Advice on aspects of the condition
Hi Ive had a left sided hemi paresis/hemiplegia (dependent who you talk to) since shortly after birth in 1974. Ive never really had an official diagnosis, but have a squint, slight facial changes and hold my hand curved up and walk with a limp, and have started to wonder about the way I eat/drink (so am effectively 1…
Hi, my name is Emmz86 looking for advice on increased pain as a adult
Hi! I'm new here. I have CP and have recently noticed a big decline in my mobility, the trips and falls have increased as has the pain, mostly in my hips and ankles. I recently visited my GP and she has referred my for physiotherapy. I haven't had physio since I was a child and I'm interested to know what others also found…
Bobath are talking about CP and chronic pain
{Man with CP looking at and using touch screen technology] Our friends at Bobath are hosting a free online meet-up to discuss CP and chronic pain. Wednesday 23rd of June 11:30 am until 13:00 Monthly Adult Meet -Up - Chronic Pain Series Tickets, Wed 23 Jun 2021 at 11:30 | Eventbrite
Researching experiences of adults with CP through art.
Researching the experiences of adults with CP through art This study proposes to use art to raise awareness and understanding of lived experience under policy for adults with Cerebral Palsy. Here is a link to an explanation and background information (please click download to see the document) The study will be conducted…
Hi, I'm sidlibby! Are penis issues i.e. premature ejaculation common in males with CP?
I am 33 yrs old and about ten years ago began experiencing numbing of my penis along with premature ejaculation and soft erections. Up until this point I had never had such issues. It was if it happened “overnight” I have spastic diplegic CP. only recently had I (through my own web search) found that this could be caused…
REVEAL -CP - Screening Study for People with Cerebral Palsy Symptoms
WHEN YOUR CEREBRAL PALSY SYMPTOMS GO UNEXPLAINED, A RARE GENETIC DISORDER MAY BE THE CAUSE For people diagnosed with cerebral palsy with no known cause or those with CP-like symptoms that look like cerebral palsy with no known reason, please consider this research study that may help identify if there is a rare underlying…
Study shows when people with cerebral palsy are most likely to break bones
[Image of people using mobility aids with limbs in casts] Throwing out one’s back is a universal, albeit clichéd, sign of middle age. What’s less common is 50-year-old men with the fragile bone strength of men in their 80s. Researchers at Michigan Medicine found a subset of middle-aged men with cerebral palsy are up to 5.6…
Portable curb rampsbe
Hi all, I wonder if you can help. I am looking for a portable curb ramp that I can carry with me on my mobility scooter. I’ve looked on line, but they are expensive and do not appear to be that portable. I would be very grateful for any advice or ideas. Thanks very much.
My 8yr old has been diagnosed with hemiplegic cerebral palsy after years of fighting with doctors
My son is newly diagnosed with cerebral palsy and I'm feeling a bit lost
Aging with Cerebral Palsy
Hello I have mild Cerebral Palsy (Ataxic) which affects my balance and coordination. For the past year I have noticed my balance has become more unsteady, which was mainly down to the whole pandemic as I wasn’t able to get out and do my usual routine/exercise. However I have now been back to a kind of normal now for a good…
Places I've Taken My Body - hear Molly speak about her experiences of living with cerebral palsy
The session will be held over Zoom on the 17th June. Book your free ticket here.
Cerebral Palsy and Aging
Hi all, I have only just joined the forum but have been a long time lurker on various threads. I am 23 [M] with cerebral palsy (mild spastic diplegia affecting mainly my right leg). I am fully independent and can drive, walk etc with no walking aids needed. However, recently I have become growingly concerned about the…
Hi, my name is syed usman! I have a son 7years old suffering from Cerebral Palsy
I have a son 7years old suffering from Cerebral Palsy (spastic diplegia) He is having difficulty in Standing and walking only.Your advice and prayers are much appreciated.
Hi 26 With Cp I want to talk about dating and Sex
Hello, My name is Samantha. I am 26 with mild spastic diplegia. I walk unaided. I am curious to know what it like dating and being in a relationship. I identify as Queer. I really feel this is an important topic for adults with Cp to talk about. Seeing as all the research I've been doing, hasn't really shown a fair…
Creating a wooden toybox for someone with CP
Hello, I am making a wooden toy box for a boy with CP. The goal of this toy box is to make it as risk-free and easy to use for the mother and possibly the boy in the future. My current concept and ideas to achieve this is to have rounded & sanded edges so that in the case of the boy falling or have CP related symptoms then…
Hi, I'm Emma. My 4yo daughter has CP and wants to be like her non-disabled friends.
hello all I have two children, my daughter who is 4 and my son who is 3. I had my daughter at 32 weeks because of placenta abruption, from this we found out she has hypoxic brain damage and cerebral palsy which effects both legs and her arms (but mainly her left arm) we are so very lucky that she is so strong and…
CP Sport create Frame Football resource for new England Football campaign
[Child using a walking frame with a football at their feet] England Football, The Football Association’s new home for participation and the grassroots game, has today launched Football Your Way, a new campaign to help disabled footballers return to the sport and reclaim the moments they have missed, as Covid-19…
Hi, I'm Sahrash! Opinions wanted about how useful a walking frame is for my son.
Please can someone advise from their past or current experience will a walking frame help overtime? My son is 4 and a half and doesn't move at all in the walking frame which he uses at school only.
My grandson has Lennox Gastaut and CP. Dr has recommended Corpus Callosum surgery. Anyone had this?
I am Jojos grandma and he has Lennox Gastaut and Cerebral Palsy. He has continuos seizures and we have tried various combinations of meds with no luck. After several VEEG and MRI’s his Epileptologist has recommended a Corpus Callosum surgery. Jordan is non verbal and becoming a teenager this month. I am here to read, learn…
Hi, my name is katy94! Has anyone else had other diagnoses as well as CP?
Hi there scope, my name is Katy and I have left hemi, I’m 26 and had this all my life. I’ve recently had a baby and since found that my problems seem to have worsened. Has anyone on here had any experience with this? I’ve only just found out about scope and I think it’s amazing that I can find people on here who have…