Hi, I'm rory2023! Should I automatically be on LCWRA after reaching pension age?
It says on the website once you reach pension age and are getting attendance allowance you automatically get LCWRA but when I ring up they don’t seem to know about it . I was already getting it before I turned Pension age but it stopped
Current status of esa/uc reassessments post covid
I know a similar post has been posted in the esa section of this forum so but as this involves uc ppl too I’d thought I’d start a new thread here i think as soon as the last 1-2 months it was confirmed by someone with insider knowledge (I think? Don’t quote me on that) that reassessment for income related esa were still…
Hi, my name is Shadabhatami! I would like to cancel my monthly donation
I would like to cancel my monthly donation. What’s the first step?
New stye esa. I'm in the support group, and have been asked to attend interview with work coach?
I had a letter saying I have to go to an interview with a work coach but doesn't involve any work related activities but to update there system .but I'm in the support group and I'm stressed about this as I thought they left you alone in this group , but I have to attend .
Adult disability payment
Hi my name is Margaret was wondering if anyone can advise me on Adult disability payment
Financial support after surgery
Hi, I’m having a hip replacement on 25/10/23. Am I eligible for any kind of financial aid for bills and rent.
Cost of living payments eligibility
Hi everyone, I've been doing some investigation about cost of living payments for year 23/24. I am currently claiming universal credit as a single person, I started my claim on 5th march, I lost my job the very same month due to medical condition, I started my disability claim and I'm awarded LCRWA. Am I eligible to any…
Changing from child tax credit to universal credit
Hi - We received a letter today from DWP to saying that we will shortly receive a Universal Credit Migration Notice letter. We receive child tax credit. Has anyone gone through the migration to Universal Credit yet? Is the process easy to follow? I also receive ESA. Will this also change? I believe PIP is still a separate…
Hi I have a little concern about my LCRWA. I first provided my fit note on 5th May 23, had my health assessment on 12th Sep and decision was made to award me LCRWA on 25th Sep. My UC pay date is 11th of every month. Can someone help me, when I will start receiving my new pay and if I will receive any back pay.
Benefits I am/was Eligible but did not known
Hello, I have question in regards to benefits eligible for in past. For example: Mr X had a accident in December 2019 which affected his ability to work from 2019 Dec to March 2020.(Accident was in workplace and caused due to Health and Safety breach by employer.) He does not claimed any benefits in this time, he had a…
Social housing
Hi I have posted on another link. I’m waiting to be rehoused with social housing as a single 55yr woman. So I will only be entitled to a one bedroom home. I’m on full pip, disability, mobility. I have older children who have their own homes and children, but my one son who is 30 suffers with depression terribly but still…
Hi, my name is Fudge123! Different Rates
hi I was wondering if anyone could advise me I have been on universal credit for 5 years and my daughter got dla middle rate for a month a month later got high rate I didn’t inform universal credit as I didn’t know there were two different rates and only just noticed can anyone advise me
PIP assessment process
My 41 year old daughter has ASD, a spinal physical disability that causes her great pain If she tries to reach above her chest, suffers severe migraines, suffers from anxiety and depression, and has zero sense of smell. she was born with a severe AV Canal heart condition and was expected not to survive more than six…
ESA - CB support group, Changed to UC Oct 2020 still confused!
I have been on ESA CB Support Group for roughly 7-8 years, when I was released from work on medical grounds. I was a single parent recieving approximately £235 fortnightly plus child benefit. At the start of my claim my daughter was down as my carer, whilst also attending college. I remember sobbing on the phone to them…
UC50/CHDA Help Please
Hi everyone, I am brand new here and also brand new to the benefits system its all very complicated and takes a lot out of you doesn't it. I already receive enhanced PIP we sorted that one out. My question is, I returned my UC50 form (as I'm trying to apply for LCWRA) recorded delivery and they received it yesterday, well…
Just A Warning About Carers Allowance
I know a carer who didnt receive their carers allowance today due to PIP not informing them the disabled person had been given an extension on their PIP. Carers allowance said its not PIP who should have told them about the extension its the carers duty, so be warned if your carers money hasnt gone in it could be down to…
Hi, my name is tanis1809! still confused about benefit stuff
ok i am 62 live in skegness and on ESA .but still confused about benefit stuff.
Esa, pip and pregnancy
Hi, I’ve recently found out i am pregnant. It’s been quite a shock. I am unsure of what that means for me financially. I am single and live alone with my son. I am disabled and receive support group Esa and higher rate pip daily living and mobility. I was wondering if anyone knows if I will be forced to move over to…
Hi, my name is dean1971!
How do I get the cares element
I really need some advice, I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing or not, please don’t bash me if I’m in the wrong, i already feel like I’m in the deepest black hole Over Christmas one of my children ran away, they came home for a few nights here and there, then in April they disappeared. I knew who they were with just…