What benefits rates or other amounts might I be entitled to
I currently get standard universal credit allowance rate with lwcra I’m not even sure if that’s right then I get enhanced disability payment and rent totalling 1120 then I only receive 360.00 pip and have done for a long time apparently this is standard daily living and enhanced disability. since migrating from esa a few…
Currently on LCWRA and also PIP.. i have just currently found out i am pregnant..
Hi.. i need some advise please.. i am currently on LCWRA and also PIP.. i have just currently found out i am pregnant.. firstly do i need to update them with this and also will it affect my awards and payments.. thank you in advance..
Hi. I’m on esa my partner is on uc so I’m on uc, I’m not sure do I tell uc I’m pregnant or how does it work? Also does it affect my esa? Will I get reassessed? I’m worrying now. Help please
Hi, my name is jan14! Contacting the DWP
I see that a lady managed to get through to them on something other than e mail. Can anyone tell me what's it's called please, because whilst I've coloured my hair, had a shower, got pj's on and dried hair, I've been hanging on, on the telephone waiting to speak with the DWP for 2 hours!!!!! I'm new to this, so please, be…
Hi, my name is mimi9393! Why would there suddenly be an overpayment in HB and CT?
I hope you may be able to help. I love with my mother because of her care needs: 1 mother receives ESA, PIP daily living and mobility standard 2. I get UC, carers allowance not working. recently my mother’s housing benefit and CT has been reduced with an alleged overpayment because I live there and get carers allowance. I…
Change of bank details.
Sorry if this question is obviously and I’m sounding stupid, I just swapped my bank for the reward and it says that they will change everything over for me, and that if money is sent to my old bank that it will automatically redirect to my new bank and send a notification to the sender that my details have changed. Should…
Hi, my name is Lennybear17! PIP review and ESA payments
Hi , im new here , going through the stress of my pip reveiw , with a descision maker after 19 month wait , received esa letter today saying my esa payments will go into my bank from 27th march this week and to let them know if my payments are wrong , but i have been in support group for 3 years , worried this means im no…
Funeral plan gone into administration
Hi can anyone help. I took out a funeral plan & they have gone into administration I paid by standing order & the bank said I don't qualify for charge back. The company has said I will only receive between 10-20% of my monies back I paid £3,350.00 can this be right?
PIP - UC - Carers
Hi I was awarded PIP a few weeks ago at a tribunal, I am self-employed and receive UC, I receive carers allowance for my mum but a few weeks ago the carers allowance stopped as it did around the same time last year when they requested self-employment income, I had not received any forms so far and phoned in today and they…
Hi I’m looking for a bit of advice I receive pip just now and will be getting moved onto the social security payment next month I was diagnosed with osteopenia a few years ago which has now left me with pains and burning in my knees and feet when I walk or when I stand for to long which will sometimes result in my knees…
Hi, my name is rogercotton! Advice would be great - UC deducted money
any advise would be great .u c have deducted money from my payments for getting esa and carers allowance together though it never happened because when i applied for carers allowance i was told i wasnt entitilted to it as i was on esa. i have the letter from carers unit confirming this but was told by uc i owed them 2000…
Hi, my name is antonjanekids! I am on ESA income based I get PIP
hi i am on esa income based i get pip but no help any were council tax exctra i have a pension i can get due to retiring on ill health if i take a lump sum do i tell esa will it affect it i no if i receive a monthly sum that will but will the lump sum thanks
I’ll health retirement forms
Hi everyone. After battling with bipolar for the last 20 years, I’ve now also been diagnosed with spondylitis and fibromyalgia at the age of 52. I’ve decided to apply for IHR, after spending almost 5 months sick each year for the last 5 years - and am currently in a period of long term sick while I go through the IHR…
Lcwra back payment
Hi I’m new to this and I’m so confused I have been awarded lcwra from 17th nov 2022 my payment dates are 12th to 12th and paid on 19th just checked my payments and I received my first lcwra payment this month April 2023( 5 MONTHS LATER ) will I get any back dated payment or because it was sorted quickly does it not get…
What is regarded as severe mental impairment for Council Tax reduction?
As above I’m enquiring as to what is regarded as a severe mental impairment for receiving Council Tax reductions? I have looked for clarification online but it just states dementia, alzheimer's, stroke and other mental health illnesses. The latter isn’t of much help as this could be a plethora of illnesses. Thanks in…
Adult son moving from supported accommodation and changing to UC.
Hello all, my adult son ( age 33) is moving from supported into a one bedroom flat. It is in the next town and so I think he will have to transfer to UC. He is currently on ESA support group with SDP and has high rate mobility and care PIP. He receives housing benefit at the moment. I did look at the calculators but I am…
Universal Credit LCWRA help!!
Hi, I’ve been unable to work for a couple years due to physical impairments and have been claiming PIP and Universal Credit’s LCWRA. im just wondering as my partner has just moved in, we’ve let all the appropriate party’s know of the change and I was told I would be losing some money as my partner works. i was just…
Increase in benefits
Hi everyone. I receive PIP and lcwra, and once I had heard it was getting increased in April I just assumed I would be eligible for the increase. I received my UC for lcwra today and it was not increased. Can anyone help me out as to why this could be the case? Thank you
UC and savings/child's account.
Hello. I'm aware of £6000 savings limit before deductions. For some reason this £6000 hasn't changed for the past 10yrs or so. My question is, if my child has few thousand pounds in their account, can UC assume that this is my money and deduct some from my UC claim? Let's say I have £6000 in my savings and my child has…
PIP change of circumstance after getting prosthesis
Hi, I had a below knee amputation in January and applied for PIP. Am pleased to say I was given an enhanced award in both categories. However, I am about to start the process of physio & rehab at my local hospital with a view to getting a prosthetic leg. I am worried that this will affect my PIP entitlement as I have read…