Returning to work
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could share some advice. I'm currently on pip and LWCRA pip enhanced. I have been on this for over a year. I'm returning back to work. My rent is 1050 which housing pay for. I will be potentially returning back to work on the 1st April. I will obviously not be entitled to the enhanced mobility…
My chair was taken, should I complain?
I have a disability that affects my mobility and causes alot of pain I work in an office and I had to repeatedly ask for a chair with arm rests to support my upper back and offer stability when sitting and getting up. After a few months a chair was found, nothing special just an office chair with arms. One day a week a new…
Looking for Full Time - Permanent Remote/ Work From Home Jobs
Hi all I am trying to find Work From Home (Remote working jobs. Where can I start looking? I have looked on Indeed and Reed Any other suggestions?
Access to work for Hybrid Job and Autism
Hi everyone. I have been recently diagnosed as autistic. I have especially been struggling more recently in work with social communication issues and have had reasonable adjustments to work from home 2 days a week as otherwise I have continous shutdowns from being overwhelmed in the office which has led to a few burnouts…
Health issue put on work WhatsApp group
The reason for me being off work sick was put on our works WhatsApp group. This happened in 2022 but I've not been well enough since to find out if they have breeched any confidentiality rules. I no longer work for the company but I still have the chats as proof. The information given out was for an ankle injury and it…
Disability discrimination Employment Tribunal
Hi all, Happy new Year I'm new here , and i was wondering if exist a member that has the knowledge of the employment law. I have an employment tribunal and I'm struggling mentally to do any work on my case. If someone can help will be much appreciated
Finding work after a spell in hospital.
Is there any help out there for people like myself who have previously been detained under the mental health act to find work? I'm finding it hard to bounce back after a stay in hospital.
Legal support against disability discrimination at employment tribunal
I am new to the community and would like to know the legal support against disability discrimination in employment tribunal
Best place to find remote working if visually impaired
Where is the best place to find remote working if visually impaired?
LCWRA with Anxiety and depression
I am on LCWRA recently but want to get back to work. I’m not sure if I can though so have got myself a two month role to see how I get along. I’m off with anxiety and depression. Will it affect my LCWRA if I find it’s too much and can’t cope. I want to move forward but also mindful of I get worse whilst in work. I’m not…
Anxiety and work
Hi I need some advice, I have been working from home for a while - 3 months - due to ongoing agoraphobia and anxiety. My company want someone in the office so my boss said I could work part time from home so a person could then work part time in the office. Which was fine for me. Now they have changed their mind and said I…
Hi Everyone I'm SaundRock (don't ask) Employer unwilling to help with my workload.
I'm terrible at knowing what to say in this sort of thing. Anyway, hi everyone
Help please...Advocacy advice
Hi everyone, I'm currently having issues with my current employer and I'm not sure how to what to do next. Just wondering if anyone can recommend an Advocacy service that might be able to offer me guidance ?
NHS ill health retirement.
Evening everyone.. I was diagnosed with several.chronic illnesses last summer and had to be reployed from my beloved front line NHS job. I've been WFH full time since the diagnoses.. however it has been a massive struggle. I've just applied for flexi working and to drop to PT hours. I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow…
Reasonable Adjustments refused
Hi all, I'm struggling to recognise if I have been discriminated against, although I feel that something isn't right. In 2022 I was told that there was going to be a restructure and they'd decided to put me onto a customer facing role and that there was nothing else they could offer. This triggered my mental health and…
Claiming lwcra and UC
Hi there, I wanted to ask if anyone has advice on whether I am allowed to be on lwcra and UC if I have started a limited company and I am the director of it. I am making very little money from it in these first few months but I wanted to check if I have to declare this to the UC people. (Any money coming in is in the…
Carers Leave Act 2023
Does anyone know if a Carer can take time off for their own respite within the scope of this new legislation?
Medical dismissal, out of work 3 years, will I ever find a job again?
Someone give me some hope while I deal with my mental health issues I’ve been dismissed and not worked for three years and I’m panicky at the thought of never holding down a job.
Agoraphobia and working from home
Hi I need some advice. I have had anxiety for many years but recently I have gotten worse and now have agoraphobia. As a result I am unable to go out alone. For the past 3 months I have been working from home, however the company do not want this to carry on and said they need someone in the office so I will either have to…
Hi, my name is shine! Looking for advice with adjustments
Hello All, I have a chronic condition and mental health issues, I work full time - office based as admin support for a hospital. I muddle through the best I can, like the most of us - but its getting harder - 57 this year, I am so grateful to be here, I have asked for a reasonable adjustment to work two days at home of two…