I have autistic son no speach hes 30 years old 6ft big lad and for the last 7 years he pick and rip his clothes and of late its become an obsession everyday whenever he can he locks himself in toilet and rip his pants socks trousers jumpers ..when i try to tell him he become aggresive and go into rage and first time this…
Hi there My daughter just turned 20 and has autism and learning difficulties, she's hating college due to the fact of bullies and she doesn't fit in, I'm wondering has anyone had dealings with the national autistic society, are they helpful? We're in Glasgow and we've never been offered any help or anything but I feel I…
Hi this is me
Hi I'm Robert, I've lots of conditions but I'm good. I'm high brain functioning autistic, hypoxic brain damaged, respiratory and some others, but not giving in.
i’m lia, i’m 19 and i really want to make friends with people that may have the same diagnosis as me, i have ASD, ADHD, depression, anxiety and a few other diagnosis. my email is [removed by moderator] if you want to email me and be friends :)
Daughter with aspergers and may have PDA
Hi I'm struggling and have been for a long time I have health issues myself ,but my main person is my daughter shes 17 got diagnosed at 15 with aspergers , in the past year shes took 2 over doses and self harmed twice the most recent was self harming last sunday ,she cut through her groin and had to be stitched ?. I have a…
use this chat to talk on if I can be bothered which I can't at the moment
Hi all
I'm new here, I have a 19 year old daughter with autism and learning difficulties. Shes at college and I take and pick her up two days a week. I thought she'd be more sociable by now but she isn't and also seems to be getting bullied by other's in college, she's so down. I raised it with the college but they blatantly…
Changes im behaviour
Hello im after some advice regarding my son who is 7 he has autism and severe learning difficulties. My son has always been quite a calm little man who is giggly and a jumper nothing made him happier then bouncing on his peanut ball singing! He used to be in his own little world most of the time but in the past year he has…
Sensory problems and sex
I'm new here but I'm hoping someone can help with something I've dealt with for more than 10 years. I have Asperger's and I'm 28 years old, officially undiagnosed but I've been thoroughly screened by my psychiatrist and a behavioral doctor. My husband and I have been together since 2007 and we have 2 kids. Over the past…
Has anyone ever dealt with the condition dyscalculia? I’d never heard of it but a private maths tutor thinks my soon may have it.
Autism and Housing
I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me some advice. I currently rent my home from a housing association, we live in a two bedroom house (myself, partner, teenage daughter and four year old son.) My son has Autism, Global Development Delay, Sensory Processing Disorder and Hypermobility. Our house is far from…
Adults with ASD
I'm 58 now, found out I was on the spectrum earlier this year. Saw a school psychologist back in the 70s coz I was disruptive, got into fights, got bullied, didn't fit in with the other kids etc, but IT GOT MISSED! So all these years later, feeling like an alien from another planet, as I'm not 'like other people' I now…
Speaking in Code
Why is it so difficult for NT's to understand that I get upset when I am told we are going out at 10.30, I will be ready in 10 minutes etc. Then keep me waiting 40 minutes. I just don't get it why they don't think that's a problem to someone with Aspergers! ?
How can I deal with my emotions better? Aspergers
I suffer really bad asperger's and often upset people how can I deal with my emotions better
We have two children, a boy who is 12 years old he was dignoised when he was in recption at his primary school with dysprixa and he has also been dignosied with global development delay and on the border of add, and was affected with sodium valproate when he was little as I had to take it as I have got epilspy and had it…
Can’t cope with my sons anger
My son has recently been diagnosed with ASD and SPD. He is 5 and has been a challenge since birth, anger being the main issue. I don’t know where to start with his diagnosis or how to get help, I can’t cope with his behaviour any more it’s destroying me
Waiting for a autistic diagnosis for my 16 year old son.
I don't know how to handle this please help I'm a single mum. ?
Strategies for communication & boundaries for an adult parent with autism/ asperger's
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice. My mum told us a couple of weeks ago that she has a high suspicion that my dad has Asperger's with Pathological Demand Avoidance. She had been at some autism training which was led by a gentleman with Aspergers & recognised a lot of what he was saying with my dad. She…
Struggling with a violent adhd autistic child
Hi I'm new here I'm really struggling with my daughter shes 10 but mentally 3 I have no support and social services and Chad have said I'm doing all I can and nothing they csn help us with ciams won't medicate her she barely sleeps abd is violent to me and my so x
My beautiful autistic adult son
I just need to offload please. I don't expect help but just to share my story. My son is 24. He was my first child but from the day he was born he was different. He never stopped crying; had a super human energy and hallucinated. My now ex husband and I adored him. He didn't sleep and we took it in turns to walk miles in…