Hi there, I am looking for some advice. I have recently been awarded LCWRA from 1/11/23 and been told via my journal that LCWRA payment will be available from my next statement with payment 6th April 24 with no back pay. I am a bit confused by this, as I first provided fit notes from 28th August 23 with no gaps and my…
Reasonable adjustments in hospitality re: hours
I’ve worked in hospitality most of my life, only in the last 5 years or so have I begun getting diagnosis and support for what I always struggled with and i’ve been at my current place of work for two years now! Never made it past a year anywhere else, most often a few months. I have adhd/autism as well as other metal…
My job is making me ill
Hi all, this is my first post and I am looking for advise. I feel like I have no one to turn to or get advise from and always everyone thinks I am strong (people always say strongest person I know)- in reality it’s an act as behind closed doors i am lonely, isolated and cry most days. I alway try give the impression…
Husband, his Fit Note and UC
Hello, I am disabled and claim UC - I have the full component of ESA/WRAG. My husband has been off work from his full time job, sick for 3 weeks. He is allowed another week off, as per his sick note. My question is, does he need to update UC with a copy of his sick note? I'm worried that because I think I will receive more…
H&S in the workplace - reasonable adjustments
**Trigger warning** Posting obo my stepdaughter. My stepdaughter has well documented MH issues and works part time in a care home. One of the new male residents has a DV marker on his care record. During her shift yesterday her manager assigned her to provide him with personal care, which she refused to do as the resident…
Company Takeover and Disability
Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on where I stand if I do, the company I work for is due to be taken over by another organisation as they won the contract when it went to tender, this process as been going on for some time and last week we were told that the current organisation as blocked the new organisation taking…
How to change jobs?
Hello all and thank you for reading my post. I am 60, work in a school as a DT technician part time. I am a war pensioner with bad legs and now find that the physical nature of my job is taking it's toll, I don't want to cease work but realise I can't do the active work thing anymore, I am looking around at less physical…
discriminatory recruitment assesment
Hello, i recently undertook an assessment for a job application process and was rejected. the assessment involved summering a large text in 200 words. it was conducted over Microsoft teams, the text was presented to us in a series of images (clearly screenshots) of the text. this made it nearly impossible to follow due to…
Hi it’s looking as though I may be made redundant due to a long term illness that I have as I am not fit to go back to work. I am currently on Universal Credit, LCWRA & PIP. My question is will UC take the 55p of every £1 that I receive from the redundancy. I’ve tried to get in contact with citizens advice and it’s…
Payment for Carers
Hi, I am Mary (previously here as kazasid) I was carer for my son (now deceased) for the 10 years he lived with Wegeners Granulomatosis. I now receive state pension, but I am still angry. Not least at having the government delay my pension 6 years! I am in the process of creating a petition asking for carers presently…
Want to get back to work from lcwra
Hello all I've been claiming LCWRA for 2 and a bit years now for depression and anxiety/panic attacks and would like to get back to work. The money was enough to get by, but now I would like to repay debt and save for luxuries like clothes or holidays maybe (get back to a normal life). I don't want to go through the hassle…
Hi, my name is markmack! Employer said adaptations are unreasonable, any advice?
Hi, I am a lower right leg amputee since march23, I gave come to this site as my employer has deemed my request for adaptions as unreasonable and any help and thoughts are welcome good or bad, I need to see this from both sides of the argument, I am an hgv driver, I have found a company prepared to make necessary…
Hi, my name is cbissex! Any advice about reasonable adjustments?
looking for advise on my employer making "reasonable adjustments" for my disability
Permitted work
Hi there I'm looking for advice. I currently claim ESA and do permitted work. I work on average 10-15 hours a week on a zero hours contract. I have now been offered a 15 hour contract. I'm wondering if accepting this contract would cause any issues with DWP? The total earned would be below the threshold. Thanks in advance.
Hi, my name is sandybeach!
Hello - hope everyone is well. Thank you for being here. Even though its online, I am still feeling a bit anxious but want to hear and share experiences of work issues while dealing with a traumatic event.
Carers Allowance and work
Recently I read an article, which I have attached and I just wanted to share with everyone that you can earn up to £151 per week, 2024-2025 figures - after DEDUCTIONS which is not that much but is better than nothing. Here are deductions that can be taken into account from Carers UK.…
Under promoted due to my disability
I was a driving instructor and assessor up-until January. I worked indirectly for this company via a third-party training company, who they used to train their trainees up. When three permanent positions for instructor came up, I was told to apply. I did. But then they told me I had an interview and missed it, which I…
Requested a reasonable adjustment along with OH report recommendation.
Hello all, I have a situation at work which has been going on for a while. It's a long story so, I will only mention the later parts. Okay here we go. Earlier this year I was signed off work with acute anxiety & depression and had to increase my medication I am on. My employer was already aware that I was/am taking…
Work place discrimination
I saw an email exchange between manager and supervisor, regarding me. The email referred to me as "funny", but in negative connotation, For example, weird, odd or strange. I pointed it out to the manager and she said she would speak to them about it. I feel that she is just saying that to cover the person, as everyone…
Searching for Permanent Work
Hi, Hope all is well. I have already Signed up for the 12-week Program where you help finding me employment. Can you please let me know what other services you can also help/guide me with?