Undiagnosed Condition in PIP review
Hello all, My PIP review papers have landed. I am currently on the enhanced care rate for Autism, and anxiety and depression, no mobility element. My GP and I have been having discussions around ADHD, and I have scored highly on the initial questionnaire. So he is putting a referral in, and obviously there is a waiting…
Pip review
HELLO, I sent my PIP review form on the 8th of MAY, I’ve since called twice to confirm if they received it and they still haven’t yet received it. Could it be that it’s lost in the post? If so what steps can I take next?
Hi, my name is san63! How did my assessment go?
I have just recently had a phone assessment for my PIP application. I have hearing loss in both ears and cannot function without hearing aids. In addition to this I recently was told my hip has changed to severe and I now need an hip replacement, awaiting letter from specialist. I informed the assessor of this but it's…
Hello Everyone! Maybe someone that knows better can help me with a query.In my PIP award letter says they will contact me after 2024 probably sent me a form and it also says on march 2025 my PIP will end that would be three by then,my question is will the renew my PIP in 2025 after an assement or I do not have the right to…
Access to Work and PIP appeal
hi all I am in the process of appealing the Daily Living Component of my PIP. I received EM only. I am putting together my case for tribunal and wondered about the evidence I have from my recent Access to Work grant for lots of equipment to help me do my job.Should I submit this as evidence as it clearly explains why I…
PIP Evidence Question
It's taken me 4 years after my ADHD diagnosis to get the time and cognitive resources (and courage) to apply for PIP. In that time, I've amassed a bunch of other debilitating physical conditions including a degenerative spine issue and neuromas in my feet (the joy), so I now don't walk without pain. Ironically I think this…
Existing Claimants with a 10yr soft touch.
Hi A couple of years ago I had my PIP reassessment which resulted in receiving a 10yr soft touch,now the government,mainly Sunak,describes everyone as part of the " sicknote" culture,assuming every person who receives PIP as fit for some sort of work regardless of their problems. This voucher scheme is ridiculous,almost…
Good day. My pip is due to run out in December 2024 but I got my review questionnaire already which I have sent back. Does this mean that the review takes that long or they could change my pip before December?
Pip tribunal
Hello, long story really short I was refused pip for chronic CFS and depression and anxiety no points after horrendous assessment and treatment by DWP - I sent MR in and it was changed to 6 points for daily living still 0 for mobility - I have so many issues to raise witn the whole process I now have my tribunal hearing…
Pip tribunal appeal
Hi, I've been going through the pip process got refused at first then done a mandatory reconsideration and was awarded standard rate daily living but I believe I am entitled to more so have appealed to go to tribunal. The dwp had until the 15th October to respond and I had a telephone call last week just asking what…
Applied for pip
I'm so sorry to bother you, I applied for pip in march had my phone call 2nd may, had a txt on 3rd may saying my assessment is with the assessor and then a txt on the 20th saying the still haven't made a decision, so I requested my assessment letter and at the back page it says based on the claimant's likely future…
Review. Should I tell the assessor at the start that my memory is poor?
Hi guys. So in 2018 had a brain hemmorage and brain surgery. Also had brain surgery in 2019 and just had it again 15wk ago. I was awarded enhanced daily and lower mobility in 2018. In 2020 at my review I received enhanced in both awarded for 4 years. I've just sent my review form back with evidence and doctors name,…
PIP disability cost of living
Hi Is there another payment of £150 expected this year?
Address to send evidence
hi all, Send pip review form August 2023, need to send supporting evidence, not sure what address, There is a address on letters i get every year on how much ill get, Should i use that one or is there a different address for evidence. Thanks in advance
I’ve been told I’m going to be getting LCWRA the highest rate, I’ve been waiting for this for a year now and I know I have to wait 3 months before I get it, but could someone please help me with this question as I’ve asked on my journey but no one replying, when will I get my back payment will I have to wait 3 months or…
Hi, my name is cloughley! who do I call for a new entitlement letter?
Hi there I have had my original certificate of entitlement for many years but just recently bought a newer car. The garage wouldn’t accept my old certificate to tax my car(they actually paid the tax for 6 months)and I would like a new one. I live in Scotland and my pip is now called Adult Disability Payment.. who do I call…
Pip appeal
Hi does anyone here have any experience of pip appeals? Does it always go to appeal if the dwp then change their mind and agree with you? I lodged my appeal 28 days ago today can anyone tell me what to expect thank you in advance.
Hiy.name is Ashleigh pip is new to me.i went for me MRI they know or.could I ring to ask if they need results and.ask about me pip or they rather you leave it alone
Only backdating mobility component and not daily living?
Ive been on PIP for 7 years now and a year ago i received the usual review form which i filled in and sent off. I waited a while and only had my assessment a few weeks ago. Had a phone call Monday to say my award had been raised from standard living to enhanced. I also got standard mobility where i had none before. I spoke…
PIP advice
Hi, I need advice. I had a PIP assessment for the first time as I never applied for PIP before, do you think I wasted my energy and my time with my PIP assessment on the phone on Wednesday (22 May, 2024)? because other people with more serious health issues gets turned down for PIP when they first applied, but what chance…