaving the job.

    Complaints raised to ASC and CP and it is now going to the local government ombudsman.

    The care provider manager has now confirmed in an email to me they took on the job knowing they could not do nor cover the duties listed and need 11 hours per week.

    All of this mess is seriously impacting and is detrimental to my chronic terminal lung condition.

    l was advised to ask for direct payments which l did request to ASC by email in January 2019.

    5 safe guarding issues regarding myself have been raised to ASC by professional people and ASC stated there are no safe guarding issues.

    I will stop here and if there is any further information you would like please just ask.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @HELPHELPHELP    Pleased to meet you.

    Thank you for joining and sharing.

    Sorry to hear what has happened the problems and the difficulties.

    I am one of the team of Community Champions, my friend @poppy123456 has given some great advice.

    Please have you looked at this might help.

    Insert your Postcode see any care services near you. 

    I am sorry about this and not good to hear from Social worker supposed to understanding and not getting the outcome you justly deserved.

    Is there anything I can offer ?  I do know if you have specific conditions or illness or disability .

    Organisations, charities, societies, associations related to that .

    Often give additional information links to services and support.

    Happy to find out for you if this helps you.

    Please contact me if I can help.

    I know could be useful to you with your issues and problems.

    You are not alone you are a member of our community.

    Please take care.

    HELPHELPHELP Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Hi spice man nice to meet you and thank you for your kind message.

    l am suffering with a final stage 4 chronic terminal lung condition.

    ASC gave me 5 hours of emergency care and gave this contract to a care provider free to me with a long list of duties to cover which the care provider have constantly failed to for over 1 year. The care provider have now confirmed to me by email to cover all the duties listed by ASC they would need 12 hours!!!! 

    I have now taken taken my complaint regarding ASC and care provider to the local government Ombudsman but l don’t hold out much hope.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @HELPHELPHELP   Thank you for reply.

    Found this organisation.

    British Lung Foundation .

    Look on website need to use your postcode find support near you.

    Helpline 03000 030 555

    Other organisations looking at has a range of services and support.

    Please going to suggest and tag in team members SCOPE.

    @Adrian_Scope    @Chloe_Scope please can you advise the member on anything we very much can do.

    Thank you.

    Please if I can help with anything please ask.  We are friendly, care and share and no one should be going through this alone.

    Please can I add have you spoken to your MP.?

    Please take care in prayers and thoughts.


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,558 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @HELPHELPHELP. What an awful situation. You mention you've taken your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. I know it's usually about five working days for you to be assigned a point of contact in these cases, but can I ask if you've been given any indication yet on a time-frame? 
    HELPHELPHELP Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    I have been forced to go to the LGO and have waited 12 weeks to be given a case worker!!!!

    MP has been and continues to be as useful as a chocolate tea pot so I’m going to the local paper.

    I have no money for food, heating gas, electric, water etc this really must stop and people need to know.

    BLF nor any other charity have been helpful other than to sign post me round and round in circles.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @HELPHELPHELP   Apologise not got back to you sorry to hear this.
    I thought British Lung Foundation would be more understanding.

    Have this organisations I do know throwing help and support lines at you I just have compassion, empathy .

    Please have you contacted the other ones.

    Do have these for money and welfare just more links I know . I am concerned have care for all our members.

    Do you have mental health issues there are charities who can help you.

    At same time look at your situations .

    Anxiety or depression, these are ones can be supported offer a lot of guidance, advice and information.

    Also add one other offer floating support.  Benefit advice, support and anything else.

    They do take clientele with other conditions, disabilities. Well as mental health.

    Might not be in all areas and you can self refer or speak to your GP.

    Please if I can help further please ask .

    Please take care.

    HELPHELPHELP Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Hi thank you for your message and concerns.

    l do believe l had tried everything within my power to help myself and joining this forum was my last resort.

    Mony advice were and still are useless causing more stress in my life which has been ongoing for nearly 1 year.

    Turn to us again of no use.

    Mind and rethink are just like scope a signposting service.

    My gp says there is no further help from the doctors at the surgery.

    The only placed l have not tried is the richmond fellow ship but l am scared it would be just another sign posting service whereby l am far too ill to keep being sign posted.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited March 2020
    Hello @HELPHELPHELP   Thank you for contacting the forum.

    You contacted Mind and Rethink sorry if you had some problems.

    Please can I ask have you contacted any one else I suggested.

    I am very surprised MIND or RETHINK did not advise you .

    I have used their services before and  supportive and informative, they do offer a lot.

    A lot of services do know are experiencing difficulties with influx of clientele.  Including financial and staff shortages.

    Please if you contacted them did you ask for an assessment need some one to talk to.?

    I know every time I contact any one write it down make it short, simple and to the point.

    I struggle speaking to these organisations, so write it down.]

    In fact any one.

    Far as they are a signposting service they will in part of their assessment of you, Visit you discuss care plans what is needed and any additional support.

    Whether outside or in house.

    It all depends what you want. I have to share this had problems my self first times with any services because need to be clear, specific and what I need.

    In many services if I can say this are there role to support you and make sure that you can cope, deal with any issues.

    Independence and being responsible, practical solutions to guide, advise you to be more aware of your problems.

    They do not make decisions for you make demands unless you agree with anything they offer.

    Run you life for holding hands as my last mental health support added.

    Do not do that.

    They are there to give you some moral and positivity self esteem.

    We at SCOPE offer information, advice, guidance and any organisations relevant .

    Please may I add many organisations charities this what they do, as well.

    I do not know how to advise you or support you. I was going to suggest other links or organisations.

    Sorry to sound negative just am frustrated like you are. Try my best to give those much help and support as I can.

    These are Cancer ones but I do know how they can help you.

    I will ask my team colleagues to see how we can help with anything.

    @Adrian_Scope      @Chloe_Scope   Please how can we as SCOPE help this member.

    Please I hope they will be in touch asap.

    Please take care.
