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Housing pip benefits
My son lost his dla and I lost all benefits and because I wasn't a carer I lost my hb council tax ect and put on uc now I've won my son's pip they didn't put me on income support and now have council on my back saying overpayment lha sending bailiffs I am all ready paying housing rent arrears over 1.000 and council billed…
Peto institute in hingary
wondered if anybody could tell me cost, length of time there and if u return
5 year old with sensory proccessing dissorder
Hiya my 5 year old as spd she as severe anxiety which makes it very difficult for him to sleep have known him to have an hr sleep he doesnt feel safe when hes asleep he also as speeech delay he as saw an occopational thearpy and adviced he needs a safe place we have tried a safety sleeper which is medical equipment can use…
Finding things for my daughter to do
Hello mums and dads. I'm finding as a separated dad of a 13 year old daughter with Cp. ...it's getting harder and harder to find things to do as she is a young lady now and don't really want her dad about but finding it harder to do things that our different than her sitting around on her ipad... My friends will never…
Rights of a carer
I have a 15 year old son who has Angelman Syndrome. I work full time and rely heavily on my eldest daughter to take care of him while I'm working (I best stress that my daughter is 31 and has children of her own so caring for her brother fits in with her life at the moment) my query is about disability leave. When my son…
Respite break
I am mother of three boys - all have autism to a differing degree. I lost my husband suddenly four years ago and sometimes feel very alone now so wanted to join this forum for friendship and support. Really struggling at the moment with my 20 year old son and could do with a respite break Any ideas would be helpful My son…
advice regarding medical negligence
I'm looking for some advice regarding both medical negligence regarding a 35 year old man (my son) resulting in his death. Also if anyone has information regarding Coroners. Can they make a finding from a hospital report that has important facts missing (visits to a&e) and even though aware not take on to an inquest? I've…
Hi I'm looking for advice on applying for carers allowance, I am a full time carer for my mom and we live together and she gets all the highest benefits does me applying for carers allowance effect any of her benfits. Has anyone got any experience and what happened after they applied
83yr old mother in law showing signs dementia
I have a 21 daughter with Autism and Rheumatoid arthritis. I also have my 83yr old mother in law every weekend who is showing signs dementia I am finding it very hard to cope with her, as she will not agree that anything is wrong.
Looking to meet other parents of disabled children
Hey, I have recently joined to find some other people who have children or a child wth a disability. My son has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy and is a twin but his sister is fine just has delayed development as they were 29weeks. My friends either feel sorry for me or brush off my sons needs and don't really make an…
How can I help my daughter to make simple decisions?
I am looking at info or advice and how to support my daughter making simple decisions as she is a people pleaser and doesn't want to upset anyone
Step son with mild CP and behavioural issues
My step son has a mild form of cerebral palsy. Both his legs are affected but mostly on his left side and is undergoing various experiments to have them made as good as possible. Mentally he is fine. He is clever and actually smarter than his sister's (which they'd kill me for saying). He has behavioural issues which I do…
Sleep solutions sleep trial
hey everyone it's my first time posting I have a LG who is 12 she has ADHD and ASD amount other things. She doesn't sleep very well so we were referred to sleep solutions for the second time. We have tried everything the sleep solutions person said that my LG has parasomnia (sp) and severe delayed sleep cycle she said that…
Psychology help for my deaf child
Hi New here but seeking any advice. My son is 7 and moderate to severely deaf. He is in mainstream school and generally ok besides regular "incidents". His behaviour at home is horrendous. He screams at the drop of a hat or if he doesn't get his own way. It's awful. We are seeing DEAF CAMHS but not much interaction from…
Any advice or ideas for 7 year old son?
Hi, my name is Melissa, I'm 30 from Lancashire. I am a single parent to a gorgeous 7 year old boy who knows exactly how to get what he wants! My son was only 3.5 when I had a car accident which has drastically changed my life. The full extent of the damage and a full diagnosis still evades the NHS. All we know is I went…
Advice on how to help my brother
Hi Everyone, I have a brother (he is in his mid-twenties) who suffered brain damage when he was born. The damage was to his cerebellum, which has resulted in his speech being slurred and his balance and fine motor movement being quite bad. Today he has achieved a lot in his life. He has a BA in graphic design and a level 8…
Hi, my name is Kirstyp!
Hi I'm a single mother to a 4yr old boy I suffer from osteoarthritis in my hips and spine due to complications when younger. I also suspect I'm getting in I'm my knees too.
Summer cheap and cheerful holiday activities
The Summer Holidays are upon us and we all know the pinch of a tight budget, so here are some cheap and cheerful holiday activities that come from a blog post created by parents and carers for younger children. Please do add your own hints and tips at surviving the next 6 weeks. How will you be spending the summer holidays…
Calling all lovely disabled parents
Heya! We are two disabled parents of two beautiful young children and we would really like to make friends with fellow disabled parents, have a laugh together and support each other through life's many struggles. We would really like our children to connect with other children who have disabled parents so they can all grow…